The PC gaming community is not the same as the console one. The uproar would be crazy on the Master Race side. I think I can say with the upmost confidence that the PC side wouldn't settle for that tomfoolery. But we'll see.All these aquistitions will lead to subscription services and no game ownership. It's delusional to think that PC gaming won't be effected by the consolidation of all the AAA devs. A complete oligopoly is being created. Sony/MS want every gamer paying $30 a month in perpetuity plus all of the microtransactions/dlc.
Their attitude will be if you don't like it, then stop gaming. And kids will grow up on it an not care.
It's all very anti-competitve.
The day Capcom or Square-Enix gets snatched, my "undercarriage" will be tickled.Gotta be honest. I don’t give a shit about the rest of the western publishers. Things aren’t gonna tickle my undercarriage until JP publishers and devs start getting snatched up.
EA? Ubisoft? Who really cares?
I don't disagree with you, but I don't really buy that Sony is buying a team like this, based on a new IP that no one knows about. They make very, very sound purchases which tells me they are buying them for what they have done in the past, just as much as what they'll do in the future.
Destiny is just too be of an IP to pretend that isn't factoring here or something. So I'd say it has MORE to do with Destiny and its success, then simply a new IP. Sony is not spending 3 Billion based on a new fucking IP, they have never done something like that so I doubt that is the case here. It is not the say its not part of the deal as shit for all we know maybe Sony saw something megaton behind closed doors or something, but they are pulling the trigger for Destiny, they are more sure about that move cause the new IP. I think its both, but more so the established known value. Sony historically doesn't buy teams at this price, for nothing. Its usually based on something established that we know they do or something. (I think you are both right btw, simply to different degrees)
Really? They own everything, they simply want Bungie to be who they are instead of buying them to turn them into another cog. They want Bungie to be Bungie 20 years from now, and PlayStation is no longer a console, so there’s no point in buying Bungie to sell consoles, PlayStation the brand sells consoles already.
"On the horizon", huh. So I guess either Sony is buying Playground or MS is buying Guerrilla.
Non-Japanese companies can't buy Sony. The Japanese government doesn't allows it.Your future when Disney buys google, ms, and sony...
I was thinking about this, this morning....And that's Valve. Valve is valued at around $12B which should make it easily affordable to Sony. Buying Valve would instantly give Sony the lion's share of the PC market and let them compete on two platforms the way MS currently does. It would boost their VR capabilities as well and they would have a portable system in the form of Steamdeck. Sony have been pretty cozy with Valve lately, porting many of it's exclusives to PC and putting them on Steam rather than creating their own launcher/service with PlayStation branding. Rumors also suggest that Valve is porting Half-Life Alyx to the PSVR2 as a launch title. It would be good for Sony but also for gamers who could hope to get PlayStation exclusives day one on PC and potential sequels like Half-Life 3 and Portal 3 that Valve haven't been interested in making despite heavy demand.
Some might suggest Epic as an alternative but Epic is more than double the price ($28B), has less market-share with its PC store and there could potentially be opposition to deal from a legal standpoint seeing as Unreal Engine is widely used by devs across all platforms. And while Fortnite would be a huge get, I feel like Valve IPs will have better value in the long run, as Fornite's popularity is sure to fade when the next big thing comes around as today's youth are very fickle-minded.
I certainly would welcome it. I think all these acquisitions by both MS and Sony are a good thing because I don't believe they are doing this so much in a bid to compete with each other but rather to fend off Apple, Google, Meta and Amazon who are eager took take over gaming and have the cash to buy whoever they want in order to do so. I also feel like many studios and publishers would much rather be bought by MS or Sony than by those other huge corporations that don't have the pedigree in gaming that MS and Sony have.
While I mostly agree, I'd say fear of the unknown.Why do I as a gamer care if Apple, Google or Amazon get into gaming? I would rather see that than consolidation. These companies are no more or less evil than Sony and Microsoft. I mean no more to them than a number and a dollar sign.
Activision is about the BIG IPS rather than the little ones. Capcom, and Square have a lot of IPs but none are as big as Candy Crush and COD even if they are not to most gaffers tastes.Sony is gonna chip away at the "smaller" companies in the puny 1-6 billion range.
