If we're actually going to compete in that world tournament then it would definitely be ideal to put together a team of people based on their skills. We don't want a team of 8 people that are all awesome with pistols (hi noz) but suck with long range weapons (i.e. sniper) and vice versa. If you have 4 people trying to snipe that cripples your team more often than not as they end up trapped in their spawn.
I can say for a fact that as of right now I'm not ready for the competitive level as I still haven't even mastered headshotting with the assault rifles (I get the jump on them, spray at their head, they fire two shots and headshot me..wtf D

. However, I think I've found my calling..e.locators + assault rifle. It's amazing how effective those are. I can line up my shot ahead of time and take out a whole team of players before they even know what's going on.
Sniping is my preferred play style, but I have been keeping it on the back burner because
everyone else is toting svd's and trying to be uber snipers as well. It would be useless for me to grab an SVD when there's already two or three people on the team trying to snipe. You only need a maximum of 2 snipers on any team. Two people can each cover one side of the map no problem.
Anyway, I'm going to continue my tirade of sneaking games.
Shinz Kicker said:
i dunno yet. would be fun to set up couple tactical servers one night of the week so the " teamwork" whores can get off then back to regular fun, but its all fun, isnt it.
Agreed. I would love to see smaller (3 vs 3 or 4 vs 4) games where everyone has mics and works together. That would also make chaff grenades actually worth something too (cause it fucks up communication and radar).
rotaryspirit said:
Any ideas on how to get started for a beginner? I'm not new to FPS, but the 3rd person view is really disorienting. I'm having a lot of trouble with distances and actually getting headshots when I'm aiming at them (although that might have just been the last server I was on). The biggest thing is CQC - I just can't seem to get it down right.
Also, I have the Warhawk bluetooth headset, but for some reason I can't talk. I hear everyone OK though.
It takes some getting used to. When I first hopped online I was going crazy over how hard it was to adapt. The camera really doesn't perform well in tight spaces so that's something you'll have to try to figure out on your own. I'm still pretty useless on a staircase or in a tight corner.
Use the camera to your advantage in the open though. Like, no matter what, when you press R1 to fire the aiming reticule will center on where you're pointing. So, you can whip the camera around, hit R1 and be perfectly centered on that guy behind you for a headshot (theoretically).
Remember to burst fire with automatic weapons as well. You can snipe someone with an assault rifle if you just single shot them (first person mode is good for this).
Otherwise, first person mode is kind of a pain. There's certain situations where you might want to use it (and you'll learn those as you go) but all in all stick to 3rd person and just work on getting used to it.
And yea, it's definitely not like single player.
Also..make sure your mic is synced with the PS3 before you login (and test it in the accessory settings just to make sure it's working) then go to the gameplay options and make sure the usb/bluetooth device is selected for all input/output. And then hold select in-game to enable voice.