Maybe all the hand drawn CP defenders could break away and start a new forum.
I’m not funny enough to come up with the name.
Maybe all the hand drawn CP defenders could break away and start a new forum.
I’m not funny enough to come up with the name.
I understand Tako Ou getting banned but why Battlechili? The post linked isn't even bad.Yo, what's up with the last two bans? Permanent for that?
I understand Tako Ou getting banned but why Battlechili? The post linked isn't even bad.
I'm sure plenty of people shitting on them are the same people who act like jacking off to Belle Delphine who looks and acts like a 12 year old is just fine.
So I have to go through somebody's post history to clarify things?![]()
Off-site Community Discussion (Reset, etc.) -- READ OP. Stay civil. Don't make it personal. Keep it in here.
Somebody with gif editing skills who can replace the cross for REEEE logo? The saddest part is not even for a moment did I think it was a joke thread, it is disturbing For the record about that gif , the carpenter calls that penance we call it foreplay.www.neogaf.com
Well brap. There's a trend. Decide for yourself.
You asked the questions and I provided you some background info.So I have to go through somebody's post history to clarify things?
Not as creepy as you, Swedish boi.Both were creepy as fuck.
It seriously put me in a bad mood and the site still feels off. Please Suzuki make a good proper thread to get it back on track.Not as creepy as you, Swedish boi.
I know thanks but I shouldn't have to look at someones post history to see why they were banned. "Rationalizations for illegal activity" wasn't in that post afaik.You asked the questions and I provided you some background info.
Implying that mums would be okay in any other capacity??????It amazes me that people honestly think you can have a proclivity for the weirdest of the weird shit as long as it's animated, and that will have no impact on your character or social interactions. I want to see these people tell their mother the things they gratify themselves to and see if they feel any level of shame then.
Implying that mums would be okay in any other capacity??????
I was mostly being facetious but that's just stating your sexual attraction, not your fetishes.No, implying that while, yes, it might be embarrassing, I would not feel ashamed for what I was into. Because I have no shame in telling my mother I am sexually attracted to beautiful women.
I want to know if those who are defending vore and animated child porn, can say the same.
What the fuck are you on about?Implying that mums would be okay in any other capacity??????
"Hey Ma! You'd never guess what I just masturbated to. They're a real human bein! Did I dun good, did I make ya proud?" - tte toka?
I was mostly being facetious but that's just stating your sexual attraction, not your fetishes.
I find hard vore in fiction attractive
Vore is definitely hard to explainVore and CP fans would have a tough time explaining either I think.
Vore is definitely hard to explain
They're all 18 now just like in DOA.
Wtf are you on about? I've never seen anyone quote Star Wars when that happens. At least not on NeoGAF.
I did not look at the article for the reason that you described it as pornographic material depicting minors. Opening such content is illegal in Germany, independent of whether it is drawn, animated, or real. But yeah, I do not think it is a clear-cut issue morally.Fuck, I crated a ban bait thread. Genuinely sorry. My joy of holier-than-thou Kotaku getting served got the better of me.
I think there is a valid discussion to be had on where the line is drawn in CP in terms of depictions of minors in the forms of fictional renders and illustrations. Some countries have drawn that line to a place that Kotaku crossed, obviously, and posting uncensored images in a mainstream article is naturally ill-advised.
I do not know where you got this, but here is the actual § 184b:Hm, I don't know.
"Pornografische Darstellungen, die den sexuellen Missbrauch von Kindern zum Gegenstand haben, unterliegen gemäß § 184b Abs. 1 StGB einem absoluten Verbreitungsverbot – auch wenn sie ein fiktives Geschehen zeigen.[3] Sowohl das Verbreiten und Zugänglichmachen als auch entsprechende Vorbereitungshandlungen werden mit Freiheitsstrafe von drei Monaten bis zu fünf Jahren bestraft. Der Besitz von Darstellungen, die ein rein fiktives, nicht wirklichkeitsnahes Geschehen wiedergeben (vgl. § 184b Abs. 3 StGB), ist dagegen nicht rechtswidrig."
