What's wrong with you, Reggie?
A looooooot of things....
What's wrong with you, Reggie?
Third Minnesota hunter on this page checking in. Can't wait for next week! Picking it up on the Wii U, name is same as on here.
It's PROBABLY more NOA on a whole...I can't believe they haven't announced the XL CCP for NA yet. This game seems perfect for selling that thing. What's wrong with you, Reggie?
It's PROBABLY more NOA on a whole...
... but yeah, seriously, what the fuck? This is the kind of thing to give more credence with gamers here anyway, and they make the first one a retailer exclusive and the newer one just doesn't show up at all. Are 3DS XL sales dreadful here or something?
... Maybe releasing all white or all black WOULD have been a good idea and you just misread the market, or those represent a large portion of buyers that wouldn't get the system otherwise even if their sales aren't as high as the colored units.
As I said in the other thread, it would be wise to post the way to get desirable charm tables in the OP because people will be asking about them as the thread grows.
It's an incomprehensible decision but on the other hand it's region free and cheap and easy to buy online so for those of us who want it it's not a big issue.
So this whole charm table thing...
Basically, if I want Table 1..
1. I set the date to January 21, 2012
2. Set my clock to like 00:10:11 // start a stop watch at the same moment..
3. I boot up the game, and create a new character when the stop watch reads 4 minutes...
Someone said that doesn't work on NA copies apparently.
I've heard otherwise!
Someone confirmed that it worked!
After playing for 2 hours I'm finally back into the swings of things. I love the early game, building yourself up, creating an armoury.
Also concerning the charm tables, the info we have for the JP version dose not seem to apply to the NA version. Checked what time I started my new game, and the table I got did not correspond at all with the info we have.
I'll be your friend =}All you guys reaching the limit while I still have like 6 friends![]()
Dunno. I'd prefer if it worked the same as the JP version just to get it out of the way from the start easily for those who care but hm.
Hmm... Nintendo selling via Amazon at a sizable markup.
Heh, frequently bundled together is the MH 3DS and MH Wii U (huh?).
We need more feedback, in order to be sure that A) the method works (at all), B) the method works for US and EU copies of the game, and C) the method works for 3DS and Wii U both.
I think I am going with hammer. That shit was sexy in the demo for me. Dual blades was too but hammer I just feel like im hurting them monsters forreal!
I'm actually stressed out about this charm table business![]()
That was a very good interview, unlike people like Reggie, Molyneux or that bald man who used to represent Sony ages ago, this man was very honest about everything. I noticed he didn't quite answered directly one or two questions, but overall I could feel he was very excited for this release and for his work in the game. I like these interviews.
I'm actually stressed out about this charm table business![]()
The other thing about Tsujimoto is that he has very clear idea what MH is and what he wants it to be. At least that's what I get out of his interviews. That's a good quality considering his role.
I hope he didn't want these charm tables... D:<
It's really pissing me off especially if the rustshard thing is true.
Pokemon-OTs don't include IV/DV-guides either, so I would leave that out. I think the whole matter is blown out of proportion.
Except IV/EV dont detract you from finishing the game/item sets.
I'm usually on top of things, but I missed that confirmation on the 3DS. damn...
any reports on confirmation of table manipulation on the Wii U?
It's the same on Wii U, but it isn't confirmed if the NA/EU version will allow for the method of setting the internal clock to manipulate your table.
Nobody likes the switch axe? I find that weapon fun ass hell. On psp I always played Long Sword, Dual Sword, and bow. I'm a try the switch axe for a bit to see how it fares against harder bosses, but I'm a probably do Long sword and bow again , those weapons look too good, and drop dual sword for switch axe or great sword. I never found Dual sword useful unless group of people were zerging a huge boss, zerging dual swords was epic, killing bosses in less than a minute.
i plan to use the Switch Axe
i like it a lot because of the versatility
Granted that shit is dumb. The problem is I don't think they can patch it out because they can't apply patches to the 3DS version.
They can patch the 3DS version. 3DS supports patching.
This charm table shit is confusing.
Also think I may start my first game with a female. Dont know why.
I did it on Tri, will do it again.