Reading this.
EDIT: so this is saying that i was played like a fiddle the whole time... i can see that, and i don't think that is the reason why people outrage at what MGSV has done.
Reading this.
EDIT: so this is saying that i was played like a fiddle the whole time... i can see that, and i don't think that is the reason why people outrage at what MGSV has done.
Reading this.
EDIT: so this is saying that i was played like a fiddle the whole time... i can see that, and i don't think that is the reason why people outrage at what MGSV has done.
Generally what I'm seeing is that people didn't get what they themselves wanted, to me that is fine because I wanted to see the story Kojima/KojiPro wanted to tell.
That has always been the case, I don't care about what I want or what you or another fan wants. I'm in it for the surprises that the series has thrown at us since forever. After MGS1 I did not expect a story like MGS2 and after MGS2 I sure as heck didn't expect a prequel with Big Boss.
with MGSV I feel like I've gone back in time to MGS2, with Kojima telling the story he wants and pulling crazy twists, with many of the fans complaining. And I'm defending MGSV just like I was MGS2 back then lol, which to this day is my no.1 game of all time. So yeah, I don't get the hate now just like I didn't get it back then.
MGS2 is very different. It doesn't rely on one single character for the story to be successful. What i read just now is an essay on VS. Talks about him and him alone and why he is an interesting character, isntead of a blank slate. I can see that, and if one character was enough to justify a whole game, then i think the reaction would be more positive.
MGS2 was a great game that just like MGSV used deception and manipulation. I fell for it, and many felt betrayed because of it. I understand the hate that game received, but the story is interesting in itself. The whole premise is based on a simulation to gather data... with some really memorable characters and story line that tie it together. I might be one of those guys that dislikes Raiden. But i still find the whole premise to be interesting. MGSV lacks that. From the characters taht tie the story, to the importance of a theme and beats to an arch. The game feels fragmented, and it seems to believe that it can present shocking themes through repeating the words as if mantra is enough to engrain that into someones mind.
The twist that MGSV has is not the issue here. That essay is a good reveal as to why the twist is effective. But it never goes to explain how it all matter throughout the game. If you pay attention. The essay talks about the prologue in the hosp and the end scenes. Thats all. No in between. So where does that fit? Its not that important to character development? Now.. MGS is not a character study so i don't expect this... or any of my expectations. But Kojima presented a game, and it backfires for what it is. No need to add my expectations on top.
So in the same way as i disliked MGS2 for Raiden. Back then i was able to appreciate a cultural phenomenon as a positive. Reacting to Kojimas story as he presented it and adding value for what he wanted to say. Sadly, with MGSV all i can see is plot holes, inconsistencies, and flat characters. All painted under an awesome tale that MGS once was.
Good points about everything but for the bolded you're absolutely right. MGS2 whole game is a build up to that S3 plan reveal. MGSV whole game is not a buildup to the ending. There is no buildup at all. It just happens for no reason.
Just so I'm clear, I'm not completely satisfied with the end product. I've just gone from complete hate to ok I understand what Kojima was going for, I like what he was trying to do but it ultimately fell flat.
The twist that MGSV has is not the issue here. That essay is a good reveal as to why the twist is effective. But it never goes to explain how it all matter throughout the game.
Just so I'm clear, I'm not completely satisfied with the end product. I've just gone from complete hate to ok I understand what Kojima was going for, I like what he was trying to do but it ultimately fell flat.
This is a good read.
MGS2 is very different. It doesn't rely on one single character for the story to be successful. What i read just now is an essay on VS. Talks about him and him alone and why he is an interesting character, isntead of a blank slate. I can see that, and if one character was enough to justify a whole game, then i think the reaction would be more positive.
MGS2 was a great game that just like MGSV used deception and manipulation. I fell for it, and many felt betrayed because of it. I understand the hate that game received, but the story is interesting in itself. The whole premise is based on a simulation to gather data... with some really memorable characters and story line that tie it together. I might be one of those guys that dislikes Raiden. But i still find the whole premise to be interesting. MGSV lacks that. From the characters taht tie the story, to the importance of a theme and beats to an arch. The game feels fragmented, and it seems to believe that it can present shocking themes through repeating the words as if mantra is enough to engrain that into someones mind.
