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ModNation Racers |OT| Loading, Moaning And Creating Vinyl Clothing


MisterAnderson said:
Can anyone confirm with me how publishing works in this game? As in, if I want to publish my incomplete level just to show someone, but can I publish it locked? (like in LBP) And say I publish a public level, if I make changes and republish over it, will that make a new slot or will it keep all the download stats and such (like LBP)?

Once you publish, the track can be downloaded and it starts to gain stgats, when you unpublish it loses ALL stats. You can not over-ride.
expy said:
Once you publish, the track can be downloaded and it starts to gain stgats, when you unpublish it loses ALL stats. You can not over-ride.

Ugh. That's godawful. Now it's going to take me like 3 times longer to publish because I am going to have to make sure everything's perfect :/


Konata Izumi (will do Kagami & Tsukasa next)



Nagato Yuki


Asuka Langley Sohryu v.2

You're a mod making machine :lol They all look great man. I'm busting my ass trying to finish my track. It's finally coming together and is a lot of fun to play through (but then again I'm biased) but kind of on the difficult side. I'm also really clueless as to what to name it...I have my save file "Tropical Ruins" but it sounds so generic and there's probably tons of tracks published with "tropical" and "ruins" in the title. If anyone has any good ideas for a name for my track I'd appreciate it. :D

Also those pics on the last page I posted are not at all representative of the final track...I've been kind of going nuts all day today decorating the shit out of the level. I'm used to the LBP thermo popping so damn soon, so I'm damn well going to populate the shit out of my track with as many props as it can handle :lol
It does pretty well with props in my experience (though not too many boost pads for some stupid reason) but it starts freaking out sooner than expected with surface brushes and terrain adjustments. Then at that point you're pretty much stuck with what you have.

Also: My little brother made an accurate re-creation of Hyrule Field from Ocarina of Time in the editor, then built a really fun track on it. It could use some love. Search for "Hyrule Field" and try the one by a guy named MoosetracksFFXI.

MisterAnderson said:
Ugh. That's godawful. Now it's going to take me like 3 times longer to publish because I am going to have to make sure everything's perfect :/

Yeah, my little brother had to do this a few times. Took his track online, found a few issues with it and kept having to unpublish it. It should be like LBP's republishing, but it's not. For all the capabilities this game has and for how insanely fun the racing is, there are quite a few irritating little oversights in it. :/


Amneisac said:
I've been looking for something fun to play with the wife. We have Mario Kart, just got it actually, and we're enjoying it, but we're a little sick of the horrible rubberbanding, constant barrage of blue shells and crap and the lack of two player GP racing.

Does Modnation Racers have a two player story-ish mode? Basically the equivalent of 2 player GP?

Also, is the difficulty 'organic' or is it just a bunch of the AI teaming up on you and rubberbanding?
I don't find the rubberbanding too bad personally. It is there, but it's not super-obvious (And if you're not close to the lead by the end of the first lap you're going to find it REALLY hard to win a race).

Most people that don't take a little time to learn the nuances of the combat system are calling it unfair, but the game really does give you a means to deal with almost everything it can throw with you. Just take a little time to learn how to deal with them.

I don't think the game has a 2-player GP type mode though.

As for the difficulty, it doesn't seem terribly unfair. You will be the focus of the chasing pack if you're in the front, which is only natural. The game is actually harder if you're a part of the chasing pack I think - if you can get out front, drive the track well and deal with any incoming attacks you should win without too much trouble.

Don't get me wrong though, the game is hard. VERY hard in places, and some of the challenges will take some time to complete.


Neo Member
I played some more of the single player campaign and after seeing some of the tracks that United Front have come up with, I'm ashamed of my levels. There are open-field areas with pitfalls, and tons of shortcuts with risks, and cool bridge and jump areas. A highlight was taking out Hale in front of the race stands as an achievement goal. So sooo great.


MisterAnderson said:
I'm busting my ass trying to finish my track. It's finally coming together and is a lot of fun to play through (but then again I'm biased) but kind of on the difficult side.
It's looking like one of the best custom made tracks I've seen so far though. Can't wait to give it a go!


Found a GAF car last night, complete with Ban Hammers, logos, and Spoiler Tags:




Edit: Also, I'd like to echo sentiments that the game is way too fucking hard once you get into the end of the 4th tier. WTF were they thinking? This shit is absurd. Seriously, I'm done with career mode unless they patch this shit and drop the difficulty.
At Long last I have finished the Track Layout for Oxcide Station RMK. It will easily be the longest track in the game when it is finished, clocking in at around 2 mins per lap.

