Nozdeuce said:but then we also have the problem of getting the info out there. IE, unlike the beta thread, we're stuck in here (where thread title updates won't make a difference)
I know
Nozdeuce said:but then we also have the problem of getting the info out there. IE, unlike the beta thread, we're stuck in here (where thread title updates won't make a difference)
Nozdeuce said:Edit: looking back at the first few pages it's the exact same people then that are here now
I fully approve the idea of prizes1stStrike said:Things will settle out and I'm working on stealing people from the official MGS4 thread. We'll bring them to us. With honey and delicious snacks.
And the official MGO GAF tournament of sweetness that we're going to host when we get organized, damnit. I don't mind throwing some money out there to sponser a prize if we get a good showing.
Nozdeuce said:I fully approve the idea of prizesexecutions are a great idea!
ChryZ said:So I searched for neogaf, found and applied to the bee-unit.
Doc Evils said:If anyone from Konami online is reading, I have found a clan on the European servers using some kind of exploit where they can shoot through walls. I think it's called Hype or Hyde but I'm 100% certain that the members name was Borris. Could you please check this out?
Thats what she said1stStrike said:I'll be executing you later today
Actually, we should swap it up and see how you and me do against jason and whoever else. Or, if we can get like a 3 vs 3 or 4 vs 4 game going..even better.
Oh and, I posted my thoughts on the Darklite EX-01 Bluetooth Headset
You guys that don't have one yet..it's really worth picking up.
Awesome plan, glad to hear it.greenjerk said:i'll be back online tonight. I'm gonna marathon MGO unless nookie is available. then I'll be on afterwards.
That really sucks, hopefully you can get it resolved. MGO is good timesBlockBastard said:Well, there goes playing MGO for 2 weeks straight. My ISP decided to turn to shit and now I'm downloading at 100kbps MAX and I keep getting disconnected from the PSN.
Fuck this shit. I was really looking forward to non-stop MGO sessions.
FoxUnit is full, sorry I should have changed the OP earlier, bit I was retarded. You can still apply to FrogUnit thoughbdizzle said:Hey guys is the FoxUnit still accepting clan members? I sent in a request but i havent been accepted yet
psn: longmeat
gid: bdizzle1982
FoxUnit doesn't care about black people ;_;
Of course, apply to FrogUnit. If you are having troubles/new you might not want to hang in the NeoGAF servers quite just yet. It's deadly brutal in there. Get the basics down and some time practicing aiming in the beginner servers or even just a low level average server in Otacon or something.Madsucktion said:Yeah, I screwed around on MGO a little last night, and prompty got my face rocked over and over. I'd love to join up with you guys, but right now i'm more of a moving target then an actual dominant force. Any chance I can get a spot? or should a new "NeoGAF:FluffyBunnyUnit" be created?
BlockBastard said:Well, there goes playing MGO for 2 weeks straight. My ISP decided to turn to shit and now I'm downloading at 100kbps MAX and I keep getting disconnected from the PSN.
Fuck this shit. I was really looking forward to non-stop MGO sessions.
bdizzle said:Hey guys is the FoxUnit still accepting clan members? I sent in a request but i havent been accepted yet
psn: longmeat
gid: bdizzle1982
FoxUnit doesn't care about black people ;_;
Cheers. I'm patient, so no worries.Ilparazzo said:Welcome to the ranks of the bee unit, even though you're not an official member until seiken comes back...
Ilparazzo said:Welcome to the ranks of the bee unit, even though you're not an official member until seiken comes back...
You sure about that? If that's true than they should be burned at the stake! WITCHES!!!
Depending on where you are standing/crouching your head still sticks up over, like just the very very top.Facism said:i've been sniped through one of those concrete bulkheads on B.B. Total bollocks.
Ephemeris said:Damn. -_- Try resetting your modem or something :/
Resend your request. Just booted a couple people that had under 5mins of total playtime.
You can only apply via the MGO clientbdizzle said:cool thanks, is there a way to send a request through the mgo community page? i'm at work right now? I sucked something terrible during the beta, but running through MGS 4 must have made me a whole lot better. I'm loving it right now. I played with someone yesterday who had a mic and actually talked on it :O, made the game a millions times better.
Nozdeuce said:You can only apply via the MGO client
I love how here in PS3 land we love it when people have mics. while over in Xbox land we demand better/faster mute options. Cash barrier to entry ftw I guess?
Having quit cod4 360 and just doing MGO, I kinda miss the singing. And the occasional "vroom vrrroooooooom beep beep I'm a car" people.bdizzle said:lol tell me about. the 1st thing do (b4 realizing you can turn chat off) was either mute everyone or plug in my headset and turn the volume all the way down. I havent played on psn nearly as much as i did on xbl, but so far i haven't had a bad exp yet
I can't say no to that :lolLonestar said:I played a bit yesterday and the day before, and I have a mic. Didn't hear anybody. I also assume you have to hit the select button to turn on voice chat, and then it's just on non stop?
