Darkpen made our logo during the beta, if he ever finishes single player and joins us, we'll make him do it.Farnack said:I'm waiting for a game on. Where is it?
And where's the clan logo? Does someone need to make it?
Darkpen made our logo during the beta, if he ever finishes single player and joins us, we'll make him do it.Farnack said:I'm waiting for a game on. Where is it?
And where's the clan logo? Does someone need to make it?
dork said:I just flipped over to my ps3, and saw a box sitting there..........:lol :lol
If you wan't me to restart it and make it public let me know
Teknoman said:I had to keep saying "SOP LINK" before each round started because most people, aside from GAF in that game, would just take off. There were a few people who started to "get it" and stuck together in small 2-3 man squads until they could find decent cover.
JakOfTheShadows said:I know. When people did start to "get it" later on in city under siege on the other team I started to get destroyed. When I don't have my sniper out I usually run around with the knife and I started running into packs of like 3 Gaffers together (I remember Human_Shield and others) and had no chance. I would stun one with the knife and then before I could kill him or run the others just destroyed me. Later on last night though I had a great time during one of that later gamers where some random guy on the team had lv 3 knife, and anytime someone tried to come after me to my sniping spot I would lead them to where he was hiding and then he would pop out and slit there throats while they were looking at me. We got 3 guys in a row doing this.
The teamwork really changes this game and makes it even more unique and impressive to play. My favorite thing is to snipe enemies who are CQCing my teammates, a couple of time I saw some enemy grab a teammate and roll them onto the ground and start to choke them which gave me a perfect shot at his head and then I just go over and wake up the teammate if hes out. I remember the first game I hoped into with you Tekno I saw you giving a random guy on out team a boost in B.B. and I was so happy because this was the first time I ever saw anyone do this.
Linkzg said:Go on about more context senstive stuff. What do you mean by boost?
Linkzg said:Go on about more context senstive stuff. What do you mean by boost?
JakOfTheShadows said:You can give another player a "boost" to help them reach areas that are about 2x as high as things you can climb on by yourself. Some of the higher areas have some of the map items on them (like NVG). The best reason to do it is to flak enemies without them seeing you. Like in city under siege for example to get to one on the man cannons you have to go around to the side of the building where there are boxes to climb, but this puts you in sight of the enemies base. However if you have a buddy to boost you can get to man cannon from the other side of the building it's on which keeps you out of sight from the enemy's spawn.
Farnack said:Gaf room is empty 8(
? Or both editions..Doc Holliday said:Oh snap...This game is good! Had no idea it came for free with the LE edition. It's like finding 20 bucks in your pocket.
ToyMachine228 said:Haven't played Metal Gear Online yet. Went to download the patch and it was moving at 3 kb/s. If that's the speed every time I go to download it, I will likely never play MGO:lol
At the moment no one, clan is currently full. You'll have to wait for someone else to make a new clan.burgerdog said:Who do we send a tell to if we want to get into the gaf clan? I was in fox hound clan(i think) during the beta.
Indeed said:Okay could someone please explain the shotgun to me?
Is it just me or is this piece of trash simply too weak? 4 Shots, pointblank range in the torso equals one kill? :S Knocking enemies over or stunning them is fun but winning firefights with this thing seems impossible.
Indeed said:Okay could someone please explain the shotgun to me?
Is it just me or is this piece of trash simply too weak? 4 Shots, pointblank range in the torso equals one kill? :S Knocking enemies over or stunning them is fun but winning firefights with this thing seems impossible.
Farnack said:Douchebag hosters kick for no reason. We need GAF servers running with a full group.
Are you auto-aiming?
Farnack said:Are you auto-aiming?
dork said:Gaf server is up and public, nobody is in though. I will join and make it un dedicated after the cubs game.
Whats BB?
dork said:Whats BB?
FabCam said:Blood Bath. It's a map.
Indeed said:Acutally yeah i had it enabled.
Wanted to check the difference between autoaim and normal aim.
So i guess it decreases damage done?
dork said:Never seen anyone abbreviate a map :lol . Thanks
dabookerman said:Right so, I can't find gaf on clan list. Must be because I live in Yurop
dork said:? Or both editions..
and then he disappearedTeknoman said:Dork just said he had a tornado...in his yard
You're in.MiamiWesker said:Did I make it into the neogaf clan, I applied for it last night. My PS3 is hijacked right now so I cant check.
dork said:Posting from laptop. I'm taking cover.
70mph wind. I think a tree just blew away....
Figures...me and Teknoman waited 20 minutes for people and it was sunny outside..people join and a tornado pops up.
Before my power goes out and kills my ps3/tv/pc anyone know how to disable that stupid popup that happens ingame when someone does an objective? God that was annoying, they could have made it smaller...they have this huge black bar that takes up half the screen.
Soon as this passes I will put the server backup,
Teknoman said:As soon as this passes? A tree just blew away!
Seriously though, its looking pretty grey outside, and we're supposed to be heading out to the store as well. I'll be posting some of our shots though.
Kagari said:64 member capIs there more than just 1 GAF clan?