Its far worse than they expected.Honestly don't know if 18k is ok or terrible but I'm wishing him all the worst. Fuck off forever Milo.
They expected 100K copies at least.Honestly don't know if 18k is ok or terrible but I'm wishing him all the worst. Fuck off forever Milo.
I don't think his dwindling followers even have the patience or intelligence to read.
Honestly don't know if 18k is ok or terrible but I'm wishing him all the worst. Fuck off forever Milo.
Their fucking strain of intellectualism is Sargon of a Akkad spouting slogans to from books he's never readThey don't, but they will listen to uneducated blowhards jerk each other off on the same talking points for 7 straight hours on google hangout streams.
Trying to sell books to these stormweenie teenagers was an idiotic idea. If he was remotely intelligent he would've realized he's just conservative talk radio for the new generation. These people don't read. They don't even transcribe their shit.
yfw you can barely sell a book to 20% of the subscriber count of the gamergate subreddit that idolizes you
They don't, but they will listen to uneducated blowhards jerk each other off on the same talking points for 7 straight hours on google hangout streams.
Trying to sell books to these stormweenie teenagers was an idiotic idea. If he was remotely intelligent he would've realized he's just conservative talk radio for the new generation. These people don't read. They don't even transcribe their shit. They want videos, period. They need the glow of a screen to keep their attention and to let them turn their brain off even further.
So hate doesn't sell
Is this the same Anthony that went on a huge racist rant that destroyed his show after a black woman walked near him on the street? Good company I guessHe was on anthony from O&A fame and I believe said he expected it to be one of the bet selling books in history, hes also suing his former publisher for not publishing it.
I did find it interesting he got no real media appointments
I doubt he will go away
Kinda figured it'd do well with the Brexit crowd.
You are right, a book was the wrong medium to grab those idiots. They 'should have put some thought into thatThey don't, but they will listen to uneducated blowhards jerk each other off on the same talking points for 7 straight hours on google hangout streams.
Trying to sell books to these stormweenie teenagers was an idiotic idea. If he was remotely intelligent he would've realized he's just conservative talk radio for the new generation. These people don't read. They don't even transcribe their shit. They want videos, period. They need the glow of a screen to keep their attention and to let them turn their brain off even further.
Get fucked.
18,000 in the US is disgusting, though.
Their fucking strain of intellectualism is Sargon of a Akkad spouting slogans to from books he's never read
Is this the same Anthony that went on a huge racist rant that destroyed his show after a black woman walked near him on the street? Good company I guess
He greatly exaggerated how many he sold, which should tell you whether 18k is good.Honestly don't know if 18k is ok or terrible but I'm wishing him all the worst. Fuck off forever Milo.
Get fucked.
18,000 in the US is disgusting, though.
who is nero on Twitter? Says account suspended?
That motherfucker ruined a perfectly interesting historical figure and if I want to learn about the real one I have to scroll down on Google to get past this dumb fuck, fuck himSargon of High School Dropout
Sargon of I'm-a-software-"dev"-who-doesn't-know-what-an-IDE-is
Every time someone say he is "controversial" instead of a bigoted neonazi someone joins the neonazis
Their fucking strain of intellectualism is Sargon of a Akkad spouting slogans to from books he's never read
He will be fine, he got himself the best sugar daddies you could hope for.
They expected 100K copies at least.
I'm just never sure with these slimebags. Doesn't sound like much but maybe they're still happy about getting 18k suckers to give them money even though they're posturing for more *shrug*He greatly exaggerated how many he sold, which should tell you whether 18k is good.
Can his audience even read?
That motherfucker ruined a perfectly interesting historical figure and if I want to learn about the real one I have to scroll down on Google to get past this dumb fuck, fuck him
Sargon of my ideology is inherently self contradictory and incoherent because I'm a dumbfuck turd
Yeah, the UK does not like assholes who make excuses for pedophiles and enable child abuse. He'd get his shit kicked in if he even dared to make an appearance here.
Oh yeah that shit is so annoying like I got linked to a video where Sargon tried to explain how he did not harbour an unhealthy obsession with Anita sarkeesian (amazing on its own) and suddenly I get all these "rational thinkers" on my recs whose whole thesis is "women are crazy amirite??"I love how youtube turns my entire recommended into basically his channel feed if I'm ever linked one of his videos. Wait I don't love that at all.
Just for reference that's about 1 percent of the population of Guam. That's not a lot of books at all.Gross that 18K people in this country bought that garbage.
That or a spot in government.
Oh yeah that shit is so annoying like I got linked to a video where Sargon tried to explain how he did not harbour an unhealthy obsession with Anita sarkeesian (amazing on its own) and suddenly I get all these "rational thinkers" on my recs whose whole thesis is "women are crazy amirite??"