i am not sure there were the price drop with the big three franchises that pushed the hard/soft ware to reach even these low numbers.i think the market really has shrinked and i am not sure about the future of next gen portables.in japan yes but what about the rest of the world.and what if the situation arises that the portables are the way to go in japan but not the west and how will this affect the release of next gen portables.
about third parties sales absolutely are one reason.another one is that the market in japan is shifting toward portables,and the japanese gamers want console graphics on the go and next gen console development will be even more expensive and more japanese developer will prefer a system thats easy to develop for and give them the chance to release on PS360 or PSN/XBL.thats my theory and whether its proven or not its up to debate
AZ2002, take a closer look at the data you're siting. I'm pretty sure you don't understand it.
The breakdown of the software numbers show that the region with the biggest fall off from the DS to the 3DS in those respective fiscal years are from Japan... the market you're not all that worried about. The DS sold 21.5 million games that year versus the 3DS 8.1 million thus far. The Americas should end up fairly close and "Other" will exceed the DS' software sales.
Furthermore, that 21.5 million was driven primarily by an insane year for Nintendo software. The DS had 7 million-sellers in Japan, 6 where from Nintendo... 17 of the Top 20 where from Nintendo or Pokemon Company. The DS had only 1 third party title over 250k at that point (assuming garaph is accurate), 3DS already has 3, with potentially 3 more by the end of the term. Third party sales on the 3DS are relatively even with the DS back then and should easily surpass it by the end of this fiscal year.
There are a few more quick points:
- The 3DS will be one quarter younger than the DS was in the year you've site. Its currently half a year younger, with a smaller overall userbase because of it. The 3DS, this partial fiscal year, has already matched the DS' full fiscal year hardware that year... hardware sales are strong enough for the 3DS to overcome the younger life.
-Nobody is denying that the 3ds had a piss poor start, but its recovered spectacularly. But this will leave it with a shorter ownership average, giving people less time to buy games. This will be overcome with time.