Are you suggesting Sony is trying to moneyhat their way back into relevance in Japan? I also doubt 3rd parties goals are as noble as to want to be the white knight of console gaming. What I can say is that looking at the current state of the market, pushing against the stream isn´t doing them any favours and the results in the past few years is the evidence.
And since you mentioned that maybe their intention is to save console gaming in Japan, just look at even the most optimistic guesses in favour of PS4 that it won´t outsell WiiU before 2016, to me that´s not exactly a promising outlook, considering all the 3rd party support PS4 is getting. What exactly do you mean by saving or in your words "maybe don´t want consoles to disappear" in Japan, do you mean consoles in general or specifically Playstation? Let´s be honest for a moment wouldn´t a hypothetical WiiU with the same 3rd party support as PS4 have had higher chances of success in Japan? considering WiiU is ahead when you align the launches, despite a far more limited amount of releases to boot? The 3DS is quite a good example of what could happen when a system isn´t only supported by their 1st party games but also by a relevant amount of 3rd party software.
What the Japanese 3rd party publishers seem to be heading to instead is a domestic market with two "broken" current-consoles, with one just a little bit less broken, but likely still even ending up selling worse than the disappointing PS3 in Japan.
Nope, i'm not suggesting that, because i cant say much about how 3rd parties operates since i basically know nothing about it. I can guess about what i think is most realistic though, and i think that the answer is no. I think it would cost too much money, and 3rd parties would make many of their decisions alone without needing money to make those decisions. I think that relationship between 3rd party and 1st party (that goes for every company, not just Sony) can have some impact on support in one way or another however, but i dont feel confident making any definitive statements outside of that because i know basically nothing about it.
Sure, its not about being noble or saving anything (if saving means bringing stuff basically back to the glory days). I did say that it was to succeed, as in having profits made. In the end, it has to be business decision/reason behind it. I think that 3rd parties doesnt want to give up on consoles because they think that there is, and will be, a market there, which means that it is possible to make money there. There is a reason why they still make console games at least. I'm thinking about consoles in general, not just Sony platforms.
Personally, i dont think that the PS4 have really gotten a lot of 3rd party support in Japan yet. The near future lineup is good though i think, but those games arent released yet, so we will have to wait and see how much that they will sell.
Regarding what you say about the WiiU, i'm sure that it would have sold better, but i have no idea about more specifics. We do know that systems that are greatly supported will sell quite noticeable more though, like you mentioned, indeed. I'm wondering why japanese 3rd parties didnt try a bit more with the WiiU. Yeah, consoles overall is most likely going to decline noticeably this generation as well. Hopefully for the 3rd parties, they will still find success. The software sales are the most important thing.
By the way, why do you think that 3rd parties make games for the PS4 and Vita?