Thanks for the advice.
Those are admittedly adorable. However, I think my fiance might have some serious concerns about me if I started wearing those around the house.
Thanks for the advice.
Those are admittedly adorable. However, I think my fiance might have some serious concerns about me if I started wearing those around the house.
Thanks for the advice.
Those are admittedly adorable. However, I think my fiance might have some serious concerns about me if I started wearing those around the house.
My wife got me a $50 e-shop card for my bday yesterday for MH3U.
That's why I love her.
What is supposed to be the better experience? Wii U or 3DS?
Wii U.
Do it.
My wife got me a $50 e-shop card for my bday yesterday for MH3U.
That's why I love her.
Best experience is 3DS.
I have no Wii U. ;_;
Can't you get around this by adding via Miiverse instead of via Friends list?Just been adding people on the WiiU in Europe. A lot of the people have it set up so they have to add you via typing out your name so most people wont be added!!
I suppose that new car can wait until next payday.
You should have saved money, the localization was announced in September!Best experience is 3DS.
I have no Wii U. ;_;
Does this go up at noon like the demo?
In EU, we haven't heard anything about NA.I believe it goes up at Midnight, but I could be wrong.
You should have saved money, the localization was announced in September!
Still, the 3DS is pretty awesome. And you are not alone, from all the anecdotal evidence we have, it will be the best selling version of the game.
I have 60 friends/40 pending request, Nintendo needs to raise the friend list limit.
That's why I'm deciding to wait to add people as I play with them. There's 125 names on the GAF list and you just know most of those people will probably move on to something else in a month or two and it will be down to like 30 or so regulars, if that.
I am not going to be one of the people who no longer plays this in 2 months. Have no fear if you add me!
I'll be adding you then when I get home from work tonight.
I also really like to play long sessions when I get together with people. Nothing worse when getting a game together is longer than the actually gaming session. Had a few 6 hour marathons with Rock Band GAF back in the day and it was always so fun. Hoping to have some hunting sessions with GAF that last that long. Well, maybe not 6 hours long since that's hard to do these days, but at least a couple hours long.
So I've been playing the 3DS demo...
Anyone who said this game is controllable without the Circle Pad Pro is smoking crack, real talk.
I think it plays better than the Wii U version, lmao.So I've been playing the 3DS demo...
Anyone who said this game is controllable without the Circle Pad Pro is smoking crack, real talk.
So I've been playing the 3DS demo...
Anyone who said this game is controllable without the Circle Pad Pro is smoking crack, real talk.
You can create rooms with a specific name and also add password, but rooms are limited to 4 players.cant remember the link but wasn't there a site some guys off a podcast made that you can announce room openings w/pass to start up games? Seems it'd be wise to use that (or borrow the code and have a GAF version of it running) and eventually the friends list situation would solve itself.
So I've been playing the 3DS demo...
Anyone who said this game is controllable without the Circle Pad Pro is smoking crack, real talk.
So I've been playing the 3DS demo...
Anyone who said this game is controllable without the Circle Pad Pro is smoking crack, real talk.
You're not hardcore enough.
Still holding out for the CPP XL to come here to NA, though I think I will be able to do it without it.