Here is a Preview. I need to tidy it up a little due to the hell I had to go through to get such a large track made, it is going to take me quite awhile to finish it but it works! when it is finished it will be a massive indoor ruin kinda thing (apart from the area on the left with the water).

When I started making this, I ran out of track with 1/2 of it left to make, it is that big :lol



Yeah the career mode is getting way too hard for me. Does anyone know if the rewards for the 2 optional challenges on each track are ever for creating tracks? Or is it just stuff for the mods/cars? It there isn't actual track-making stuff in there then I'm not even going to bother with any of them.


Mudo said:
Yeah the career mode is getting way too hard for me. Does anyone know if the rewards for the 2 optional challenges on each track are ever for creating tracks? Or is it just stuff for the mods/cars? It there isn't actual track-making stuff in there then I'm not even going to bother with any of them.

Most if not all, track items are in the slots.


That really is too bad wow. I guess I need to find someone who is good at racing game to help me out or something lol


Mudo said:
That really is too bad wow. I guess I need to find someone who is good at racing game to help me out or something lol

For the slots, all you need are tokens... And to collect the tokens it doesn't matter how slow or how long you take to finish a track as long as you collect them all. So you're fine.


OH WAIT you mean that thing where you can spend tokens? oh...that's awesome then! Screw the challenges!! Thanks for the info :D
I bring thy, Duke Nukem's kart: The American Duke(ster):





And here's going for a test drive in his new Ox:


Still unpublished though! Im ironing out the details on the Duke Nukem mod and releasing it as a set.
expy said:
It's looking like one of the best custom made tracks I've seen so far though. Can't wait to give it a go!

Thanks man! Lol god how do you make so many mods so quickly? How many have you made so far?

And LOL gaf mobile looks hilarious, and love the Duke/Duke car. I've been pondering on what to call my track and I came up with "Tropic Pantheon" as a possibility...does that sound alright?

Also I've been thinking about publishing it under some weird name like some gibberish combination of letters, and seeing if anyone would be willing to test what I have so far. I'd like to get someone's opinion on the track before I publish it and call it finished. It's hard to stay objective with your own track and have zero feedback based on gameplay. Would anyone be willing to give it a go?
MisterAnderson said:
Also I've been thinking about publishing it under some weird name like some gibberish combination of letters, and seeing if anyone would be willing to test what I have so far. I'd like to get someone's opinion on the track before I publish it and call it finished. It's hard to stay objective with your own track and have zero feedback based on gameplay. Would anyone be willing to give it a go?

I wouldn't mind to! :D

Which reminds I should probably add you on PSN, it'll make much easier to find it.


MrPliskin said:
Found a GAF car last night, complete with Ban Hammers, logos, and Spoiler Tags:




Edit: Also, I'd like to echo sentiments that the game is way too fucking hard once you get into the end of the 4th tier. WTF were they thinking? This shit is absurd. Seriously, I'm done with career mode unless they patch this shit and drop the difficulty.

Here's some PA karts. I love both the gafmobile and the pa kart, fantastic artwork





Konata, Kagami, and Tsukasa were lonely without their own kart... So here it is! The Lucky Star Go Kart!!! :lol :lol





netguy503 said:
No NeoGAF symbol on the NeoGAF cart. WOOT!?!

Someone make keyboard cat mod/kart next please.:D :lol

Actually there is one, I just didn't take a picture of it, lol. My bad!

Edit: Just snapped a pic of it:



100% on all but the last tour now. It's getting properly tough finishing the challenges now - some of them, like sideswiping a particualr enemy in a specific part of the track, are fucking painful! D:
highluxury said:
I wouldn't mind to! :D

Which reminds I should probably add you on PSN, it'll make much easier to find it.

Hey man, I accepted your request and sent you a message on PSN. I'd love it if you tested it out when you get a chance :)

Also guys, is there any way to like..."glue" street signs on to a surface? I spent a lot of time making sure they were all out of the way but still visible yet after the first lap they are always strewn about the course due to weapons fire... (the level 3 shockwave just knocks every single thing down...kind of stupid). What are the point of the street signs if they are just gonna get in the way of the track after the first lap?


No45 said:
100% on all but the last tour now. It's getting properly tough finishing the challenges now - some of them, like sideswiping a particualr enemy in a specific part of the track, are fucking painful! D:

Sideswipe 3 opponents by the cliff? lol That was a toughy, but managed to get 2 in one shot. lol

Also. levelling past 22-23 is insanely long considering the 500xp per series doesnt' scale up... =\
Does leveling up unlock anything or is it just a number?

DeadGzuz said:
Did anyone get their Amazon pre-order bonus? I swear I did not see an e-mail, did I over look it?

