First time I faced Jaggi was in the Tri demo. Kind of a pushover with that armor, Peco took me soooooo much longer to beat.
Yea the tri demo gave you all iron stuff right?
I think you should make the OT.
You don't have to pick a class, you can forge and use whatever weapon you want to.So, I barely know anything about monhun but I played the demo and destroyed the lagombi. Are bows/guns super easy to use in multiplayer when someone else is beating on the monster?
How hard is it to change class/weapons?
Can't remember but it was a lot better than the armor you'd normally have the first time facing him. Guess that balanced out the annoying 20 min limit.
So, I barely know anything about monhun but I played the demo and destroyed the lagombi. Are bows/guns super easy to use in multiplayer when someone else is beating on the monster?
How hard is it to change class/weapons?
Yay he did it, and he is happy too, I guess that's the spirit of MH.
When you're able to do things like that you're proud of yourself.
*points at the other person*
Bu..bu...but...he swears with all the swears and the swearing and stuff.
Love the header, OP. The font makes the rest look kind of ugly ): Super hyped for MH.
Yeah I hate the font... gonna try and retool it later...
I hope some of the newer entrants to the series are watching this Eurogamer stream! No reason to be intimidated, we were all this guy at one point, some of us more recently than others is all.
yeah, the guy had a glorious moment. at least he got that one carvebut then his inventory was full ahahah
A long time ago. I went by Francis.
His inventory being full was kinda fitting for the end of the video, heh. Inventory management 101 for newbies, what you should bring on each hunt so you still have room to collect your carves.
Often I have wished for an opportunity to create "loadouts" that you can just select and it fills your inventory with the proper bits and bobs that you need/want for a particular region/monster/mission.
I need to give bows a shot.
That would be awesome. I can't even count how many times I got onto a map and realized I didn't even bring hot/cold drinks. Had to leech some off my brother a lot in those cases =(
Usually makes for some hardcore survival moments but...sometimes it means you simply have to bail on a quest and start over. : /
Any other pool souls only getting 3DS version?
Is it me or there's no blood in the 3DS version ? ( at least in the demo )
You and me both.Added on the list. The only thing I regret is to stop playing Warriors Orochi Hyper 3 when Monhun arrives. :,(
Is it ok to post gameplay videos here?it's no World Guiness Record's kind of things,but I'd like to share a funny run I had against the Plesioth in the demo.
Any truth to this YT comment?
"The hammer is generally considered the best weapon for average skill level players because knockouts make for a nice positive feedback loop, making hunts faster and easier after you have the basics of hammers down."
Are there any sorta new player guides floating around? And if so can we have them added to the OP ?
Any truth to this YT comment?
"The hammer is generally considered the best weapon for average skill level players because knockouts make for a nice positive feedback loop, making hunts faster and easier after you have the basics of hammers down."