I think the last MH on Nintendo consoles will be XX, that was a good run.
If MHXX absolutely bombs on Switch this will be the case but it most likely won't.
I think the last MH on Nintendo consoles will be XX, that was a good run.
I think the last MH on Nintendo consoles will be XX, that was a good run.
Have you seen ARMS?
Or Zelda?
Or Mario Kart 8?
Y'all cant be serious.
I mean this doesnt even look better than Dragon Quest XI
I think the last MH on Nintendo consoles will be XX, that was a good run.
Almost seems like the successor to the Frontier series.
I'm so glad they decided to add the DD mechanics to a console MonHun instead of making a new DD.
Not even being sarcastic.
Again where do people come up with these ideas that the switch is limited graphically, there's literally nothing intensive about what capcom showed.
I can't wait to see the UI.
I see your opinions can be safely ignored.
Other than the texture detail level, grass detail, lighting effects, water effects, particle effects, and resolution. Sure.
The rumour said that Capcom were panicking after the level of success of X in Japan and the West, and that was before the Switch turned out to be a huge hit. That rumour said that Capcom were hedging their bets, it seems like they've gone even further that way by calling this 'Monster Hunter World'. Guessing that rather than Portable they've just designated the Switch game to be 5 and this to be the spin-off now.
XCX doesnt have underwater combat... what are you talking about?
Nah, im dead tired of stupidly running after monsters in critical health. Throwing them down cliffs sounds fun.The running and bashing is what makes MH good though.
It's like saying you don't want a Devil May Cry game with all the slashing and jumping.
The gameplay video is literally still this lol. More setpieces and dynamic elements make the game more engaging fortunately.
Texture wise? Definitely not, the textures arent that great and there are a LOT of them smooshed together. DQXI is spaced out sure, but the quality is the same.
PC/XB1 cross play near essential
Almost seems like the successor to the Frontier series.
Sorry, Dauntless.As the day goes on and I digest the information I become more optimistic
Monster Hunter on PC guys
Texture wise? Definitely not, the textures arent that great and there are a LOT of them smooshed together. DQXI is spaced out sure, but the quality is the same.
We dont have the games resolution, water effects have been pretty advanced in games since 1999, the switch is no slouch when it comes to particle effects and resolution can always be reduced, if not the textures can usually take a hit in quality.
So again, show me the receipts, because despite its form factor, the switch aint some cheap tablet.
I can't even find gameplay footage from DQXI on Switch -- it's all PS4 footage. So what are you talking about?
Sorry, Dauntless.
The trailer was underwhelming despite looking great visually.
Im comparing DQXI and PS4 footage. I'm saying MHW doesnt look significantly better than DQXI. I think most people would agree if we take a look.
Anyone who thinks the Switch DQ11 looks better needs glasses.
Im comparing DQXI and PS4 footage. I'm saying MHW doesnt look significantly better than DQXI. I think most people would agree if we take a look.
The running animation of the protagonist is laughable.
With it being a spin-off I'm fine and will give it a chance!
Just give us a proper MH5 too Capcom!
How is it looking good visually? It's poorly edited. The running animation of the protagonist is laughable. The texture is bad.
But the gameplay is solid so it's all good.
You're not serious, are you?uuh dude. the Switch only has 4GB of ram, and thats overshooting it. it cant handle an open world game like MH world; dont bring up botw because MH world has so much more detail than botw
...ok, but you're comparing it to PS4 DQXI so using it to suggest Switch can handle MHW is silly
Im comparing DQXI and PS4 footage. I'm saying MHW doesnt look significantly better than DQXI. I think most people would agree if we take a look.
What DQ11 switch? It wasn't shown yet. I think you that need glasses.Anyone who thinks this could run on Switch without significant reductions in effects or resolution is kidding themselves. Anyone who thinks the Switch DQ11 looks better needs glasses.
underwater combat isnt back
You mean "classic" or "handheld" MH. I'm sure they will release that on Switch instead.
World is "proper" MH now. People should not dismiss them finally allowing MH to progress from its PS2 state.
The only thing that might not make this MH5 is content. Redoing all those PS2 quality assets, animations etc is a huge task so I can see World being light on Monsters, gear etc (or maybe via constant DLC support). But who knows, all the weapon types are already confirmed after all.
Anyone who thinks this could run on Switch without significant reductions in effects or resolution is kidding themselves. Anyone who thinks the Switch DQ11 looks better needs glasses.