Mechanical Snowman said:
Some talk over at the EU Motorstorm forums,
It's vague, but I'm sure I've heard this elsewhere, too. If something as big as a car is given out as DLC exclusive to individuals (which I think is a bad move) then it should at least be based on play time / dedication rather than lap times. But perhaps I'm getting ahead of myself since this hasn't been officially confirmed as far as I know.
I see. I actually think that this sounds like a cool idea

It is a way to show that you're a good Motorstorm player and it gives people another reason to improve their skills on the game. But personally i dont really care that much for extra cars though, so it doesnt matter much to me if only a few people get their hands on it. I bought one DLC motorbike, used it a few times and i havnt used it since. Main reason for this is because the DLC vehicles doesnt have part challenges and i'm currently working on unlocking parts, so i want to use the original vehicles instead for now.
roxya said:
I dunno about PR being perfect, but it was fun. For me, the series has got worse with every iteration. Motorstorm was great, PR was still pretty good. Great tracks and at least serviceable handling.
I just got Apocalypse on the cheap and I couldn't be more disappointed. I'm yet to drive a vehicle that handles half decently. The tracks are awful. The sound balance is messed up, with the sound effects being twice as loud as the vehicles. I will murder someone if I have to listen to the annoying beeping in elimination mode again. And of course it doesn't really matter what you do until the last lap. You're not rewarded for going fast at all. No reason to learn the tracks, no point in taking a nice line around corners. No real reason to avoid crashing out either. I don't know if the elastic band effect is worse than the other games or just the same, but it makes much of the racing feel pointless.
Are you sure that you're not just raging because you keep crashing the cars? Hehe

Seriously though, it is kind of interesting to see how people have different views on the handling of the vehicles. Like you say it is "difficult" handling while other say that it is almost too easy ("turning on a dime" etc.). If you have problems with the handling, i would recommend using the d-pad instead. I can only speak for myself though, but i handle the cars much easier when using the d-pad.
It is also key to know the tracks well, especially if you want to play online (at least if you want to have a chance at winning). You're right that the last lap is the most important one in single player, but if you keep crashing at the last lap, then you will most likely have a hard time to get in 1st place. Depends on how much one care about getting in 1st place though, it is enough to come in 3rd place to move on in the campaign
But looking back at the campaign, i kinda agree that it is "so so" (or what i shall say). I mean, i find the story to be ok enough and i love the racing part, but after playing so much online with real people instead of against AI, i have not many reasons to replay the campaign right now. The single player is basically the same as multiplayer, only difference is that the single player has a story element between each race. And since i find it much more fun to play with real people instead (goes for most games), i'd rather just play the online multiplayer instead

This is just how i feel though.
Dash Kappei said:
I like playing this game online *when you're ACTUALLY racing*: it's the only one I'm playing at the moment (I'm not big on online multi) so that says a lot but man, it drives me fucking insane how much waiting there in-between races and how little driving fits in between those long ass waiting times... Seriously, the game should've been razor sharp online, quick, fast, loading and waiting kept to a minimum and instead you can go have a sandwich after every 4 minutes race. Also, the music is terribad and the sound engineering is completely fucked up.
Yeah, it would be nice if they had some kind of express mode in the game. A mode where you skip all the rewards after each race (you still get the rewards, but you wont see them). Except for the betting screen though, else it wouldnt be possible to bet further (the bonus pot thing).