The twist that MGSV has is not the issue here. That essay is a good reveal as to why the twist is effective. But it never goes to explain how it all matter throughout the game. If you pay attention. The essay talks about the prologue in the hosp and the end scenes. Thats all. No in between. So where does that fit? Its not that important to character development? Now.. MGS is not a character study so i don't expect this... or any of my expectations. But Kojima presented a game, and it backfires for what it is. No need to add my expectations on top.
So in the same way as i disliked MGS2 for Raiden. Back then i was able to appreciate a cultural phenomenon as a positive. Reacting to Kojimas story as he presented it and adding value for what he wanted to say. Sadly, with MGSV all i can see is plot holes, inconsistencies, and flat characters. All painted under an awesome tale that MGS once was.
I'm always in awe of the guy for how brave he is. The head of multiple multimillion dollar projects with a rabid fanbase who for the most part really tries to push things and try different stuff. In a world of annual releases, safe and sandy stories, and the same mechanics regurgitated again and again, the fact he's trying to shake things up should praised even if it does fall short.
As usual. Prime post
I hope that whatever Kojima does next he has the backup he wants, and the team to make it happen. I really would like him to get into horror. I think he would do amazing stuff.
Thanks, Brau (even if it is full of typos and grammar mistakes)!
He's gotta scratch that SH itch somewhere. I wish I hadn't missed out on PT![]()
How did you miss out on it? No PS4 at the time? if i share my account with you i think you might be able to get to play the game. Since its in my library.
Its an amazing game.
How did you miss out on it? No PS4 at the time? if i share my account with you i think you might be able to get to play the game. Since its in my library.
Its an amazing game.
I'm not so convinced Metal Gear will suffer without Kojima. When the news broke about Kojima, I thought "Kojima or bust," but I think it's safe to say that the franchise has had solid non-Kojima offerings; Ghost Babel and Rising are two of the best Metal Gear offerings there are as far as I'm concerned, and the Ac!d series had some pretty cool ideas, at the very least. (And honestly, I find Twin Snakes more enjoyable than the original.) Kojima is a genius and an innovator, no doubt, but he's only one man. Assuming the series will flop without him regardless of staff makeup flagrantly disrespectful. They aren't hired for nothing. Just because their names aren't excessively plastered over the credits doesn't mean their dedication to making the series great is any less meaningful or significant. So yeah, his contributions will be missed, but if a chunk of those other pieces remain in place, the series may not be so quick to go to Hell as people suggest.
You also mention Rising, a game that KojiPro members failed to make.
But I'm talking about the franchise, and that is exactly my point. It's a Metal Gear game, and it was just fine.
Which has no bearing on the mainline series. Rising is a character action game, which a lot of MGS fans are not too fond of.
I said the franchise, though lol
True, pachinko should be big money![]()
Yeah, totally missed it. Only got the PS4 when TPP came out.
Wait, you'd do that?! Is that even possible?
Man. So what if they have Pachinko. They are hiring for a New Metal Gear series so I wanna see what that's all about more than ever before.
I don't think it's possible to redownload P.T. once deleted.
I hate to break it to you, but you cant re-download P.T. any more, its completely gone from psn servers, it sucks i know.I am pretty sure you can.
Also.. on my ps4... you can go to the game list, and all games you have ever downloaded appear there. This one i can set it to download to my PS4 through the website.
I'm not so convinced Metal Gear will suffer without Kojima. When the news broke about Kojima, I thought "Kojima or bust," but I think it's safe to say that the franchise has had solid non-Kojima offerings; Ghost Babel and Rising are two of the best Metal Gear offerings there are as far as I'm concerned, and the Ac!d series had some pretty cool ideas, at the very least. (And honestly, I find Twin Snakes more enjoyable than the original.) Kojima is a genius and an innovator, no doubt, but he's only one man. Assuming the series will flop without him regardless of staff makeup flagrantly disrespectful. They aren't hired for nothing. Just because their names aren't excessively plastered over the credits doesn't mean their dedication to making the series great is any less meaningful or significant. So yeah, his contributions will be missed, but if a chunk of those other pieces remain in place, the series may not be so quick to go to Hell as people suggest.
Kojima is the leader but sometimes many people ignore the great team he has.