Also, the active people in the 3 clans really should just be in one clan, until there are enough active players to fill 3 clans.
:lol :lol No fair. Besides, you should learn to Sneak Moar.Nozdeuce said:Having quit cod4 360 and just doing MGO, I kinda miss the singing. And the occasional "vroom vrrroooooooom beep beep I'm a car" people.
ONTOPIC: I have fewer time played but have more headshots than Ephemeris has total kills.
Someone needs to sneak less :lol
Nozdeuce said:Depending on where you are standing/crouching your head still sticks up over, like just the very very top.
Edit: was playing on an SMGs only server, wow, eve at level1 SMG the P90 on single shot is retardedly accurate. Just aim for the head region and never stop single tapping. Soooo good.
Ilparazzo said:I especially liked the part where Alba wasted a whole magazine of his rifle, pistol and even some grenades while I was rolling on the ground and then ended up dead, it made me feel awesome![]()
I wish there was an assistant to the clan leader title for special cases where someone founds then passes leadership off :lolEphemeris said::lol :lol No fair. Besides, you should learn to Sneak Moar.As Snake I only use the M4 to escape.
I swear. There should be bonus points in Sneaking Missions for "No Alerts" ;|
Usually if you think you're behind cover, unless it towers over you the tip of your head sticks up above. M14 is full auto and single shot.greenjerk said:hmm. good to know. i keep forgetting about firing modes. Even when i'm using the m14 i now find myself just tapping (unless i got a crowd in front of me). does the 14 allow for single or burst fire other than full auto?
Nozdeuce said:I wish there was an assistant to the clan leader title for special cases where someone founds then passes leadership off :lol
You are really good at sneaking though, I doubt no matter how long I play I'll ever get any good at sneaking around..
Holy fuck, that's truly impressive. I'd be down for some lessons later, though it'd be hard in a 1v1 for me to show you how to brute force forward getting 1 free kill, plus 3 heroic kills before succumbing to the sweet release of death. But I'm sure we could figure something out.Ephemeris said:Ranked 58,912nd in deathmatch
Ranked 29th In Sneaking Missions.![]()
I could show you some of my techniques later if you want. It's gonna make life hard for me when you're playing as Snake though >_>
Ephemeris said:Ranked 58,912nd in deathmatch
Ranked 29th In Sneaking Missions.![]()
I could show you some of my techniques later if you want. It's gonna make life hard for me when you're playing as Snake though >_>
Very few guns that allow burst shot, that's why I like the M4 so much.Nozdeuce said:M14 is full auto and single shot.
Could we at least get moved back to the big leagues boss? Citing Article 017 of the Obscure NeoGAF Rites and Rituals: Precedence. We know we should probably be stuck in here.WasabiKing said:Very few guns that allow burst shot, that's why I like the M4 so much.
Also, about weeding out the inactives, that's fine, but I still feel it's too early to do that right now.
We should do the same as halo3 threadNozdeuce said:Could we at least get moved back to the big leagues boss? Citing Article 017 of the Obscure NeoGAF Rites and Rituals: Precedence. We know we should probably be stuck in here.
The beta thread was allowed to live on and prosper in the glorious light of freedom, instead of this dark cavern of ruin.
Also, most if not all of the Halo3 thread activity for the past few months has been exclusively multiplayer oriented, organizing who's playing and such.
We could have a never ending round-robin of 3v3's =/Lonestar said:Is there enough active people in each clan to actually compete against each other?
Doc Evils said:If anyone from Konami online is reading, I have found a clan on the European servers using some kind of exploit where they can shoot through walls. I think it's called Hype or Hyde but I'm 100% certain that the members name was Borris. Could you please check this out?
DunpealD said:What kind of walls? I'm pretty sure that the weapons also have some kind of penetration power like in MGS4 which means snipers being able to shoot some specific walls isn't that far fetched.
absolutely not, stay within the rules, and I'll take care of the halo 3 thread nowNozdeuce said:Could we at least get moved back to the big leagues boss? Citing Article 017 of the Obscure NeoGAF Rites and Rituals: Precedence. We know we should probably be stuck in here.
The beta thread was allowed to live on and prosper in the glorious light of freedom, instead of this dark cavern of ruin.
Also, most if not all of the Halo3 thread activity for the past few months has been exclusively multiplayer oriented, organizing who's playing and such.
Killthee said:#4 GAF
Doc Evils said:This guy was behind a wall in the middleeastern map, the middle part close to red team and he was shooting people when you could't seem him. When I and other told him we would report him he stopped doing it.
Killthee said:#4 GAF
Well guess I'll be hiding on PSN forever now :lolWasabiKing said:absolutely not, stay within the rules, and I'll take care of the halo 3 thread now
WasabiKing said:moving forward, can you guys please pass protect the games. The worst people walk into the open games