And before we know it, Netflix went from $8 p/m to $20 p/m.
I'd also say that price is but one issue. Not only did we see the price keep raising, we watched quality of their content drop and then they started taking hard line stances against things they formerly had no issues with (e.g. password sharing). Price is up, quality is down, and they're looking for any way to squeeze every penny out of their subscriber base.
Such is the plight of almost every subscription service. They inevitably hit a plateau where they struggle to add existing customers so they find ways to increase the monetization of current ones. Either by cutting corners, cutting services, raising rates, or all of the above. We may consume games different than video, but the issues are the same.
How long before Microsoft cracks down on the Gold to Game Pass upgrade loophole that lets people stack up to 3 years of GPU for less than half of GPU's retail price, I wonder? How long before Microsoft shuts down the game sharing "home Xbox" trick? If Netflix has taught us anything, it is to expect these loopholes will eventually be closed in service of chasing revenue streams.