I love how youtube turns my entire recommended into basically his channel feed if I'm ever linked one of his videos. Wait I don't love that at all.
Hbomberguy has a fantastic browser add-on that gets rid of alt right shit in your suggested videos.
I love how youtube turns my entire recommended into basically his channel feed if I'm ever linked one of his videos. Wait I don't love that at all.
Just for reference that's about 1 percent of the population of Guam. That's not a lot of books at all.
My thoughts, exactly.Get fucked.
Agreed.18,000 in the US is disgusting, though.
Yeah, the UK does not like assholes who make excuses for pedophiles and enable child abuse. He'd get his shit kicked in if he even dared to make an appearance here.
Did something else happen or is this because of the same thing that lost him his first book deal?after many of his alt right supporters cut ties with him.
These alt right fuckers are all giant cowards, Richard Spencer got confronted at a gym by a black woman and he flat out denied that yes he was Richard Spencer, known monster.I am 99% certain I walked past him near Traffalgar Square. I just gave him the "are you who I think you are look" and he scurried off.
Pretty sure being a little bitch is a prerequisite for being an alt righter
Then I sincerely hope that every copy sold is one that he bought so he makes a huge loss and possibly has to declare bankruptcyOne dirty little secret about a lot of big-name non-fiction titles is the author will often buy up a lot of copies to ensure it becomes a best-seller, so these numbers might actually be worse than they appear.
EDIT: or should I say one of his shell companies named Sepiroth Holdings
I am 99% certain I walked past him near Traffalgar Square. I just gave him the "are you who I think you are look" and he scurried off.
Holy shit I thought that was a joke, but that's an actual thing that exists!!
Is it really Lucky's??
He will be fine, he got himself the best sugar daddies you could hope for.
Happens to me every few months even if I don't click on some right-wing b.s.I love how youtube turns my entire recommended into basically his channel feed if I'm ever linked one of his videos. Wait I don't love that at all.
Despite his dip in profile, he claims that the book has sold more than 100,000 copies, explaining away the delay in Nielsens count as down to the fact that booksellers hadnt ordered enough copies to keep up with demand.
Pirate that shit to put it in the recycle bin and delete permanently152 and 18,000 is pitiful, but great that so few have bought his books.
Now I wonder how many have pirated it... And I wonder how many bought the books not as supporters but to see what he is rambling about... And I wonder how many can't read and are waiting for the audio book...
YouTube should honestly have a feature that lets you block channels.Hbomberguy has a fantastic browser add-on that gets rid of alt right shit in your suggested videos.
That isn't even half of 1% in freaking Alabama let alone the US.
Get fucked.
18,000 in the US is disgusting, though.
Even those 152 purchases have to have been ironic/gag gift buys surely?
Yup, I wouldn't be surprised if that was him, it's basically a pre-requisite to be a cowardly rat bastard when you spew hate. Would only take one person to point out what he did and he'd be mobbed too.
It kinda did in USA, sadly.
YouTube should honestly have a feature that lets you block channels.
I lol'ed. Much like how I always react in regards to Milo's existence. People give him too much power. He's not a nazi AKA someone like Richard Spencer who needs to have his veneer of civility removed and his hate exposed so he can be immediately fucked off out of society - he's just a troll who thrives on attention. Ignoring him or laughing AT him, instead of with him, is the way to make him go away, not lashing out or being angered by what he says. And going by those book sales numbers, that's exactly what's happening, so no worries and back to the lols.
YouTube should honestly have a feature that lets you block channels.