Assange actually responds to a point like this in the comments.
Dude is free to publish his book, just shouldn't expect to get paid for it.
Assange actually responds to a point like this in the comments.
That topic didn't come up at all as far as I can tell. He said that sometimes sex between 13 year olds and 28 year olds is OK because some teens are mature for their age.
Rest assured, that was his argument, and also that Hitler was bad and that hurting animals is wrong.
Dude is free to publish his book, just shouldn't expect to get paid for it.
Nah, the tornado machine is under the control of the Obama shadow government trying to undermine and eventually overthrow President Trump.
The levels of bullshit in this one tweet are dizzying.would you look at that, Julian Assange is stepping up to fight censorship
The number of comments literally, in no uncertain terms, saying it's ok for 13 year-olds to have sex with adults("It happens all the time, with consent!") makes me fear for humanity. Assange is scum.
Assange actually responds to a point like this in the comments.
The levels of bullshit in this one tweet are dizzying.
These people think not speaking at a private event or getting a book deal is "restricting free speech". If you love free speech so much, give me your twitter account, I have a right to speak on any platform I want, right?
I love Twitter though, it really keeps people honest who spend too much time on it.
But I don't understand I'm missing something. Here Milo seems to be absolutely against pedophilia, no?
White boys puppies and baby seals.
The last lines in our society.
But I don't understand I'm missing something. Here Milo seems to be absolutely against pedophilia, no?
hes against helping people that are afflicted with paedophilia from seeking mental assistance here.
so hes against taking preventative action to child molestation technically
We can also sum up his views on homosexuality. Gays should stay in the closet, it's OK to harass them, and a good way for them to accept themselves is through the unconditional love of a pedophile. ¯\_(ツhes against helping people that are afflicted with paedophilia from seeking mental assistance here.
so hes against taking preventative action to child molestation technically
Hmm, a rapist coming to defend a pedophile. Let's see how this plays out.
He is against pedophilia. It's just that he has his own sick, twisted definition of it. According to him if there's "consent" between the child and the adult then it's not really pedophilia.But I don't understand I'm missing something. Here Milo seems to be absolutely against pedophilia, no?
These people have won. They run the world now.![]()
Wait,he is talking about the victims !?I love Twitter though, it really keeps people honest who spend too much time on it.
The first amendment only applies to GOVERNMENT censorship or imprisonment for speech. It does not apply to PRIVATE entities.
But of course the people sucking up to Assange aren't the type of people to actually know the Constitution.
Historically the age of consent has been higher for same-sex relationships than in heterosexual intercourse. Not sure if it's like that still in the US, but in the UK they reduced it from 21 to 18, to 16 finally in 2001, to match that of hetero sex.
If his point is "The age of consent for gay people should be the same as straight people" then I totally agree with him. Depends on what "teenager" means.
By your logic you should be condemning these results, since they are limiting his platform. It makes no sense to suggest that people who didn't want to give him a platform were wrong, using the fact that people are not giving him a platform as evidence. The only conclusion you can reach is that no-platforming was correct all along and only now are people on the traditional conservative side realizing this.I remember a lot of people were upset about Milo going on Maher. How we shouldn't give him a platform, or exposure. How the people claiming that the best way to discredit his views were to debate instead of suppress, were foolish. Yet all the exposure he's been getting since this weekend got him a spotlight on this particular topic, leading to a book cancellation, uninvitation to CPAC and pushback from Breitbart. So in the end, which side was right ? Blowing up Milo on National media hurt him instead of helping him, which is great.
Wait,he is talking about the victims !?
This freaking madman
I remember a lot of people were upset about Milo going on Maher. How we shouldn't give him a platform, or exposure. How the people claiming that the best way to discredit his views were to debate instead of suppress, were foolish. Yet all the exposure he's been getting since this weekend got him a spotlight on this particular topic, leading to a book cancellation, uninvitation to CPAC and pushback from Breitbart. So in the end, which side was right ? Blowing up Milo on National media hurt him instead of helping him, which is great.
Dan Olson w/ an 'O'
I should, but probably won't, get around to writing long form about the uneasy alliance of Nazis and pedophiles.
