I see. I didn't notice any scars or anything on his face at the beginning, though.
It is very subtle, but there is a seam where his real head and robotic body meet at his jaw:

I see. I didn't notice any scars or anything on his face at the beginning, though.
It is very subtle, but there is a seam where his real head and robotic body meet at his jaw:
Don't think so, you can't replay specific parts of a chapter. You can make separate saves for each boss if you like though and just practice that way.
How?I discovered that you actually can replay just specific parts of a chapter.
In the chapter selection screen, you get to choose which checkpoint to load.
Guys this Sam DLC is kicking my ass.
Guys this Sam DLC is kicking my ass.
Is the PC version really coming?
Should I buy the X360 version right now? The fact that they made the DLCs free makes me bite since the price is 20 here in Yurope (Physical copies, Marketplace is still 50 for me for some strange reason)
Playing the free Sam DLC. I've Revengeanced this game. Platinum'd this shit.
Why the fuck can't I beat this fucking dog. FUCK YOU DOG.
I have been trying out this DLC since it went free (was going to wait for the PC version for the DLC but... I guess I will play it now). The Sam DLC is kind of the real deal, the Blade Wolf one seems a lot less interesting. The AI tweaks for enemies in Sams DLC is nice and his moveset is pretty great.
I don't understand why they put that fight in a narrow corridor knowing that the game has massive camera problems.
So when do I get to upgrade Sam's sword?
their goal throughout the DLC is to make it as not fun as possible
So I finished this last night after leaving it for a week since I was at it last. A bloody great game and the best Ninja Gaiden game in about 5 years. I just wish there was more of it. It seemed a very rushed game (though the LONGEST end credits ever would suggest otherwise). There were very few environments and they were also so barren and empty and got smaller as the game went on as far as I could tell. The 5th chapter was an earlier chapter played in reverse and the 6th was just a boss fight while the final 7th was very short, although the final boss was SUBLIME. My final playtime was 4 hours 11 minutes (plus 2 hours of cut-scenes on top I guess). That is pretty unacceptable. I'm glad I got it off PS+ and didn't pay for it on its original release. But what little game there is was a fucking blast to play. What's the DLC like?
Also, post-MGS2 Raiden >>>> Snake.
the dlc mission is balanced around that specific weapon and its power (and the taunts)So when do I get to upgrade Sam's sword?
So I finished this last night after leaving it for a week since I was at it last. A bloody great game and the best Ninja Gaiden game in about 5 years. I just wish there was more of it. It seemed a very rushed game (though the LONGEST end credits ever would suggest otherwise). There were very few environments and they were also so barren and empty and got smaller as the game went on as far as I could tell. The 5th chapter was an earlier chapter played in reverse and the 6th was just a boss fight while the final 7th was very short, although the final boss was SUBLIME. My final playtime was 4 hours 11 minutes (plus 2 hours of cut-scenes on top I guess). That is pretty unacceptable. I'm glad I got it off PS+ and didn't pay for it on its original release. But what little game there is was a fucking blast to play. What's the DLC like?
Also, post-MGS2 Raiden >>>> Snake.
i have like ~50 hours of playtime in MGR
Er...Ordered the game
By Murphy's law, the PC version will be announced when it arrives at my doorstep
the sam DLC is great except for the new move for the senator. it would be great if it didn't glitch out sometimes and have him wildly go spinning around (and on the higher difficulties he goes back and forth like 5 times so its a much higher chance it glitches out). otherwise its a pretty great fight but that move made it pretty obnoxious to go for the no-damage. It is a real bummer too because otherwise it is a really aggressive and fun fight, its too bad that move wasn't more consistent.
You want to preserve the part that's green, so you have to cut off their arm just above the elbow.So I recently started playing this but there's a couple of things I don't get:
First, the left arms: What does the green/red colors even mean? You're supposed to cut the green part no? I feel like I'm hitting it dead on but sometime it just won't come off.
Secondly, how do you know which attacks you can and can't block? The interwebs tell me yellow=unblockable, but that's not true. E.g the gekko and those tank things' attacks light up yellow and they can be blocked...
You want to preserve the part that's green, so you have to cut off their arm just above the elbow.
There are orange attacks and yellow attacks. Orange attacks can be blocked while yellow attacks (usually grabs) can't be blocked.
Ya, I forgot the entire enemy was highlighted differently when they have a special hand. A small tip for getting some of the hands: If the hand is on one of the super basic grunts, and you can sneak up on them, don't assassinate them with the action command. Just go into blade mode and slash horizontally. Assassinating them first will cause their arms to fly up, making for a much more awkward cutting angle.Oh, yeah. It's orange. I'd probably never notice that if you hadn't told me.
I guess you mean preserve the red part (the hand is red, arm green). I dunno what I'm doing wrong because I still occasionally miss it, although it looks like I hit dead on. Maybe I'm not standing close enough.. (need to try some more)
Picked this up for $10 from the MS store sale. Just launched it and the title screen looks awesome.
Enjoy! You're in for a rollercoaster ride.
Did you get to the part in MGS4 where Raiden totally owns a flock of Gekkos in a cutscene? Because that's the Raiden you're gonna play as. Except better. And not in a cutscene.The only MGS game I ever played was MGS4 and didn't finish it.
Played Bayonetta and Vanquish though.
The only MGS game I ever played was MGS4 and didn't finish it.
Played Bayonetta and Vanquish though.
This isn't an MGS game.
Got the game through PS+ and finished it in two sittings, just over 4 hours - this is the main reason I didn't want to buy the game when it was released. I restarted the game immediately on hard and just beat Monsoon now though.
Game is definitely a blast, but I think a bit overrated by the community. It just receives ridiculous amount of praise in certain circles and I just don't understand it. It's fun and crazy, makes you feel very powerful, the bosses are great, and it has some unique mechanics but it felt samey and it lacked some depth. I could button mash my way through pretty much all of it, and it's even easier on hard difficulty (because my gear carried over). I rarely do well-timed parries, but you can mash regular parries, and it made the more difficult enemies and bosses fairly easy. The last boss was kicking my ass until I started playing even more aggressively. I feel like I might be missing something that made it special to a lot of people, but oh well. If it has anything to do with the satisfaction of mastering the game, S-ranking all levels etc, then nevermind, that's most likely not within my skill level.
I hear there's some free DLC floating around, so I'll definitely grab that soon.
You sure you're looking at play time and not complete time at the end? Lots of reviewers does that mistake.Got the game through PS+ and finished it in two sittings, just over 4 hours - this is the main reason I didn't want to buy the game when it was released. I restarted the game immediately on hard and just beat Monsoon now though.
Game is definitely a blast, but I think a bit overrated by the community. It just receives ridiculous amount of praise in certain circles and I just don't understand it. It's fun and crazy, makes you feel very powerful, the bosses are great, and it has some unique mechanics but it felt samey and it lacked some depth. I could button mash my way through pretty much all of it, and it's even easier on hard difficulty (because my gear carried over). I rarely do well-timed parries, but you can mash regular parries, and it made the more difficult enemies and bosses fairly easy. The last boss was kicking my ass until I started playing even more aggressively. I feel like I might be missing something that made it special to a lot of people, but oh well. If it has anything to do with the satisfaction of mastering the game, S-ranking all levels etc, then nevermind, that's most likely not within my skill level.
I hear there's some free DLC floating around, so I'll definitely grab that soon.