Nirolak, in the older thread, mentioned how Nintendo should entice more multiplatform games by allowing exclusive content for their platforms, in the vein of the recent Skylanders: Superchargers partnership.
Honestly, I really hope Skylanders is a start for their new approach with multiplaform games in general. It shouldn't be too shoehorned in, but I think multiplatform games with Nintendo-exclusive content that involves Nintendo properties too could really see better sales on Nintendo platforms. If such exclusive content involves (hopefully not in the way that they're needed) amiibo as well, even better. It'll be quite interesting to see how Skylanders will perform this year right because of the recent Nintendo x Activision partnership. It's a title that would've done comparatively decently on Wii U anyway (compared to other SKUs), but I'm pretty curious to see what's going to be the sales increase.
Yeah, it's true, stuff like this has already been seen back in the GC days (Mario & co. in EA Sports games, anyone?) and it didn't help that much. But it's possible that, with a better execution (I feel that Mario characters in "realistic" world games was a bit forced, for example. Not well executed), there can be better results.
Of course, I'm mainly talking about titles that Nintendo can (and should) get with NX, i.e. more casual-focused Western titles and a pretty good chunk of Japanese titles. Opening the amiibo frontiers to third parties could be amazing for all actors involved: imagine a One Piece game that has a specific One Piece amiibo line, or Yokai Watch. Even more niche titles could benefit. Acitivision being the first partner which could actually get its own amiibo line (based on Nintendo characters, but it's still their amiibo line) makes me hopeful things are getting more in motion for the future.