The root is that sharing the same websites means cross pollination is somewhat inevitable
This is smoothed by the "Ephebophile" crowd and how well that meshes with traditionalist Nazi paternalism and the infantilization of women
Pretty much any patriarchal space has its share of dudes defending "natural male sexuality" and jerking off to 13 year olds.
Some channers who think they're witty have pointed out that Aryan Nation hates pedos and murder them first, as though that's a slam dunk.
First, this is why it's an uneasy, and principally online, alliance. More about protecting their shared dank, slimy "free speech" corners.
Second is the importance of the "ephebophile" idea and its role in re-drawing the boundaries.
The entire purpose of that word, and you can see this endlessly on Reddit, is to maintain the appearance of opposition while not actually.
So while, yeah, the Aryan Nation hates child molesters they also totally think that 14 is a fine age for girls to start "saving the race"
8chan hobbyist Nazis with their less well defined (and often deeply rooted in self-loathing) ideology tend to be even less rigorous.
Perfect example here would be the endless rhetoric against "degenerates" on KiwiFarms when everyone on KF meets their own definition of same
chan Nazis vocally hate pedos, but they still hang out on sites best known for trading child abuse images.
I wonder where all those pizza place conspiracy guys are?who knew there actually existed a line that could be crossed
holy shit
What the fuck happened to Alex Jones? He was always a kook, but at least he used to be against all powers that be, whether Bush or Obama. There was something comforting in that equal opportunity crazy.
Now you're a shill for Trump and Milo? GTFO. Where's my old school "everything's an NWO conspiracy" peeps?? You got "captured", Jones....
They're on Twitter claiming that Milo was taken out of context by a media hatchet job because a gay Trump supporter somehow makes them look bad and Pizzagate is the real issue.I wonder where all those pizza place conspiracy guys are?
On the publishing context of why it got pulled and how money drives Milo's bigotry
But I don't understand I'm missing something. Here Milo seems to be absolutely against pedophilia, no?
On the publishing context of why it got pulled and how money drives Milo's bigotry
The sudden "switch" of long-time held beliefs due to the GOP propaganda machine is obvious and shocking at it's effectiveness. There's a guy called the "liberal redneck" on Youtube that's mentioned that a lot of redneck guys he knows have suddenly started "support the police" due to the BLM protests. When the hell did that start happening? I mean, there's a reason why "Dukes of Hazard" main villain is corrupt politicians and police.Thank you!
I used to love hearing his crazy rants against the government... and now he is swinging from Trump's nuts like his life is in danger.
From what I understand his stance is that once someone is sexually mature(for him it's after puberty I think) they are ready for the D...or P, No matter how old that D or P is.
I think I phrased that right
The sudden "switch" of long-time held beliefs due to the GOP propaganda machine is obvious and shocking at it's effectiveness. There's a guy called the "liberal redneck" on Youtube that's mentioned that a lot of redneck guys he knows have suddenly started "support the police" due to the BLM protests. When the hell did that start happening? I mean, there's a reason why "Dukes of Hazard" main villain is corrupt politicians and police.
who knew there actually existed a line that could be crossed
holy shit
And Trump is more than likely himself a pedophile. Give it time, give it time, all will be revealed.
They're on Twitter claiming that Milo was taken out of context by a media hatchet job because a gay Trump supporter somehow makes them look bad and Pizzagate is the real issue.
The fact that him condoning pedophilia is what pushed people/media to finally realize what a hate monger he is, is equally as ridiculous and disgusting.
But they didn't. They were perfectly fine with all the gross stuff he said until he went too far. Now that he can't be used as a shield anymore they've thrown their garbage in the trash.
I think this is a good primer for people trying to understand why people like Milo try to make a distinction between 'pedophilia' and 'ephebophilia'
So this guy is terrible clearly. But what beef does he have with women taking birth control pills?
On the publishing context of why it got pulled and how money drives Milo's bigotry
On the publishing context of why it got pulled and how money drives Milo's bigotry
*white* women taking birth control pills is what he means, because he doesn't want to see the numerical marginalization of the white race
Is that his actual Twitter account?would you look at that, Julian Assange is stepping up to fight censorship
The pedophilia defense forceThe number of comments literally, in no uncertain terms, saying it's ok for 13 year-olds to have sex with adults("It happens all the time, with consent!") makes me fear for humanity. Assange is scum.
I'm not sure I get all that. What does she mean by "conservative no-platforming" ?