my two main critic points of TS:
- Gameplay: 1:1 Levels, item-positioning, Enemies etc. etc. from MGS1 ... combined with the movement/gameplay possibilities of MGS2 or items like the tranquilizer gun.
-> pretty much ruins the complete (sneaking) gameplay (still a fun game obviously, but... no, just, no). A full DS1/2 button-layout on a gc pad was also awkward imo.
- the over the top cutscenes. I don't care if Kojima approved them, I just can't stand Snake jumping back and throwing a grenade (!) at some steel girder flying towards him because of an explosion. The grenade explodes on impact and saves Snake, yay.
All in in slowmotion and what would be like 0,3 seconds in real time.
I just think the "normal" MGS games have over the top cutscenes, but Kojima somehow nails it in them, so it still is mostly believable inside the MGS-Universe (plus Snake is not a Cyborg Ninja and why he has not any of these cool moves in TS gameplay anyway, i.e. the Ninja-fight?).
another example:
Raiden breakdancing some of the mechs around in MGS4 is not physically possible in the real word, but besides him being a cyborg, it just LOOKs believable (and therefor "cool"). Kinda like Hollywood-movieaction, most of the stunts/moves would i.e. kill the hero in reality (like because of impact-force etc.), but you don't mind that during the movie because when you not think about the physics, you may just suspect it to be possible in reality under the movie-circumstances. (except when the movie does the same "mistakes" like TS did).
I have to say though, that it is a I-played-the-"real"-game thing. You have a different view about it, because you notice these attached cutscenes or changed gameplay-mechanics and automatically rate them as stupid.
I think this is similar to opinions about Hollywood remakes like the The Ring.
For me, TS is a failure and not what I would like to see as a remake or DC of a game. But that's not automatically true for someone who starts with TS instead of MGS1. If you can get over the graphic-difference (btw. , that was not a good effort, the earlier released MGS2 on PS2 looked WAY better), I would still suggest playing the PS1-Version.
as I'm new here, I give you something quick to put me in a category

I played MGS1, MGS2, MGS3, MGS4 on their release dates
best story&characters:
- MGS2
best gameplay-mechanics:
- MGS3
best handling&variety:
- MGS4
best story-development:
- MGS1 (is just builds up and up, you have a nice climatic ending part etc.)
and I like all four ^^