Correct.I'm pretty sure Ceadeus had persistent health each time you fought him in MH3, but the impact of that was limited because there's only one mission that features him in that game.
Correct.I'm pretty sure Ceadeus had persistent health each time you fought him in MH3, but the impact of that was limited because there's only one mission that features him in that game.
I'm pretty sure Ceadeus had persistent health each time you fought him in MH3, but the impact of that was limited because there's only one mission that features him in that game.
I love Ceadeus' design, but he really needed to be a great deal more aggressive; as it was, he's just a cool-looking manatee who sometimes shoots out a hydro laser. I hope that MH3U gave him a lot more to do.
Eh, keeps in touch with the character, a sad creature who's disturbed the wrath of the humans through no ill will of his own. It's more of a story moment than anything, a graceful end to the earthquake narrative. Well, as graceful as you slashing away at a defenseless beast can get. Someone call PETA.
When can we fight khezu again?
He was my favorite monster and the day he comes back is the day I buy a wii-u or whatever console that mh is on.
When can we fight khezu again?
He was my favorite monster and the day he comes back is the day I buy a wii-u or whatever console that mh is on.
Ceadeus was cool. Having to farm him offline for his set was not.
Can we fight him online this time?
Does it drop all the stuff normal Ceadeus does? Or completely different stuff?You can fight the subspecies online.
More like someone call Greenpeace.Eh, keeps in touch with the character, a sad creature who's disturbed the wrath of the humans through no ill will of his own. It's more of a story moment than anything, a graceful end to the earthquake narrative. Well, as graceful as you slashing away at a defenseless beast can get. Someone call PETA.
Does it drop all the stuff normal Ceadeus does? Or completely different stuff?
I may not want to fight Caedus often but I really liked those moments fighting him for the first time.. it was fittingly epic as a good old boss. I mean, at the very least there's the music.
Blah!It drops some of the normal loot but you still have to fight the regular one offline to make his set + other things.
Same. It was quite fitting. The only reason I grew to hate Ceadeus was how long the fight takes because of all the swimming around in ruins.I may not want to fight Caedus often but I really liked those moments fighting him for the first time.. it was fittingly epic as a good old boss. I mean, at the very least there's the music.
Lao is the least eventful fight ever.
Hunting Horn vets...chime in.
How difficult/pointless is it to use?
I've never done it before but I'm toying with trying to get good with it for multiplayer.
That first time you ever see him in MH1 is one of the best things ever.
And then you start fighting him, and a damn unicorn is more engaging.
That's why I like fighting Jhen Mohran so much; he's a big monster that actually keeps you on your toes throughout. I'd always get one Jhen urgent in when I was on Tri just to beat up on him.
His armor is glorious though.Ceadeus and his subspecies are the most boring designs in the game. Doesn't help that it's underwater either.
His armor is glorious though.
That's what made the farm all the worse. :-(His armor is glorious though.
Yes, I am an asshole.
No, I am not sorry.
If you don't mind me asking, how long did it take for you to download? Kind of curious about how long the wait will be Tuesday.
Lao is the least eventful fight ever.
This is where it definitely helped to have a group.Pretty much. I know for a fact that he's a complete joke in Dos.
Just stand under his belly and hack away (well, the head too until the horn breaks).
But I kept doing the fight since it has awesome music and it was an easy 10k (+ whatever the bounty was at the time). Plus, Eternal Strife ripped him up pretty good.
This stuff is really annoying. Why does the disc version get a worse experience, why can't we install the game data? Even the PSP game had an install option.
if you want to use it just to hide in a corner and be a buff bot, don't.
Just remember that if you want to KO, use the upswing.
Gonna give my mom and pop another call today. Fingers crossed but if not, I have enough to keep me occupied till Tuesday.
Here's a nice list of new stuff: http://www.capcom-unity.com/dubindoh/blog/2013/03/15/just-how-big-is-monster-hunter-3-ultimate
By Yuri from Capcom-Unity.
Another guy with an early copy of the game...
Well, since it seems that we only fight it under the moonlight,
Someone should use this to make analternateofficial boxart.
Someone should use this to make analternateofficial boxart.
why did they change the flagship monster for western release?
bracchidios looks better