Good game guys, shame I still stink at it. I think I need to crank up my first-person camera speed. As a sniper, I'm getting taken out before I can even acquire a target. said:Finally found the Emblems
Farnack said:
Kuro Madoushi said:Jesus I suck at MGO
Just applied to Foxhound, so I hope I get accepted.
Just a few quick questions though
After I grab them, I'm not sure what else to do
I can't slit their throat for some reason, all I do is just hold down R1 and choke them slowly, from which they just eventually escape
Crouching while grabbing them does nothing either...
Are there better alternatives? Or am I not doing the throat slit right? Hold Triangle right?
hteng said:can only slit throats with Blade+ lvl 3
64 clan member limit.xS1TH L0RDx said:so wait, i'm sorry for being retarded, but is foxhound a clan separate from the neogaf clan, or is it a part of it?
It's the second clan, the first one is full already (64 member limit).xS1TH L0RDx said:so wait, i'm sorry for being retarded, but is foxhound a clan separate from the neogaf clan, or is it a part of it?
yesalr1ghtstart said:like this?
Farnack said:One thing that boggles me... what's with the training?
There's like this question mark selection.
alr1ghtstart said:like this?
Weird :/. I'm going to cancel and try again.Ephemeris said:I saw it, but when I went to accept, it said you retracted it :lol
Just kill.CB3 said:Im going online for the first time. Beat the single player mode already. any basics i need to know? i dont wanna go through all 18 pages of this thread to try and figure some simple things. Do you guys have a clan/room? i see in the original post it says in Rosemary. do i need a password?
Password is alwaysCB3 said:Im going online for the first time. Beat the single player mode already. any basics i need to know? i dont wanna go through all 18 pages of this thread to try and figure some simple things. Do you guys have a clan/room? i see in the original post it says in Rosemary. do i need a password?
CB3 said:Im going online for the first time. Beat the single player mode already. any basics i need to know? i dont wanna go through all 18 pages of this thread to try and figure some simple things. Do you guys have a clan/room? i see in the original post it says in Rosemary. do i need a password?
alr1ghtstart said:logo done (pita let me tell ya). waiting for emblem editing rights. i'll join you guys for some games tonight.
Kill Display always on.Killthee said:My server is down for the night (The "NeoGAF" server with the message "Don't forget to use SOP." in Rosemary). Does anybody who played on it have any suggestions? Any preferred maps/rule combos? Should I take out the DM, Rescue, & Capture rules (server seemed like it was dying when it switched to those rules)? Should I drop the TDM from 4 rounds to 2 and replace the other rules with TDM (except sneaking & base)? Any significant prolonged lag experienced? I basically need any feedback you got so I can keep this thing going.
Anybody up for setting up a NeoGAF only night? I'll gladly lock the server if we can get at least 10 people in it.
Had both on : PTeknoman said:Turn on Ghost Prank option. That and Drebin points should always be mandatory.
Really? The game is a lot more strategic with silent mode on & enemy names off IMO. Playing dead is impossible when your health meter shows up in your opponents cross hairs and teamwork is crucial when you can't see through the camera of the person who killed you.Farnack said:Kill Display always on.
Password lock always on.
Edit: Password lock always on during peak hours. I guess it's fine for the mornings and early afternoons.
People were complaining about not having kill display.Killthee said:Really? The game is a lot more strategic with silent mode on & enemy names off IMO. Playing dead is impossible when your health meter shows up in your opponents cross hairs and teamwork is crucial when you can't see through the camera of the person who killed you.
As for password lock, I don't think it's that big of an issue at this point. We can kick non gaffers out to make room for gaffers if need be and we can lock the server when we have clan only nights. I just think it's really hard to get a server going if you lock the server from the start.
I'll turn it on tomorrow night & pass lock it to see how it works outFarnack said:People were complaining about not having kill display.
A lot of random laggers and crappy nonclanners were on.
I leave servers for these reasons.
Killthee said:I'll turn it on tomorrow night & pass lock it to see how it works out![]()
PatrickEwing said:Not sure if this has been asked.. I just hopped on for the first time yesterday, how do you voice chat?
To join FoxUnit do the followingPatrickEwing said:Not sure if this has been asked.. I just hopped on for the first time yesterday, how do you voice chat?
and how do i apply for the fox clan?
Nozdeuce said:If in the US, from the main menu > clan > join a clan > search > neogaf > neogaf:foxunit > apply
Freedom = $1.05 said:Also, does anyone know how to salute?
sng-ign's guide is quite decent: = $1.05 said:Also, does anyone know how to salute? And is there a decent guide for MGO out there? Google hasn't been that useful in this regard...
Ephemeris said:Question is, who could make these inside MGO's paint tool? :lol
I can shoot and CQC with the best of them. But I have the artistic ability of a limestone.
:lol :lolMaybe that explains why I've seemingly dated only artists for the last 5 years
Depends on the skill. See the IGN faq, it explains a lot Masters said:how do you level up abilities?
greenjerk said:Running is harder than you think to level up, you have to run constantly! Walk or crawing or crouching does nothing!