Is there game director out there who fulfills as many roles in a game as he does? He has like ten credits in MGS1. He does far more then write questionable LENGTHY scripts and edit LENGTHY cutscenes, which Im sure is crazy time consuming while being the director. For instance, he did the map design, enemy routes etc. I think he's very low on the list of game directors that recieve too much credit....sometimes many people ignore the great team he has.
I am pretty sure you can.
Also.. on my ps4... you can go to the game list, and all games you have ever downloaded appear there. This one i can set it to download to my PS4 through the website.
I hate to break it to you, but you cant re-download P.T. any more, its completely gone from psn servers, it sucks i know.
Yh unfortunately you defo can't download it. Tried downloading it on my PS4 as it's on my list but it just says errorEventually I know I'm gonna backup a friends console with P.T. installed on it, and restore it onto my PS4, I think/hope it'll work that way.
The big issue is that it isn't just Kojima leaving but key members of KojiPro as well, must have been a decent number if Konami started running hiring ads right away. And on top of that they disbanded KojiPro in general and dispersed the members among other teams. So it's not just a case of losing a leader.
It's more interesting to wonder what Kojima will do next, being able to do something new aside, it will be interesting how he proceeds forward and if he sets up his own company. The company could essentially end up as a mini-Konami by being a haven for ex-Konami employees, much like Platinum Games is a mini-Capcom.
I don't think that is the reason why people outrage at what MGSV has done.
Yep that vid is pretty good, i posted it in here when it got released.Word.
He has that other review on gameplay to 100% the game. Here. Doesn't go into some of the wishlists i had on the game. But he does mention a lot of things that i had an issue with.
Yep that vid is pretty good, i posted it in here when it got released.
On an unrelated note. Did you get into the overwatch beta Brau. ?
No, cause i'm a pleb. *starts to cry*I have a friend that is tech artist at Blizz. So i can ask him to get into it at any time. But i rarely have time to play a beta. So no dice yet.
Did you?
No, cause i'm a pleb. *starts to cry*
Not only that, i still can't make up my mind whether i want to get an X1, it's driving me crazy.
I was hoping i'd get into the overwatch beta, that i wouldn't have to worry about getting H5.
No, cause i'm a pleb. *starts to cry*
Not only that, i still can't make up my mind whether i want to get an X1, it's driving me crazy.
I was hoping i'd get into the overwatch beta, that i wouldn't have to worry about getting H5.
If it wouldn't inconvenience you, and if you're sure it your friend wouldn't feel like you taking advantage of his friendship. Then i would like that. if it's not too much trouble. PleaseI can probably get you in if you really want in. I would just need to ping my buddy there.
Money is a bit tight at the mo, and 400 pound is a lot. And except for H5 and scalebound, there isn't anything i want on it.If you can afford it, why not have it just on standby? No reason you can't dabble in both if you're not fully satisfied or tired of the other for a while.
Also, they said they'd be releasing invites in waves, so there is definitely still time to get in!
So the official MGS twitter is having a contest regarding MGO3. That'd be cool and all to join in, but I'm playing MGSV on PC and we don't have access to MGO ;__;
I feel so alienated.
This trauma is still felt today. Here is a video of a Native woman named Annie Smith reciting a poem she wrote inspired by her great uncle who died as a child in an American Indian boarding school. He choked to death on a bar of soap that was crammed into his mouth as punishment for daring to speak his native language.
The problem with the essay (apart from my not agreeing with one particular aspect) is that it spends most of its time addressing narrative concerns rather than tying the themes to the gameplay. It's less critical analysis and more narrative justification. Taken as the latter, it works nicely but what you're pointing out is outside its scope.
How does the twist relate to everything that happens in between the prologue and the end? It's a great question.
So the twist is (in a meta narrative sense) the player is told they are Big Boss and that they have helped build the legend of Big Boss. In the context of this game alone, the player has helped build that legend by playing the game and by the choices we have made during it. Kojima gives the player freedom, more so than he's ever done before, and that should ram that final twist home. This time, even though we aren't actually Big Boss: The Man, we really are Big Boss: The Legend, the one everyone talks about in hushed reverence during subsequent games in the chronology.
