DrGAKMAN said:That being said (and apply what Mr. Iwata has been saying for a while) specs don't matter past bragging rights *cough*X-BOTS*cough*. Besides, I can see PLENTY of casuals actually believing that the next X-BOX is more powerful, despite launching up to a year before the competition *cough*DreamCast*cough*. This is a good thing for MS's image in the short run (before PS3 launches), but in the long run they have LOST one of thier major advantages for garnering more support/fans 'cos they LOSE the power edge *cough*SonySaysThanks*cough*.
You need a cough drop, man?
And Duckhuntdog, you're only repeating what J. Allard has already said. The specs are "locked", but may be modified.