Did you get the eagle right after the update that fixed the bug or did you have to work for it?Nozdeuce said:I had the bugged rat title too. After they removed rat I got my eagle back, then had none showing, then wasp, then none, now finally tortoise.
Right after, but then it seemingly randomly disappeared so I tried grinding scanning for Wasp :lolMetalmurphy said:Did you get the eagle right after the update that fixed the bug or did you have to work for it?
Between the hours of 08:00-10:00 on 07/30/2008 (PDT), maitenance work will be carried out on the "PLAYSTATION Network".
The effects are as below:
1) All functions on the "PLAYSTATION Network" including the "PLAYSTATION Store" will be offline for the entire
duration of the times descried above.
We would like to apologize for any inconveniences caused.
We would like to report that the Reward shop has been reopened as of 19:00 on 29/07/2008 (PDT)!!
We would also like to inform all customers that as a gesture for all the problems we have been experiencing over the recent weeks, each player will receive a bonus 1000 Reward Points!
Please take this chance to further customize your characters!
Nozdeuce said:I had the bugged rat title too. After they removed rat I got my eagle back, then had none showing, then wasp, then none, now finally tortoise.
Thanks, you were right about it being about # of times equippedEphemeris said:Congrats on the turtle![]()
Nozdeuce said:Thanks, you were right about it being about # of times equipped
Count me in.Nozdeuce said:Would any NA Alpha/Beta members down for a practice sometime tonight(thursday)? Alpha definitely could use some more time working together, would people from Beta be interested in a scrim/practice? We could do glorious battle then could tear each other apart withvitriolic spewconstructive criticism.
if I don't get into training, sure!Nozdeuce said:Would any NA Alpha/Beta members down for a practice sometime tonight(thursday)? Alpha definitely could use some more time working together, would people from Beta be interested in a scrim/practice? We could do glorious battle then could tear each other apart withvitriolic spewconstructive criticism.
I don't know how easy it would be considering only 15 people through the entire system will get to do it first. But it will spread virally, which I think is great.Nozdeuce said:Excellent, so far it's me vs you two so it should be simple to work around Instructor training :lol
We really should try to get someone from Gaf in on the Instructor training
I think I need like one or two more kills for lvl 2, so congrats. 2000 DP for the V-Ring or Slugs seem wrong...Facism said:Nearly shotty lvl 2![]()
sure, just list the time. And why dose the instructor thing so late, even if I stay up, only 15 can get in and Im sure I won't be one of themNozdeuce said:Would any NA Alpha/Beta members down for a practice sometime tonight(thursday)? Alpha definitely could use some more time working together, would people from Beta be interested in a scrim/practice? We could do glorious battle then could tear each other apart withvitriolic spewconstructive criticism.
its at 3am est right? thats far to late for meNozdeuce said:10pm est and onward? Just keep going until people start bailing/try to make it into Instructor training? I'd be more than happy to take people on by myself :lol
No, it's just at Midnight est. 2100 PST = 9 PST = 12 EST.Guled said:its at 3am est right? thats far to late for meif some1 here gets in then tomorrow you better train us all
Fittingly the people you cut should be in a NeoGAF:SlackUnit with a leader who is never available to accept new people. :lolWasabiKing said:I think 8 more slots, but I will probably kill some people off later. I know we're casual, but I'd like to see some activity too.
VanillaGAF stole all the active people, I literally have not seen a fox member since the merger. Seen a few Frogs thoughWasabiKing said:lol speaking of, what happened to fox unti?
WasabiKing said:lol speaking of, what happened to fox unti?
Nozdeuce said:VanillaGAF stole all the active people, I literally have not seen a fox member since the merger. Seen a few Frogs though
it says 2100 BST which is 3am ESTNozdeuce said:No, it's just at Midnight est. 2100 PST = 9 PST = 12 EST.
On the newer announcement on the community site it only lists PDT, vs a mix of BST and PDT in previous warningsGuled said:it says 2100 BST which is 3am EST
Soldiers!! Take note that there will be a special Combat Training session hosted by the KOJIMA Productions Elite Forces at 2100 hours on 31/7/2008 (PDT).
Those wishing to take part should go to the "JOHNNY" lobbywhich can be found in "TRAINING" and select "Join Combat Training".
However, also note that there are only 15 places available. Only those that are serious about training others should attend! Over and Out...
Typo. They changed BST to PDT earlier today.Guled said:it says 2100 BST which is 3am EST
What now bitches :lolKillthee said:Typo. They changed BST to PDT earlier today.
nozdeuce said:2100 PST = 9 PST = 12 EST.
Facism said:Just got the fox logo. Best of the best apparently ;p
Nozdeuce said:FFS, it's at 9pm PDT
Metalmurphy said:It's 3:40 PDT atm right?
Sorry, yeah, your right about what time it currently is.Metalmurphy said:
Whatever Metal said above...5 something am?News Bot said:So what time is this training thing on at, GMT?
Fucking time zones.
10 est good?Ephemeris said:So when are we going to do the Alpha/Beta Training?
Nozdeuce said:Whatever Metal said above...5 something am?
10 est good?
Indeed said:Congrats money.
Facism said:cheers. Shotty is brutal. Had a game where half the team wanted to kick me and were swearing at me because of the psychological trauma caused by buckshot in their arses.
'shotcun7' :lol
Nozdeuce said:Meh, before it's showtime we should just all idle in Johnny and spam refresh, this is GAF, someone has to get in.
wtf, I meant for before Combat/Instructor trainingEphemeris said:Copy that.
edit: oh wait. <_< I'll do it an hour from now.
Indeed said:Shotty is the nemesis of run and gun fighting. If you stay behind cover its pretty much impossible to get killed by a load of buckshot. =)
But no MGO for me today. EDEN!!!
screw you, already there, lolNozdeuce said:Meh, before it's showtime we should just all idle in Johnny and spam refresh, this is GAF, someone has to get in.
I am, sounding like a few people have lost their marbles though :lolGuled said:so you guys still a go for 10
yeah, although otacon is full right now. Add the shotty and hope they allow non-lethal v-ring ammo!Guled said:so you guys still a go for 10