The equivalent of saying Playstation All Stars bombed, therefore Smash will bomb. Utter genius.
I... don't think this is a good comparison.
First, Smash pretty much defined the genre worldwide long before PAS ever even began being made or formulated as an idea. So PAS bombing would have zero relevance to a franchise that already had worldwide appeal and repeated success. Second, one of these has Pokemon/Mario/Shulk, one of them doesn't. The brands PAS was trying to leverage are orders of magnitude less relevant than just having Pikachu on your roster.
The discussion being had here with Toukiden, GE, MH, et al., is about a genre/gametype that has never found success globally (sans MH more recently on the 3DS and even that is largely limited). So if one of them fails, there's no previous success to point at as any sort of basis of counter-claim. The only western aligned examples we have, sans 3DS, are of notable failures rather than defining successes.
Your example flips apriori and posteriori since PAS comes out AFTER the successes of Smash, but the discussion here is BEFORE any success has been observed on a western/global scale.