Synless said:
I saw a post earlier that said MGS2's graphics were better than MGS3's......GTFO!!!!!!!!
maybe from a aesthetic/preference standpoint?
I love MGS2 more because of the story, but MGS3 is by far the better looking game.
I recently popped MGS3S in my PS3, and it is one of these PS2 games that look actually way better upscaled in 1080p+AA by the PS3 via HDMI then in my old PS2 over RGB (and if my memory is not that bad, I would dare to say even better then on a CRT TV). When you activate the third person view (not really playable with that though ^^) and look around in the jungle, it is quite amazing (similar experience to when I finished GoW2 on my PS3, even the tearing was basically gone Oo ).
Sadly, MGS3(S) has not widescreen mode, that would be a killer.
btw. MGS3 did stuff, I still wish to be in many "nextgen" games, for example the grass moves when you go through it or even when bullets hit through it. Many next-gen games are basically empty/sterile maps with no player-interaction. An extreme example (but bad game comparison, sry) would be UT3 (most standard maps), it looks awesome but you can't do SHIT in it, nothing breaks, not even visible bullet holes. (and thats not even the start of how to achieve a believable/living world)
Act4-Nostalgia-aside, Act 2 in MGS4 is the best one IMO. Very big levels, multiple paths. Basically MGS3, but still with the fights of the two fractions like in Act 1 (which is cool when you move i.e. in the villa and the war is around you, but you don't get involved if you play stealthy).
It also had these little "outposts" in the middle of the "nature" like in MG3, I loved infiltrating those w/o alert in both games.
I even missed the half of the areas because I chose a quicker route in my first game, It was pretty mindblowing seeing i.e. the swamp/water area for the first time on my second MGS4 run

(good replay value though ^^)
btw. I spend an hour in the first area in act 2 on my first playthrough on normal, trying to get the items, saving the prisoners unseen, but without killing/tranquilizing more then maybe 1 or 2 troops (like the executioners, saving the prisoner in last second). There are way easier ways to achieve this, but I wanted it to look like in a movie :lol
I often continue in MGS-games until I like it (and thats not even involving no kills-playthroughs etc. , I like slitting throats.. a LOT). That's why like the MGS games so much, you can play how you want (plus I can do rampages anytime when something is not working like I planned

I think that's the main reason why there are so many guns in MGS4
