Wow...RNG really isn't treating you well. I think found 2 Plates within 5 Rathalos.
Btw, why do you say Rathalos S is a lame armour? I'm using the full Rathalos S set and I'm loving the atk up (L), sharpener and fire atk skills.
I don't have access to Rathalos Soul yet...but I'll definitely craft that when I have access to it. I have always like Rathalos armors...<3 Silver Sol from MHFU.
I finally got the chance to transfer my data to the 3DS version (birthday present), and I was amazed at how painless the process was.
It plays pretty well on the 3DS, but the font is all sorts of atrocious. It reminds me of the ghastly default DS font that so many games used.
Did you buy a frankenstick?![]()
Did you buy a frankenstick?![]()
How do you get Silver VE Tickets?
No my friend, underwater sucks hard even with two sticks.Don't make fun of the stick, underwater combat sucks hard without it.
No my friend, underwater sucks hard even with two sticks.
An |OT|2 will need to be made soon, right?
Honestly, I don't think it's objectively bad. But I already had Negate Stun and Attack Up (L) with my Jaggi set, which I think suit me better. It was kind of a waste for me to make it.
"Hee hee... I see the lust in your eyes. Wanna see what I've got... for Quests?"![]()
The Quests ain't what I'm lustin' for, gurl.![]()
Also, have you always been a junior?
Unlocking it in single makes it available in online though, it's the earliest you can get it.8★ Moga get!
Falling so behind on online, lol. Feels so weird to get Jhen in single player before unlocking it for online.
So guys, I basically turbo-ed through all the NPC talk and all that. I'm now at 8 star Village Quest. I cultivate Nulberry for money, and do a quick run at Royal Ludroth for resource (less than 5 mins).
I haven't been to the Moga Woods since the early village quests. Do I need anything from there? Am I gimping myself if I totally ignore Moga Woods?
Just hit G-Rank.
Doing everything entirely solo so far. Anyone else attempting to G-Rank entirely solo?
Just hit G-Rank.
Doing everything entirely solo so far. Anyone else attempting to G-Rank entirely solo?
Rust Duramboros solo is gonna suck
So guys, I basically turbo-ed through all the NPC talk and all that. I'm now at 8 star Village Quest. I cultivate Nulberry for money, and do a quick run at Royal Ludroth for resource (less than 5 mins).
I haven't been to the Moga Woods since the early village quests. Do I need anything from there? Am I gimping myself if I totally ignore Moga Woods?
I highly advise getting some rare trade goods from there in order to upgrade your boats.
If you ever take up gunning, or want the Artian set (it's extremely useful if you're an armor mixmatcher) you'll need those boats. Certain gunner ammo requires fish (stupid Wanchovies...) and the Artian set needs rusted fragments which you can only get by sending the boat guys to treasure areas. Some event items need things like small goldenfish as well.
Geez, why can't you search or create games with Jhen as the target? Have I just not unlocked it yet?
I want to kill Jhen Moran. I have a villager request for a Jhen Mohran "festival"...after completing this, does it unlock the Jhen Mohran fight?
I read that his armor is a good set for GSword users. I cant find any solid info to confirm this though. Does anyone know what the stats are?
Those are what I use most of the time. Do you give lessons on all monsters excluding Great Baggi?Anyway, I consider myself now a master of both Great Swords AND Switch-Axes.
Off to buy the Black 3DS XL Monster Hunter bundle (and Fire Emblem) today
Happy to switch from a OG 3DS to an XL, the OG kind hurts my hands, they're too big for the thing.
Goal is to solo all the quests. I want to focus on two weapons in the beginning. Hammer is a sure pick, I looooove the hammer. But I also want something that can cut tails. What do you guys prefer? I like the GS but it's kind of slow. LS is nice and mobile, maybe better for a MH noob like me. Never really tried the SA, have to read up how to use it. SnS and DS, dunno.
And I allllmost got Plesioth in the demo. Would've got him if he didn't kept jumping back into the water. Effing underwater combat![]()
Just hit G-Rank.
Doing everything entirely solo so far. Anyone else attempting to G-Rank entirely solo?
Rust Duramboros solo is gonna suck
I want to kill Jhen Moran. I have a villager request for a Jhen Mohran "festival"...after completing this, does it unlock the Jhen Mohran fight?
I read that his armor is a good set for GSword users. I cant find any solid info to confirm this though. Does anyone know what the stats are?
Critical Eye+2 +15
Defense Up (M) +15
Focus 10
Worrywart -10
I think I'm going to start doing HR6 stuff today. Ever since I got G rank unlocked, I've been working on making new weapons/upgrading them from high rank monsters, and now I finally have the Despot's Blackstorm I should probably start working on getting armor now.
Still not sure what's a good one to aim for with HR6 monsters.
Yes, completing the villager request will unlock the quest.
I assume you mean skills by stats, so here are the skills for the High-Rank version of the Yamato set:
Code:Critical Eye+2 +15 Defense Up (M) +15 Focus 10 Worrywart -10
Yeah; you need to get to a certain point in the Moga Village so that you can repair the Dragonship, which will unlock the Jhen quests for the village and the port. You might be able to circumvent that by downloading the G-rank Jhen quest, but I couldn't tell you if it works that way.
The G-rank Jhen armor is definitely the best GS set, since it starts you off with Rock Steady (basically, near-HG quality Earplugs, Current/Wind Res Lo, and Knockback Resistance all in one skill), Mind's Eye, and Focus, and it already has a few points towards CritDraw, Handicraft, and Unscathed that you can apply towards, along with enough slots to gem in something like Sheathing or whatever you'd like.
That's the Zin GS, right? Assuming that you're going for GS as your main, it'll be a bit before you can tackle the Jhen quest for that armor, so the Diablos X armor would be a good place to start. Sadly, that armor does require two Diablos Hardhorns, which are going to be difficult to obtain, to say the very least.
I need a good set to use in the meantime. Im currently wearing Rathian+ which provides absolutely nothing worthwhile for GSword but I wanted the defense and I had all the parts laying around. Any suggestions here? Id do the research myself but Im finding wiki to be all over the place and some of the info Im reading is for the wrong game, etc. Is there a better site with up to date MH3U armor?
You can use this site:
Or use this program if you are using Windows: