But of course he did. I didn't even notice, but where else would a minotaur hold a confidence seminar?
I'm beginning to think that Fluttershy's shyness isn't so much that she's afraid of other ponies. She afraid of herself. Looks like when Fluttershy stops holding back, she just gets scary. And bitchy. And she doesn't like that part of herself.
That's common amongst a lot of introverts or people with social anxiety. They cope with their insecurities by insisting that they're desire to remain isolated from people is a way to "protect" other people from themselves.
However, based on what we've seen, I'm inclined Fluttershy's shyness extends more from insecurities related to her shortcomings growing up; she reconciles such feelings with her nurturing persona, though that seems to only extend to creatures of a "lesser" intelligence.