Little Green Yoda
The Qurupeco frame reminded me of this:![]()
Soon my precious.. soon..
The Qurupeco frame reminded me of this:![]()
Soon my precious.. soon..
The Qurupeco frame reminded me of this:
It's all fun and games until he decides to try and eat you. And your friends. And everything else.
Can someone simplify the 3DS online for me? I feel dumb, but I don't get it.
So, if I own a wii u and 3DS, I can take the 3DS online and play with other people online on their 3DS? Does my WiiU act as a server?
Can someone simplify the 3DS online for me? I feel dumb, but I don't get it.
So, if I own a wii u and 3DS, I can take the 3DS online and play with other people online on their 3DS? Does my WiiU act as a server?
You can play with other people online on their 3DS or WiiU_ you use the same rooms as everyone else but it has to be hosted by a WiiU player.
Soon my precious.. soon..
this is really cute
It just wants to hug you. With its face.
It's all fun and games until [she] decides to try and eat you. And your friends. And everything else.
So, if my buddy is in Hawaii on his 3DS, with wifi, and I'm here in CA with my WiiU and 3DS, can we play together?
Sorry for the dumb questions.
no, since 3ds alone can't play online
So, if my buddy is in Hawaii on his 3DS, with wifi, and I'm here in CA with my WiiU and 3DS, can we play together?
Sorry for the dumb questions.
I think the 3d adds a lot to game in my experience. It seem like with the added depth the 3d adds when playing multiplayer you can judge space better meaning getting hit less by poor LS,GS "upswing" and hammer users. It should help immensely when playing muti with some noob long sword user who likes to hit your character as well as the monster.You can play with other people online on their 3DS or WiiU_ you use the same rooms as everyone else but it has to be hosted by a WiiU player.
So, if my buddy is in Hawaii on his 3DS, with wifi, and I'm here in CA with my WiiU and 3DS, can we play together?
Sorry for the dumb questions.
If he has a WiiU and the app as well. I wasn't clear - someone who plays the WiiU copy of the game needs to host the room. And all of you with 3DSes have to have the wii u ad hoc running.
Question for any experience players out there:
I've attempted to play the demo several times because, from what I can tell, I should love this game, but the controls are a real sticking point for me.
Example - When using the bow, you hold the R-shoulder to go into aiming mode. You then adjust your aim with the R-stick. But, somehow, you also need to be holding X (or maybe Y?) during this time so that you're pulling back on your bow and then release it to shoot. How is that possible? I can't be holding a button with my right thumb and moving around the R-stick at the same time. Am I missing something?
When you start a 'New Game', you are assigned a table that indicates what kind of charms you can get. there are lots of tables available. capcom probably did this so that different players can get different charms.
Its a one-off thing, once you begin you can never change what table you were assigned. how can you, when it is internal and invisible to you.
now, in theory its should be all fine and dandy. regardless of what table you get assigned, it shouldn't matter... BUT it seems that there are tables that are buggy. "cursed" is just a fancy way of saying it.
basically these "cursed" tables have poor charm selections and some will not give you minerals (that you mine) needed to forge special armours and/or weapons.
so basically these "cursed" tables can handicap your playing experience and the only way to get around it is to start a 'New Game'. annoying when you have poured hundreds of hours in the game.
Adjust the aiming with the the d-pad
Interesting. Will have to try it.
A lot of the controls seem very non-obvious to me. Experimentation has only gotten me so far. Any idea if the final version allows custom controls?
Lol. Like the hammer, once you learn specific monster timings you start to go pro at wrecking stuff.i have immense respect for anybody that uses the great sword
i feel like i try to take a swing and the rabbit has time to order a pizza to eat while watching reruns of seinfeld
NNID is ShadowgeistZ
Hit me up if anyone needs a lancer hanging around. Otherwise I'm playing with some local friends for a while, I managed to convince 2-3 other people to get the game on 3DS!
I wish I had your persuasion skills.
Amazing thread Andrex, thanks
I´ll get the WiiU and 3DS version at the european launch, also put my new NNID (cw7asuke) into the spreadsheet)
Hunting Season is about to begin !!!
After I read about the GameStop offer (WiiU Basic @ 199), my fingers got itchy again... If I turn in my old 3DS, I might get a good price out of it, Monster Hunter included.
Especially after Off-TV-Play was confirmed... how could I ever resist the Hunt?!
It should also be noted that, in this game, HR doesn't matter until you reach G-rank quests. So you aren't held back by your HR after you complete the key quests.
You know what to do it :-D
That deviljho theme by far my favorite monster and theme music from tri. I love me some Eviljoe. Great Baggi was beast too
After playing for 2 hours I'm finally back into the swings of things. I love the early game, building yourself up, creating an armoury.
Also concerning the charm tables, the info we have for the JP version dose not seem to apply to the NA version. Checked what time I started my new game, and the table I got did not correspond at all with the info we have.
I friend requested all of you North Americans on the NNID list.
Will be playing a lot around launch. Lets quest/hunt together
I'm fairly new, but excited to learn
After playing for 2 hours I'm finally back into the swings of things. I love the early game, building yourself up, creating an armoury.
Also concerning the charm tables, the info we have for the JP version dose not seem to apply to the NA version. Checked what time I started my new game, and the table I got did not correspond at all with the info we have.