Schmidt is the highest-profile scientist to effectively write-off the 1.5C target, which was adopted at December’s UN summit after heavy lobbying from island nations that risk being inundated by rising seas if temperatures exceed this level. Recent research found that just five more years of carbon dioxide emissions at current levels will virtually wipe out any chance of restraining temperatures to a 1.5C increase and avoid runaway climate change.
Nothing an individual does will affect this at all is the sad part. Its all big business and big agriculture and there is too much money being spent for governments to institute any lasting change.
So you'll continue to eat massive amounts of meat everyday, continue using fossil fuel powered cars, and keep the AC running while you're not home?
So you'll continue to eat massive amounts of meat everyday, continue using fossil fuel powered cars, and keep the AC running while you're not home?
Yup it's this general apathy that drives the "representatives" to show nothing but apathy. The people with money don't care because the general population don't care. We can at least become proactive about curbing it at 2C.Everybody saying its too late. Too late for what?
To late for 1.5c or 2c? Ok...
Should we just let it get to 3-4c? Or maybe try to learn to live with the mistake or correct it. I mean we've come a long way in the past 20 years with making this an existential crisis, the apathy and resignation that even if we miss our targets we're screwed is stupid and I think arguably more harmful than denial
I don't really see viable alternatives to these things. I try and eat meat with every meal. I generally don't feel satisfied without meat at a meal. The infrastructure isn't there for electric cars around me. I have pets, so I keep my house at 76 when I'm not there.
Change will come when it's far too late. The people making these decisions today will be long gone by the time issues pop up though.
We're gonna figure it out. Humanity will not die because of this.
Millenials won't likely face any super serious effects of climate change, they might see some extinctions or more serious weather effects but not the real bad stuff. Its not gonna really hit us until we're in our 90sThe Millenial generation will still be here though and we'll control the levers of power when things start to get really bad. It's up to us to make it through this and somehow find a way to lay the groundwork for a better world. Our parents are too stuck in their ways to make the necessary changes, whether the world thrives or declines is entirely on our shoulders. And I say bring it on. Let's leave behind a legacy our decedents
will be proud to study and reflect upon one day.
A fitting end for us. We made our bed.
people are way too selfish to do anything about this. i feel like there too many people out there who are only concerned with impressing and living a lifestyle that is lavish and having the best stuff that no one is ever going to be the person who sacrifices
The aversion and resistance against collectivism and government control in right-winged libertarian countries like the USA (who also pollute the most) means that this won't ever get fixed on a global scale.
Just the word 'government' make some Americans and libertarians lose their shit. This is why fighting against climate change won't be possible through non-authoritarian ways.
Well you can mandate it but good luck with that. Even the U.S., who should absolutely be a leader on this for countless reasons, has been hobbled and backwards for decades thanks to our long history of Republican morons (voters and their representatives alike).
I live in a tropical weather all year long, and this year has been incredibly hot.
I find it funny that people think we have enough time to fix this.
Government takes far too long to take action, never mind something on this scale.
It's been talked about for decades. Nothing will get done. Just pussy foot around the issue, make some minor changes and blow it up in the media to make the public think it's being handled.
It's fucked. Everything's fucked. We're all fucked. Fuck.
The US has made substantial progress. I have no idea what world you guys live in that the US hasn't made substantial progress.
The US has made substantial progress. I have no idea what world you guys live in that the US hasn't made substantial progress.
Millenials won't likely face any super serious effects of climate change, they might see some extinctions or more serious weather effects but not the real bad stuff. Its not gonna really hit us until we're in our 90s.
Why the US, EU, Japan, China and India are not putting major investments into getting rid of coal and oil is beyond me at this point. The technology is pretty much there. Use nuclear and renewables, put money behind electric cars, roll out more electric rail for transporting stuff and get serious about this stuff.
Um... the we've made some improvements, but we have a several light years to go:
This isn't even progress but the result of outsourcing industry to Asia. The saved CO2 output just gets produced somewhere else
USA has also a gigantic trade deficit so the real CO2 output of the USA is insane.
Shut down every coal plant, and just let everybody starve already
My dad is convinced that the idea of climate change is a power-grabbing scheme orchestrated by the "tyrannical" EPA/Obama administration and it's fucking infuriating to the point I don't even try to discuss the topic with him anymore because the discussion always goes one wayit's incredibly depressing how impossible it is to get the broader culture to even give a tenth of a shit about this. this is going to kill us all and a significant people to refuse to believe it's even happening. it honestly makes me want to just go curl up in a corner somewhere and cry.
The US has made substantial progress. I have no idea what world you guys live in that the US hasn't made substantial progress.
Why the US, EU, Japan, China and India are not putting major investments into getting rid of coal and oil is beyond me at this point. The technology is pretty much there. Use nuclear and renewables, put money behind electric cars, roll out more electric rail for transporting stuff and get serious about this stuff.
There are actually proposals to do this.I don't know why scientists don't just paint the earth white and reflect all the heat.
individual responsibility is great, but this is an area where I feel the government would have to step in and tax the hell out of these products.
Recent research found that just five more years of carbon dioxide emissions at current levels will virtually wipe out any chance of restraining temperatures to a 1.5C increase and avoid runaway climate change.
You can stop eating animal products. Animal agriculture is one of the main causes of climate change. The methane emissions and waste of resources in that industry are unbelievable.
I had no idea the meat industry caused so much emissions. Why is that so? I always thought cars, oil or something else would be doing more damage.
Well you can mandate it but good luck with that. Even the U.S., who should absolutely be a leader on this for countless reasons, has been hobbled and backwards for decades thanks to our long history of Republican morons (voters and their representatives alike).
I had no idea the meat industry caused so much emissions. Why is that so? I always thought cars, oil or something else would be doing more damage.
Didn't even think about that.
a bunch of malarkey
so we are still on track for 2035 apocalypses or it could be even earlier?