English: Basically saying sharing is illegal but possession is not if the fictional event is far from any real event.
Plus, seeing something accidentally on a website might not even be considered possession. It's still a grey area. Just like streaming.
The definition of "child pornography" under point 1 clearly includes fictional content. Point 4 is the one talking about obtaining, it does not limit to point 2's stricter "close to reality" (it clearly says according to point 1 OR 2) if it is not already covered by 3.(1) Mit Freiheitsstrafe von drei Monaten bis zu fünf Jahren wird bestraft, wer 1.
eine kinderpornographische Schrift verbreitet oder der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich macht; kinderpornographisch ist eine pornographische Schrift (§ 11 Absatz 3), wenn sie zum Gegenstand hat: a)
sexuelle Handlungen von, an oder vor einer Person unter vierzehn Jahren (Kind),
die Wiedergabe eines ganz oder teilweise unbekleideten Kindes in unnatürlich geschlechtsbetonter Körperhaltung oder
die sexuell aufreizende Wiedergabe der unbekleideten Genitalien oder des unbekleideten Gesäßes eines Kindes,
es unternimmt, einer anderen Person den Besitz an einer kinderpornographischen Schrift, die ein tatsächliches oder wirklichkeitsnahes Geschehen wiedergibt, zu verschaffen,
eine kinderpornographische Schrift, die ein tatsächliches Geschehen wiedergibt, herstellt oder
eine kinderpornographische Schrift herstellt, bezieht, liefert, vorrätig hält, anbietet, bewirbt oder es unternimmt, diese Schrift ein- oder auszuführen, um sie oder aus ihr gewonnene Stücke im Sinne der Nummer 1 oder 2 oder des § 184d Absatz 1 Satz 1 zu verwenden oder einer anderen Person eine solche Verwendung zu ermöglichen, soweit die Tat nicht nach Nummer 3 mit Strafe bedroht ist.
That's one of the funniest things I have read for a long time..Vore is definitely hard to explain
Happens too often..Perhaps don't try to turn Meta GAF into CP And Other Horrific Sex Shit Legality Discussion Thread Pt. II: Fap Harder.
Recently every thread turns into a shit show nowPerhaps don't try to turn Meta GAF into CP And Other Horrific Sex Shit Legality Discussion Thread Pt. II: Fap Harder.
The entire thing has done nothing but lower my estimation of those involved.
Recently every thread turns into a shit show now
I wonder what happened to Cunt. He was a top Cunth back when he still posted on GAF.
Maybe his wife had discovered that he had an account in neogaf...I wonder what happened to Cunt. He was a top Cunth back when he still posted on GAF.
Not enough
Yeah, there’s no chance you enter a thread without it turning into a shitfestDo you mean in general? I know I'm finding myself a bit frustrated about the talking points on here lately.
Are we talking people getting angry at eachother/console wars, or just straight up shit posting?Not enough
Yeah, there’s no chance you enter a thread without it turning into a shitfest
BothAre we talking people getting angry at eachother/console wars, or just straight up shit posting?
Personally I don't think I shit post enoughBoth
Anime avatars: not even once
Anime avatars: not even once
I'm not able to understand the tone of your posts at all. Are you are role playing someone on the forum by any chance?I'm sorry, that was mean. I'm trying to be nicer during this run.
You and me both. I think I'm just an overly sensitive try hard that desperately wants to be accepted by people here, but I'm pretty bad at it. Since I'm banned from Era, you guys won my affection by defaultI'm not able to understand the tone of your posts at all. Are you are role playing someone on the forum by any chance?
You and me both
Is this like Twitch Acting?You and me both. I think I'm just an overly sensitive try hard that desperately wants to be accepted by people here, but I'm pretty bad at it. Since I'm banned from Era, you guys won my affection by default