what? Who wants that? I'm tired of these great third party games sitting on Nintendo's crap (tech wise not quality) hardware.I say Nintendo needs to hook a big one, something exclusive that isn't niche that would grab everyone's attention.
Monster Hunter 5 or DQ11 Wii U exclusive would be a giant boost.
1st party-wise something like a proper big budget Pokemon RPG (not necessarily a mainline GF game) would also be big. Just because Game Freak can't be arsed to make it, doesn't mean someone else can't step in and do what they won't.
You'll have Japan pretty much with these. Now what's the west going to like?
Hard to say. I mean you could try to save a canned big western game. Prey 2 is one and there's the old rumor of Human Head folks working with Nintendo at Nine Realms, but Prey is under Bethesda, let's just say Bethesda and Nintendo do not see eye-to-eye.
Star Wars 1313? Nintendo is no stranger to having Star Wars close to their chest from the Factor 5 days. But we heard they had a similar shot with that Darth Maul game by Red Fly and that never took off.
As much as I want to see multiplats, history has shown that 9/10 ports are inferior, you're not going to grab anyone with those.
Who wants a third party to go exclusive, particularly on a weak platform?
I'm hoping for DQ series and MH something like NinoKuni happens, just port it to everything relevant.