How much does it cost for all the costumes together?
How much does it cost for all the costumes together?
How much does it cost for all the costumes together?
$1 us per costume IIRCHow much does it cost for all the costumes together?
Lmao at Code Talker.
Lmao at Code Talker.
Yeah.Crazy how the MGS threads are now almost down to a stop.
*hugs* not a lot. I think i'm going to get an X1 for Halo 5 tomorrow, really not sure though as i find multiplayer games boring on my own, and have nobody to play with on a nightly (or near nightly) basis.Hey Shy.
Whats going on over there?
*hugs* not a lot. I think i'm going to get an X1 for Halo 5 tomorrow, really not sure though as i find multiplayer games boring on my own, and have nobody to play with on a nightly (or near nightly) basis.
Are you going to get H5. ?
Neato.oh nice.
I have been doing work for that gamebut shh.
You're joking right, please tell me you're joking, if that's true i won't get one and wait.But i look forward to the game on.PC
You're joking right, please tell me you're joking, if that's true i won't get one and wait.
Love Deterrence is Cboat's alt confirmed.ur Shee Queue Shee is shlahhppiegh. kauhm cee mii leightur furra lessin u wont'e furgit.
Got my first big boss rank in MGS4 (or any other mgs for that matter). Wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Hardest part was of course the act 3 bike chase scene and the frog fight in act 1. Not sure if I want to go for the platinum since it will take me like 7 more playthroughs doing rather obscure things for emblems but at least I got the big boss one out the way.
MAN I just had a Frankenmeal.
A frankenburger (loaded with additives)
Some frankenfries
A frankendrink.
Kaz would be proud.
Thank God.Crazy how the MGS threads are now almost down to a stop.
Thank God.
Who said this is the end?Aw... i enjoyed the time talking with everyone in the threads.
I mean, i know what you mean. But its sad that this is how MGS ends.
Crazy how the MGS threads are now almost down to a stop.
The feeling is mutual.Aw... i enjoyed the time talking with everyone in the threads.
I mean, i know what you mean. But its sad that this is how MGS ends.
hey, i have a problem. i cant go online with my ps4, and mgs5, which is a disc game cant be started anymore. whats the problem!?!?!
it says the save data cant be used, please download them again(???)
Do you have Playstation Plus ? Then download your Save Data from your online storage.
If that doesn't work:
Also, just take the disc out, delete the game buy pressing options when you're on mgsv. No worries, this just deletes the game but not the saves. If you have done that, put the disc back in.
Aw... i enjoyed the time talking with everyone in the threads.
I mean, i know what you mean. But its sad that this is how MGS ends.
What else can be said? People have moved on. I'm sure when there's something new to report on, the thread will wake from its coma.OT3 used to burn through pages each day with hype and wonder.
Now it's just gone quiet.
Yeah.OT3 used to burn through pages each day with hype and wonder.
Now it's just gone quiet.
i'm pming a mod asking them to close this thread. mgsv killed the franchise. time to move on.
uncharted 4 should be good.
I wish Uncharted 4 got pushed up to 2015 to get GOTY over MGSV
If your FOB is attached they could steal unprocessed materials(I think). You build the nuke with fuel and some kind of metal resource. There isn't any special resource you get online so you can build your nuke by farming the required materials in single player.Quick question: if I got an Intruder trophy and switched to offline mode do my resources are secured and is it possible to get the platinum trophy?
Because I heard that attacks on your FOB could drain your resources and that you need to gather resources online to build a nuke.
i'm pming a mod asking them to close this thread. mgsv killed the franchise. time to move on.
uncharted 4 should be good.
i'm pming a mod asking them to close this thread. mgsv killed the franchise. time to move on.
I wish Uncharted 4 got pushed up to 2015 to get GOTY over MGSV
OT3 used to burn through pages each day with hype and wonder.
Now it's just gone quiet.
^ Kappa
MGSV will tarnish the industry for years to come. It truly is the worst video game of all time.
Kojima was right, I am ashamed of my words and deeds. My words for wasting them on this utter abomination of a game and my deeds for buying it.
I couldn't feel worse if I drowned a bag of kittens. In fact, I may do that to feel better about myself.
just had a big mac meal from mcdonalds.
i am feeling satisified and content - unlike the ending of mgsv
MGSV is exactly like a Big Mac: you'll enjoy it at first but before long that confused concoction will turn to lead in your belly and it'll tear your arsehole a new arsehole as you struggle desperately to shit it out, leaving you with nothing but empty regret and a deformed, mangled sphincter.
MGSV is like going a fine restaurant, which cooks the most tasty chicken you can imagne, but it serves it with a sloppy shit sauce, with mashed shit and the desert its a shit sundae
bon apeshit
MGSV is like getting addicted to abortions, and after you abort each fetus you store it in a little jar in a small room. and over time your collection grows and grows.
then, when you do have a child, whenever it is naughty you make them go into the fetus room just so that they know you could have aborted it too.