The gunplay is really good as is the sound. I'm getting 60fps with everything set to Ultra.
About 10 people at my midnight release at best buy. 5 for for forza 4 were MOH and I had both by my count.
Just curious, what are your specs? Also, anyone running the game on ultra post your specs.
Totally off-topic, but imagine working through freaking midnight, only to have 10 people show up.
Must feel horrible.
Day 1 Patch released... Are you fucking kidding me?
Hahahaha the game was like fundamentally broken when it went gold.
... No HUD except the objective and the occasional blue name that pops up, but it doesn't even tell you if you killed a guy creating a lot of tense moments ...
This shit will Bargain Bin during Black Friday
Haha yeah the controls do need to be changed before starting the game. Toggle couch and ADS is mandatory. I still don't understand why MOH Airborne "cover system" didn't become a standard. Is was so simple yet so effective.
These two posts in succession ... interesting.
- Looks like theres 13 missions in total based on the mission select screen. I played for about 45 minutes and just got to mission 4. I hope the missions get longer.
4x45 minutes = 180 minutes = 2.5 hours
Sad if true.
So because a shitty game has a no HUD option it can't be bargain bin material? Perhaps that feature is the sole reason it'll hit the bargain bin, not because the other 99,9% of the game is ass?
Not getting what you are trying to say.
Day 1 Patch released... Are you fucking kidding me?
aegies said:after about 2:40, i'm 9 missions in out of 13 in medal of honor: warfighter.
Fucking obviously, holy shit.
Quoted Post #1 = intriguing to me.
Quoted Post #2 = good time to buy.
This might be one of the shortest campaign ever made
I never get the issues with day one patchs, id rather they did this than let if be fucked for weeks, discs are pressed what a month or more before release so they have a full month on top to catch some of the issues that might have got through.
I never get the issues with day one patchs, id rather they did this than let if be fucked for weeks, discs are pressed what a month or more before release so they have a full month on top to catch some of the issues that might have got through.
I'm loving the MP on PC like I figured since the last time I played it quite a few months ago. It feels pretty smooth and does have its own feel to it.
Honestly, I'd say 7 out of 10. It's got some great ideas and their approach to SP is a lot more interesting than other games, but it does feel rushed in many ways. It's a shame since it has a lot of little details for people to catch up on that no other game will ever come close to yet the game is rough in some areas.
I'm a little more lenient on the MP since I played it a lot before release and it can be a lot of fun with the right modes. It has a lot of cool moments in MP like I said before and this is turning out to be the opposite of what I thought and how it was with the first MOH and that is: I'm having more fun with MP than SP in this. Coming in, I was more interested in the SP. The first MOH didn't blow me away gameplay wise, but its story was grounded and more raw compared to Hollywood so I loved it for capturing the comradery aspect of it all.
Do I regret paying $30? No, because I'll get that much enjoyment out of it.
It makes me shake my head at EA though. So damn sneaky. You should see the MOH forums right now. Of course I'm sure they'll have DLC pretty soon which will only enrage the forum folk even more.
It's a shame when you can see all the potential there yet so many problems stand in the way.
How did you get the game for $30?
sorry, internet died so i'm on my phone. ask someone for an origin code from bf3.
This might be one of the shortest campaign ever made
SP and MP screenshots:
Did they steal the weapons from Borderlands or something? They look fucking terrible. And all the colors just seem off.
I read some tweets earlier today, players having problems with all sorts of things with the game and the MOH twitter account asking "how long has this been?", "is this the first time this occured while saving?" etc.
... And people thought that it wouldn't be as bad as last time.
While its a little excessive thats basically what an AK family rifle would wind up looking once all that pretty black finish gets worn off. Though dont know why they put that effect on the wood front hand guard in the 2nd pic. The first one doesnt look as bad. But it seems odd to some due to the weathered effect + the digital desert? skin.
Give you a bit of an example here below.
It's more that they don't look real, like cell shaded or something. It just looks off.
And maybe I should have been a little more specific, when I was talking about the colors I meant the overall picture and not just how the weapon looked. The blacks in the first screen just looks crushed, can't make out anything in some of the darker areas.