Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Lagspike_exe said:Online freezes every time it says it's Joining a game.
I get that alot. Hopefully they'll fix this asap.
Lagspike_exe said:Online freezes every time it says it's Joining a game.
Yeah, well, I haven't gotten into a single online game. Tired of trying too. All other MP games work nicely.kinoki said:I get that alot. Hopefully they'll fix this asap.
Afrikan said:how long does it take? I live in California..
I ordered from PlayAsia, but I have a feeling that place will take much much longer...and I paid about $70 (4day shipping, after one week to ship out).
might cancel my order if Offerhouse delivers faster. It says it should take about 5-7 days....and in some cases 2-4 weeks.
can I ask what is your experience on deliveries?
glaurung said:Yeah, well, I haven't gotten into a single online game. Tired of trying too. All other MP games work nicely.
CartridgeBlower said:Is it still going to be a bitch (in a good way) to get gold in all the single player races like PR?
i was holding it this morning. I doubted.. boiught a DS game for my GF instead because i wasn't sure yet.Wario64's delayed.
chalkitdown1 said:You can play music from the xmb just like Pacific Rift.
Always-honest said:i was holding it this morning. I doubted.. boiught a DS game for my GF instead because i wasn't sure yet.
edit: Netherlands by the way
Lagspike_exe said:OK, so the matchmaking finally didn't freeze and it found another 15 players. And then the game didn't launch us into a race. At all. I starred 5 minutes at the screen, looking at people dropping out and joining in without anything happening. Is this some kind of a bug, or is launching a game an extremely long process?
Lagspike_exe said:OK, so the matchmaking finally didn't freeze and it found another 15 players. And then the game didn't launch us into a race. At all. I starred 5 minutes at the screen, looking at people dropping out and joining in without anything happening. Is this some kind of a bug, or is launching a game an extremely long process?
RoadHazard said:I haven't played very many online games yet, but it has worked perfectly in the ones I have played.
Maastricht said:Driving with the wheel is awesome.
BeeDog said:Just finished the Festival Mode. I really love this game, it's the, by far, best entry in this series. And for those who didn't like the stage in the demo, don't worry, it seriously is the worst track in the game (even the other variations of that theme are better).
Ainigma said:Will the DF:GT Work?
Kweh said:If that is the case, then it baffles me why they would use that track to demo the game, because it certainly put me off buying it.
Maastricht said:It is interesting that almost every review says MS3 is better than MS2. Personally I'd say that's true overall, though what I also like is that if you have all three MotorStorms, they are each sufficiently different from the next in terms of tracks that I wouldn't want to get rid of any of them.I still love the lush settings of MS2 for instance.
BeeDog said:And for those who didn't like the stage in the demo, don't worry, it seriously is the worst track in the game (even the other variations of that theme are better).
wouwie said:Decided to buy the game afterall and so far, i wish i hadn't. I'm feeling nothing at all when playing the game. I finished the rookie campaign and at this point, i don't feel like continuing. I think i'll replay Pacific Rift instead.
Some thoughts:
+ technically impressive (smooth framerates, clean image)
+ great lightning and skies (as always with Motorstorm)
+ the destruction feels quite "natural"
+ presentation was quite nice until the story mode started
+ each track has a lot of different routes
- controller vibration doesn't work (it's set to medium in the settings and does nothing)
- graphically bland (as was to be expected from such a boring setting)
- i could live with the rubberbanding in Pacific Rift but i hate the aggressive AI in this one. I've been rammed from behind numerous times and it's seriously pissing me off.
- sound volumes seem all over the place. I can hardly hear an engine sound and all engines sound practically the same for every vehicle. How Evolution can mess up something like this after having done two Motorstorm games already is beyond me
- i've used quite a lot of different vehicles and it feels like i have driven only one type. The handling feels the same for every vehicle.
- it doesn't feel like a racing game to me anymore. It feels like a game for which the outcome of the race is based on "luck" (hitting obstacles you didn't see on time), on the AI ramming you off the track and on wheter you were lucky to see where you had to go.
- the story mode is awful. The cartoons are a waste of time and have zero substance or interest. They aren't even nice to look at. I preferred the "campaign" from Motorstorm 2. If you can't do a story mode properly, you shouldn't do one at all
- running over people might have been fun when i was 12 (and even then) but does not belong in a Motorstorm game
- it is very difficult to see which routes there are.
Consider me dissapointed. I loved Pacific Rift but this is a completely different game and not my style of game.
wouwie said:Decided to buy the game afterall and so far, i wish i hadn't. I'm feeling nothing at all when playing the game. I finished the rookie campaign and at this point, i don't feel like continuing. I think i'll replay Pacific Rift instead.
Some thoughts:
- controller vibration doesn't work (it's set to medium in the settings and does nothing)
- graphically bland (as was to be expected from such a boring setting)
- i could live with the rubberbanding in Pacific Rift but i hate the aggressive AI in this one. I've been rammed from behind numerous times and it's seriously pissing me off.
- sound volumes seem all over the place. I can hardly hear an engine sound and all
engines sound practically the same for every vehicle. How Evolution can mess up something like this after having done two Motorstorm games already is beyond me
- i've used quite a lot of different vehicles and it feels like i have driven only one type. The handling feels the same for every vehicle.
- it doesn't feel like a racing game to me anymore. It feels like a game for which the outcome of the race is based on "luck" (hitting obstacles you didn't see on time), on the AI ramming you off the track and on wheter you were lucky to see where you had to go.
- the story mode is awful. The cartoons are a waste of time and have zero substance or interest. They aren't even nice to look at. I preferred the "campaign" from Motorstorm 2. If you can't do a story mode properly, you shouldn't do one at all
- it is very difficult to see which routes there are.
Steering wheel support??!?! Fuck Yeh. Anyone tried any other wheels yet?Maastricht said:Something else I noticed just as I left my steering wheel plugged in after playing GT5:
MY DF PRO WORKS! Woohoo ... awesome, drives really great (though it's hard work).
Maastricht said:Here are some photo mode shots by the way (which are pretty much identical to what you get on screen):
RoadHazard said:Just like MSPR though, it looks infinitely much better in motion.
yurinka said:BeeDog, I didn't finished the Festival in MSPR, I thought it was too long. Maybe now the MSA Festival length is ok for me. How many hours you needed to complete it?
chalkitdown1 said:It doesn't take that long. There are 40 races I think. I've only completed the first two difficulties but it's taken me about 3 or 4 hours so far.
I really want them to patch out the ramming feature on the bikes and bring back the punching full-time. Or make it one tap for a punch, double tap for a ram, whatever. I even brought it up with one of the devs on another forum. They're having a meeting about the next patch on Monday and he said he'd bring it up.
Half the fun of bike races was all the fists flying about. I can't believe they would fuck with it like they did. The hand gestures need to return too. Also, the vehicle horns. Why fuck with something that doesn't need to be fucked with??!!
BeeDog said:I'm one of the (few?) GAFers who really liked Pacific Rift, but I honestly think this one's much better.