Dave1988 said:Man, I suck tonight. Got demoted from lvl 5 to 4![]()
Did you forget to take your steroids today? :lol
Dave1988 said:Man, I suck tonight. Got demoted from lvl 5 to 4![]()
Only problem with that is so much negative space, realistically we only have like 40 truly super active people. So sticking them all in one clan would help us get to #1 overall, which would have benefits down the line (tournaments and kojipro stuff) but also let us simply check 1 clan roster to see where the most active MGO playing gaf members are.KTallguy said:I'm just wondering, maybe the clans would be better broken up into regions?
Like each NA Gaf clan could be west, central, east? It would be easier to organize games that way, right?
we currently all play together anyway, so it wouldnt be hard to track us down (if you do get axed) you can check the roster of other clans to see where people are.KTallguy said:I'll be super honest, as much as I'd like to help you guys hit #1, I definitely don't have time to be playing all the time. So I'm totally fine being kicked out if you guys want to be super hardcore. When I do have time to play, I'd be happy to find your clan and hook up
So yea, if you need to kick people out, just do it man. We can fit in the other, more casual clans.
Ilparazzo said:Did you forget to take your steroids today? :lol
JB1981 said:Man, the framerate is really poor online. It's actually detracting from my enjoyment of the game. I don't think I can play this much if the framerate is always this bad. No improvements on the beta whatsoever.
Teknoman said:Really? Seems just fine to me. Never seen a framerate drop...but I HAVE seen increases where the game hits what looks like 60fps for a few seconds.
Sigh...man I wish this game ran at 60fps at all times (both SP and MP).
Dave1988 said:I just can't keep up with those guys form the GURUS clan. They're unbelievable.
The sooner we get it moving the better, in theory wed have a 3k lead, we still need to catchup.1stStrike said:I'm fairly confident that we'll own the #1 spot with this merger. Oh and, in your face main neogaf clan![]()
Nozdeuce said:Great, I simply included you on the list as a maybe because your activity level kinda dropped. But I had seen your post(s) about working late and being busy, still <3
No worries, at least I'm aware that you werent ditching, simply busy. Its not as clear cut with soooo many others though.Sallokin said:Thanks a lot. I'm currently thinking that I'll be able to hop back in the saddle sometime in the next week. The whole 4th of July weekend sort of screwed my schedule at work.![]()
MiamiWesker said:Good matches. Damn Jason won the sneaking match, I had him too! He got two tags, and he had one floating around. When I heard the second tag (very close to the floating one) I ran as fast as I can to the spot, it was in small area so a grenade would do the trick so I get there and press to throw but I had the damn pistol out, I clicked L2 the wrong amount of times. He killed me really fast and ran to the tag and won.
Nozdeuce said:I totally knew FoxUnit would take over as of this morning =/
I have no real feeling one way or the other, but I am curious to your reasoning. Care to elaborate?Ephemeris said:As I mentioned to you in-game, I'm all for the merge, but I think we should wait till after clan battles begin officially (or get more information about it) before we move people around.
Nozdeuce said:The sooner we get it moving the better, in theory wed have a 3k lead, we still need to catchup.
At least in theory we'd still have the 3k cushion, we've been able to maintain that throughout the dayKillthee said:I agree with this, the other clans are retaliating against GAF's rise.
Nozdeuce said:I have no real feeling one way or the other, but I am curious to your reasoning. Care to elaborate?
I could see where there could be a concern for like a Kojipro thing where as a unified clan we would only be able to field 5 or 6 people and have people get left out. But then if we don't shack up people will get left out anyway as one clan doesn't make the cut. Which seems less fair since with the former we could at least adopt some internal competition to decide who'd play.
To all customers! We are glad to announce that we are giving away a massive 500 Reward Points
for every new character created and registered on "METAL GEAR ONLINE"!!
All you have to do is simply to create and register a character in "METAL GEAR ONLINE" between
12/06/2008 and 18:00 on 16/7/2008 (PDT)
Reward Points can be used to kit your characters out in the latest gear available in the game!!
* Reward points will be awarded to each Character. If you have registered multiple characters,
the points will be allocated to all of them.
* The Opening of the reward shop and the actual awarding of points is planned for late July 2008.
The problem we face this time is that we won't have all 3 clans in the top 10. If it wasn't for 1stStrike playing day and night since tsne launched Fox probably wouldn't have cracked it, and Vanilla would still be slipping out of it.Ephemeris said:Sure, no prob. In addition to the activeness ranking, there's also a "Grade Point Ranking" leaderboard and a "Reward Ranking" leaderboard. My wait-and-see approach comes from not knowing whether #1 in the G-P Ranking is based on activeness or if Konami will do some sort of tourny (not the world one) instead. And yeah, I was going to mention the Kojipro thing. If it wasn't for my feet-dragging when it came to finding the final member in time, we would have had two NeoGAF clans playing. Scarecrow wanted to lynch me I swear. :lol Bah. 1am. bed time.
Btw, I'm not sure if someone posted this somewhere, but I certainly missed it:
BlockBastard said:I've been winning a lot of TSNK matches last night since I was playing with a decent group of people. The rush for the NVG IS really annoying, but when they keep doing it, I just dash towards the GA-KO and steal it while the cheap, abusing fucks all scramble for the WIN item.
McBradders said:I honestly think this is the best mode of the game, but there are enough disadvantages to the sneaking team already without the NVG. They either need to remove that shit or tweak the battery so it only works in 5-10 second bursts with a 60 second cooldown period.
So anyway, yeah been loving the hell out of Team Sneak. So much fun, great way to level up your CQC and other oft-neglected skills, and very, very tense!
Much love to the WaspUnit who played on Saturday, you are all gentlemen!
BlockBastard said:Nothing makes me more angry than playing with a bunch of kids. Oh God, the word "NOOB" makes me rage so bad. The word is so fucking dumb. It wasn't even directed at me, the guy was on my time and every time he got a kill, he was just go "LOL FUKKEN NOOBS".
BlockBastard said:Nothing makes me more angry than playing with a bunch of kids. Oh God, the word "NOOB" makes me rage so bad. The word is so fucking dumb. It wasn't even directed at me, the guy was on my time and every time he got a kill, he was just go "LOL FUKKEN NOOBS".
SumGamer said:"We can see your knife."
"I can see your knife."
Seriously, it's really annoying. I played with a kid here who keep typing shit non-stop which block the lower half of the screen and it's really irritating.
McBradders said:Can't you mute them?
slicedking said:Looking forward to playing with you guys sometime. I play everyday....(NA)
No, you can't mute text, which I believe is a feature that should be added.McBradders said:Can't you mute them?
1stStrike said:Yea, but even muting and blocking someone hasn't prevented me from still being able to see what they type in the box.
Ilparazzo said:You have been added to the list.
It says if you made a characture from june 12 to july 16. I guess the reward shop will open on the 17th when the DLC comes onlineTeknoman said:What about reward points for those who created a character on MGS4 launch day? Early adopters should be rewarded (that and I dont wanna restart my current character).
Guled said:It says if you made a characture from june 12 to july 16. I guess the reward shop will open on the 17th when the DLC comes online
check what? When the dlc is coming?Indeed said:Is there any way to check? I really cant remember :S
Guled said:check what? When the dlc is coming?
not sure, but if you already made one your fine. As long as its before July 16 you get the pointsIndeed said:The date you created your character.
Guled said:not sure, but if you already made one your fine. As long as its before July 16 you get the points
Ilparazzo said:I wonder what we can get with 500 reward points...