Valve is private company (that don't want to be bought) and judging by Activision, Bethesda and Bungie acquisition it should go for about 10x their yearly revenue and that would put them in around 70B.Valve is 12B only? Why has nobody bought them yet?
Its always bullshit 99% of the time, thats why they always do these cryptic clue bullshit. From what he said you could take it as 'Take Two' or EA, or maybe even another studio, and with the curent climate of publishers being bought up, there is obviously a chance one of those will happen, its been speculated for ages now.
The 'insider' then comes out looking informed when one of these buys eventually happens.![]()
Sony isn't buying valve. If they were going to sell they would get more money from MS then they would Sony. Shoot they would get a higher price from most larger companies....And that's Valve. Valve is valued at around $12B which should make it easily affordable to Sony. Buying Valve would instantly give Sony the lion's share of the PC market and let them compete on two platforms the way MS currently does. It would boost their VR capabilities as well and they would have a portable system in the form of Steamdeck. Sony have been pretty cozy with Valve lately, porting many of it's exclusives to PC and putting them on Steam rather than creating their own launcher/service with PlayStation branding. Rumors also suggest that Valve is porting Half-Life Alyx to the PSVR2 as a launch title. It would be good for Sony but also for gamers who could hope to get PlayStation exclusives day one on PC and potential sequels like Half-Life 3 and Portal 3 that Valve haven't been interested in making despite heavy demand.
Some might suggest Epic as an alternative but Epic is more than double the price ($28B), has less market-share with its PC store and there could potentially be opposition to deal from a legal standpoint seeing as Unreal Engine is widely used by devs across all platforms. And while Fortnite would be a huge get, I feel like Valve IPs will have better value in the long run, as Fornite's popularity is sure to fade when the next big thing comes around as today's youth are very fickle-minded.
I certainly would welcome it. I think all these acquisitions by both MS and Sony are a good thing because I don't believe they are doing this so much in a bid to compete with each other but rather to fend off Apple, Google, Meta and Amazon who are eager took take over gaming and have the cash to buy whoever they want in order to do so. I also feel like many studios and publishers would much rather be bought by MS or Sony than by those other huge corporations that don't have the pedigree in gaming that MS and Sony have.
We really need a business board.Remember when we all used to argue about games?
Sony would be at the bottom of those negotiations.Why won't MS just outbid for Valve if that happened?
Why do I as a gamer care if Apple, Google or Amazon get into gaming? I would rather see that than consolidation. These companies are no more or less evil than Sony and Microsoft. I mean no more to them than a number and a dollar sign.I certainly would welcome it. I think all these acquisitions by both MS and Sony are a good thing because I don't believe they are doing this so much in a bid to compete with each other but rather to fend off Apple, Google, Meta and Amazon
Video game forums have some of the smartest people in world. Not only do they find time to play video games and surf the web all day, they are also executives of billion dollar video game companies and expert anti trust lawyers.
PC existed before Sony games on pc.What the hell are you smoking?
If it wasn't for Microsoft and Sony trying to bring quality games to PC you would be stuck with Valheims and PUBG's and early access everything.
Pc can get those, and improve it. That is the point of PC.5 years behind?
Maybe consoles are weaker with raw gpu power but right now pc don't even have direct IO storage like ps5 have. NVME drives are not utilized.
And I bet most developers would prefer to work for locked hardware anyway
ThisSony would be at the bottom of those negotiations.
If Valve was actually for sale, the big boys would come out to play (Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Google, TenCent, Facebook).
Ya know, the actual competition Phil Spencer talked about and then the internet mocked him for. Yeah, those guys.
MS has more money. They like Bungie.
We can safely assume they ultimately weren't interested in the price or Bungies conditions.
EA Genesis classics would be a great release. Give me Jungle Strike!!!I can't think of a single thing EA handles now I give two shits about.
Remember when we all used to argue about games?
Make sure Elon adds Ray Tracing. Those flat fucking graphics can use an upgrade.![]()
1 - As of now the gaming revenue that comes from dlc/mtx/season passes/GaaS/MP/F2P is growing a lot and is huge, Sony had to highly improve in these areas, to highly improve and learn in these areas. So bought a top key player on this area, who also will help teach their other teams who will try how to do it.1. Why did they decide to pull the trigger now?
No, maybe it's even the opposite and this and other Sony upcoming acquisitions triggered the ABK one. Bungie acquisition started half a year ago, ABK -according to WSJ- started in December when MS made the first approach to show interest on acquiring them (a month after Spencer said they were going to reevaluate their relationship with them).2. Did the Zenimax purchase initate this if not the Activision purchase?
Let me translate the OP for you:What on earth are you smoking?
In what world is the future of PC Gaming bleak?!
Bungie control Destiny in the same way Zenimax/Activision Blizzard controls their IPs. Sony has control just as MS has control, they are the parent company. The subsidiaries still own the IPs. This goes for Bungie, Zenimax and Activision-Blizzard.I want to agree with you, honestly, but Jim Ryan confirmed rival consoles himself. Bungie is confirming even new IP is confirmed for all consoles. They're saying they have full control and will be totally multi-platform. It doesn't sound like they're just speaking PC and Playstation. It seems like Sony negotiated from a weaker position, leaving Bungie to maintain an insane amount of contractual freedom and rights while STILL being under Sony's corporate banner. When Bungie say they still control their Destiny, that's them saying they, not Sony, own the IP to Destiny still...
Looks to me like Bungie ain't giving up another IP the way they gave up Halo ever again. Sony will benefit like an owner, true, but just not in the ways Sony is use to benefitting as an owner.