No, I have yet to receive my pre-order bonus codes. I got the $10 credit, but not the download codes. I e-mailed them about it a couple days ago but they haven't responded yet.


My second track: Modopolis Rush: http://community.modnation.com/en-us/players/ArgorokX/creations/563215



Instead of track, you race through city blocks. Don't hit the sidewalks and pay attention to the arrows to avoid getting turned around.


The road goes under an elevated highway.


Take the road under the highway to the end and make your way through more city streets...


...or take a left into some alleys...


...through the sewer...


...and onto the rooftops.


Drift around the lighthouse...


...and into a construction zone.



Take the highway back to the finish line.

Was forced to republish. Game screwed up an important prop when I published. Please redownload if you already downloaded this track.
A couple of annoying things that have become apparent, the more I've played the game:

1) Side-swiping opponents really screws with your handling, so it's risky to use. I side-swiped a character, right before a jump, and it made me veer far-enough to the left, to make me jump clear off the track. I got hurt more than the guy I swiped. It seems like too much of a risk, considering how hard it is to perform, in the first place. The chance of you crashing, or losing speed, is greater than the chance of it helping you. I only really use it, if I'm on a straightaway, or if it's required for a goal. Otherwise, the risk outweighs the reward of stalling your opponent for a short moment, and gaining a little boost meter.

2) I hate that you can't customize the controls. It limits my ability to use all the buttons, in the most effective manner. For example, I'm constantly drifting whenever I can, which makes it hard to swipe opponents, fire weapons, or use my shield, since it requires me to release the drift button. Sometimes, I'll be sliding right alongside another kart, and I can't swipe them, since my right thumb is stuck holding the drift. Mapping the drift function to a shoulder button would fix that. Another example, is I'll be performing an air spin, and a weapon starts homing-in on me, mid-spin. I release the right stick, to activate my shield, and I end up not completing the spin, and land backwards or worse. Mapping the shield function to a shoulder button would fix that, too.

That said, I still love the game. I only have a couple more races to beat, on the last tour. Though I have about a dozen goals and severals grudge matches to complete. I just wish my wife wouldn't hog it for 2 hours, straight, trying to make her mod as cute as possible. :lol
George Claw M.D. said:
1) Side-swiping opponents really screws with your handling, so it's risky to use. I side-swiped a character, right before a jump, and it made me veer far-enough to the left, to make me jump clear off the track. I got hurt more than the guy I swiped. It seems like too much of a risk, considering how hard it is to perform, in the first place. The chance of you crashing, or losing speed, is greater than the chance of it helping you. I only really use it, if I'm on a straightaway, or if it's required for a goal. Otherwise, the risk outweighs the reward of stalling your opponent for a short moment, and gaining a little boost meter.

It's definitely something you have to know when not to use. I barely ever do but if the right moment presents itself it can win the race.


Here's my latest MOD, it is the Bonhomme Carnaval. Here in Quebec City we have a big winter carnaval. Bonhomme is the mascot of it, I'm sure some of you recognize it lol


Search for "bonhomme carnaval" to find it, can't be remixed
I love the fact that everyone is so active in the mod community....I really liked the demo but I'm torn on picking this one up....man I need a deal to pop up to entice me
Anyone awake want to test drive my track? I need some feedback and would really like to publish it soon. Let me know if you're interested in giving it a test drive.


MisterAnderson said:
Anyone awake want to test drive my track? I need some feedback and would really like to publish it soon. Let me know if you're interested in giving it a test drive.

yep.. lol

Edit: nvm falling asleep... -_-
RagnarokX said:
My second track: Modopolis Rush

Just played it, loved it. Really felt like I was racing through city streets, nicely done man. I gotta play it again tomorrow and catch the sewer/rooftop shortcut though, I missed that my first play through.


MisterAnderson said:
Just played it, loved it. Really felt like I was racing through city streets, nicely done man. I gotta play it again tomorrow and catch the sewer/rooftop shortcut though, I missed that my first play through.
Did you get the new version? I just uploaded it almost an hour ago. Was there a big hole in the road under the highway?


I'm a newb at track making, been spending most of my time in this game making mods. :lol
Here's my first attempt at a track, calling it Alpine Cross. Let me know what you guys think! I'm going to make a serious track a little bit later, after tinkering with some more mods.... :D

Alpine Cross





expy said:
I'm a newb at track making, been spending most of my time in this game making mods. :lol
Here's my first attempt at a track, calling it Alpine Cross. Let me know what you guys think! I'm going to make a serious track a little bit later, after tinkering with some more mods.... :D

Alpine Cross




Ça l'air super, je vais aller voir ça plus tard
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