"Let the legend come to life!" is said to us just before we are given the reigns to the game (pun intended by me, perhaps by Kojima too). Each mission is one of many vignettes that all contribute to the tapestry of BB's legend. Outside of cutscenes we are given a choice over every aspect of the gameplay: what missions we take, when we execute them, who we play as, what we use, who we take with us, how we complete the mission, what we build, what we research etc. We are building and contributing to the very legend Big Boss talks to Venom about (as well as the other game's we've played).
"Did you hear? The One Eyed Man kidnapped everyone in OKB!"
"I heard he loaded a jeep with C4 and rammed a squad of Walker Gears."
"They say he can control the weather!"
"I heard he was a Dushman."
"No, the guy said Douche, man."
"Oh... What's a douche?"
So no, narratively the bulk of the game is its own thing (although I view the body double angle as the TV series-style overarching mystery). However, the gameplay itself does link in very nicely with the final twist. Every mission becomes important because they become the stories people tell each other about Big Boss, In fact, not taking that thematic/gameplay link into consideration probably lessens the impact of BB's speech.
That's my take anyway.
I'd say I'm the same, although less "fell flat" more "great but flawed experiment." I get what he was trying to do and it wasn't wholly successful. But the gameplay is rock fucking solid.
I'm always in awe of the guy for how brave he is. The head of multiple multimillion dollar projects with an utterly rabid fanbase who manages, for the most part, to really push things and try different stuff. In a world of annual releases, safe and samey stories, and the same mechanics regurgitated again and again, the fact he's trying to shake things up should be praised even if it does fall short.
I am really happy to see that there are people/fans out there who are working their asses off to make sense out of the plot in TPP and as a huge fan myself I appreciate that! I totally agree with what you two said and that's exactly how I feel! I still hope someone makes a Youtube video explaining the plot in all its details asap! I think TPP has a genius story! The more analysis I read regarding TPP's story the more I fall in love with the game! I didn't 100% the game yet (I'm reaching 80% soon) but I can't wait to finish everything! Every now and then I replay a story mission just to rewatch the cutscenes and remind myself of the awesome moments in the game!For sure, came across it by chance.
The article is primarily about the twist so of course it focuses on.Venom and BB
Not sure how the rest can be ignored, there is so much to it. The language as a weapon angle alone, like JayEH mentioned, is so damn interesting and thought provoking.
Beyond that you have Paz with her tragic fate and how in the end she was Venom's own phantom pain deep inside from when he was a medic. How his deeper thoughts seem to come through in her final tape. And how she also ties into Zero.
And of course Huey, which has been turned into very much his own character instead of just being an Otacon clone. His lies, ignorance and blame shifting to the point of actually believing all of it.
Skull Face and the way he operates and manipulates people, like in the Chico/Paz tapes from GZ or the tape with Code Talker and the bell, not to mention the one with Zero. And his back story and reasons for wanting to revenge are also well done. Despite being a brand new character he was connected into the MGS story really well.
And then there is Quiet, excuse me if I don't comment on her looks but I've gotten over revealing designs years ago. I can look at Mai Shiranui, Cammy, Angel etc. and many more designs and see someone cool overall. That aside, she was fantastic and I loved the way her relationship with Venom was formed. The comradery between her and Venom building slowly by going through missions and them looking out for one another, much like how most players grew to like her due to how useful she was in combat. Their bond builds slowly over time, you can even see this in the helicopter since at first Venom only has a couple of her photos up but as the bond grows he adds a few more. This while she is in conflict on the inside and wanting revenge for what happened to her body. There are also the little things like her XOF uniform being called Gray XOF, so from that we can assume that she was likely XOF's equivalent of Gray Fox.
And throughout all this, the themes of revenge and phantom pain have been woven into the characters and story so damn well and bring everything together. With the player even ending up with some phantom pains of his or her own (Quiet leaving, this being the last MGS etc.).
I can go on and on about the characters and story, so when someone says that there isn't much there, that just doesn't compute for me.
I totally agree with the horror thing. After PT, I expect nothing less than perfection!As usual. Prime post
I hope that whatever Kojima does next he has the backup he wants, and the team to make it happen. I really would like him to get into horror. I think he would do amazing stuff.
So... Where were you guys when you realized MGSV was the worst game in the series? Me? I was in a chopper on my way to not faux Outer Heaven.
More cut content. wow.
So... Where were you guys when you realized MGSV was the worst game in the series? Me? I was in a chopper on my way to not faux Outer Heaven.