Bungie, Konami, and Capcom are next to go and they are going to sony.
the Bethesda acquisition made a ton of sense. I hate the Activision purchase because other than COD there's NOTHING. I don't wanna hear about the blizzard stuff. Activision has nothing.
if Sony gets Capcom or square that's MASSIVE IPS. If I had the money I would have used the 70 billion on the smaller companies who actually produce ips
Madden’s dead
On the software side, Madden NFL 22 debuted at No.1, having released on August 17, and instantly became the fourth best selling game of the year so far. NPD noted that it's the 22nd year in a row that Madden NFL takes the top of the charts during its launch month.
fuck it if that's the cost to get alyx 2 i'll head into the bathroom and start waxing my asshole now.Theyll probably announce this when psvr2 drops along with half life Alex 2 shadowdrop.
The more realistic shockwave will come from Sony Group being acquired by somebody like Apple
That would turn console wars into Mac vs PC.I also don't want to join an Apple ecosystem to play games.
A more realistic move from Sony would be Take2 (and that would require Sony to get quite a big loan)
I doubt the deal won't pass but there are implications:
1. Microsoft is hands tied for a long time to do similar deals with other companies.
2. The deal might take longer than expected to be approved.
3. They might need to give up on using the deal to restrict the number of platforms Activision games will be released on.
We'll see what happens.
A free market till it’s not free is the benchmark. A single entity cannot own so much as to stifle the free market for others.
Private doesn't mean it can't be purchased.Valve is private, nice try peasants.
We are doomed if Tencent ever buys Valve. No one should touch Valve.Sony would be at the bottom of those negotiations.
If Valve was actually for sale, the big boys would come out to play (Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Google, TenCent, Facebook).
Ya know, the actual competition Phil Spencer talked about and then the internet mocked him for. Yeah, those guys.
1 and 2. Apparently these things take several months, so it's just coincidental timing, not reactionary to the AB purchase.Crazy day. A lot to unpack. I think we're all trying to make sense of this so let's put our business minds together.
Event: Sony buys Bungie but only under the strict stipulation that Bungie will still make multiplats.
Was this done defensively to prevent MS from getting there first?
Or is this a show of power saying we can throw billions around and intend to do it again..... Back off.
People saying this was not reactionary and the deal was being discussed for months I have two questions:
1. Why did they decide to pull the trigger now?
2. Did the Zenimax purchase initate this if not the Activision purchase?
That's the one thing nobody will be able to force onto Microsoft. The people making this happen are human beings. It's been established that the work conditions and workload at Activision Blizzard was simply too much. The pace of releases, the crunch, the high turnover of employees that would lead, the difficulty in bringing new people in. Being able to guarantee specific things on certain platforms is a privilege, not a right, and the human beings doing the work will always come first.
Valve is 12B only? Why has nobody bought them yet?
The PC gaming community is not the same as the console one. The uproar would be crazy on the Master Race side. I think I can say with the upmost confidence that the PC side wouldn't settle for that tomfoolery. But we'll see.
Valve is 12B only? Why has nobody bought them yet?
AndEpic makes more sense, but the problem with Epic is Tencent's already 40% ownership of the company.
How can it be seen as a show of power?Crazy day. A lot to unpack. I think we're all trying to make sense of this so let's put our business minds together.
Event: Sony buys Bungie but only under the strict stipulation that Bungie will still make multiplats.
Was this done defensively to prevent MS from getting there first?
Or is this a show of power saying we can throw billions around and intend to do it again..... Back off.
People saying this was not reactionary and the deal was being discussed for months I have two questions:
1. Why did they decide to pull the trigger now?
2. Did the Zenimax purchase initate this if not the Activision purchase?
You do realize that us PC gamers haven't owned games in like 10 years or more, right? If your Steam/EA/Whatever Acc gets banned your game library is done for.
On console, you could always just make a new Profile on the same console and throw in the disc and be up and running again. Can't do that on PC if the game isn't on GOG or DRM free.
So I don't know who you're trying to convince.
WAT?! PlayStation isn't Microsoft bro. Sony still cares about selling hardware.