Be that surprise AAA game that becomes a GOTY contender like Wolfie.
I love emergent shit, this could beat Far Cry 4 in that aspect. Don't let me down, Hell Hawk!
Everything is a GOTY contender in 2014. It's the Wild Card year.

Be that surprise AAA game that becomes a GOTY contender like Wolfie.
I love emergent shit, this could beat Far Cry 4 in that aspect. Don't let me down, Hell Hawk!
Boromir at the council meeting said one does not simply walk into Mordor which became a popular meme a few years ago.
Everything is a GOTY contender in 2014. It's the Wild Card year.
It's Always Sunny in PhiladelphiaWhere is this from ?? is this from ??
Everything is a GOTY contender in 2014. It's the Wild Card year.
im pretty sure monolith are working on the pc version...
Isn't it only Germany that has this assplode facism?I think they'll remove head assplodes in Europe. TLoU, I'm looking at you. They should put in a "glitch" in games that turn these stuff on, for poor fellas in Europe because we need them head-asplodes.
GJ on the OT.
"I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me.
A day may come when the genius of Monolith fails, when we forsake our ports and break all bonds of compatibility, but it is not this day.
This day we hype!
By all that you hold dear on this good Earth, I bid you 'buy, Men of the GAF!'"
Welcome bud! Stay outta Off topic side for a while and you'll do fine here.I was already sold on this, but reading the lore in the OT (great work by the way, I'm way too excited for this now.
My first post on GAF!
One thing I'd like to see explained by LotR-lore experts;
I see Uruks in the game, I thought they were created by Sauruman during the timespan between the start of Frodo's travels and Sauruman's demise at the hands of the Ents. Or did Sauruman and Sauron's alliance start much earlier and did they start their Uruk-production earlier in secrecy?
I really want to get on this but my pc specs fail me. I meet the recommended requirements om everything but cpu, which doesn't even meet the minimum lol. Only 3.1ghz.
Overclock it yo.
Can someone explain the thread title? I've seen all the movies multiple times, but I'm drawing a blank right now.
It already is lol, from 2.8ghz. Can't get I higher without runtime issues
One does not simply walk into the thread and explain the title.
Thanks, I'll keep that in mind Lol.Welcome bud! Stay outta Off topic side for a while and you'll do fine here.
I myself have been catching up on lore in anticipation and couldn't be more excited. It seems such a no-brainer that a game like this should have already taken place and it looks so damn good.
It already is lol, from 2.8ghz. Can't get I higher without runtime issues. The joys of a 7 year old system that carried me through the gen no sweat.
One thing I'd like to see explained by LotR-lore experts;
I see Uruks in the game, I thought they were created by Sauruman during the timespan between the start of Frodo's travels and Sauruman's demise at the hands of the Ents. Or did Sauruman and Sauron's alliance start much earlier and did they start their Uruk-production earlier in secrecy?
That is a great way to go about it. Lore experts that get mad about this stuff are taking it way to seriously. You can appreciate and celebrate a fictional universe and still have fun with something that may take liberties with it as long as it respects the source material. The movies take nothing away from the books, and neither will any game.I've been able to ignore almost everything about this game other than looking for impressions of the game's quality. I'm a big LOTR fan and have read everything from the Silmirillion through to the Return of the King and beyond many times over and can't wait to find out what the devs put in from all of this source material. In terms of the games faithfulness to the books, I won't get bent out of shape if things get changed. If it can capture the vibe and spirit of Middle Earth as well as the LoTR movies did, I'll be grinning for months.
Isn't it only Germany that has this assplode facism?