Self driving cars inherently reduce the number of cars on the road because they make car ownership financially unsustainable.
It may reduce the number of cars on the parking lot, but could actually increase the number on the road.
Self driving cars inherently reduce the number of cars on the road because they make car ownership financially unsustainable.
You need to look at the bigger picture:
This is what I don't get. people in this thread have said China is doing a better job at curtailing CO2 emissions than the US, but this graph seems to show otherwise.
Greed will keep putting in roadblocks.
I really want to be optimistic, but rich and powerful people don't care.
In the second graph, it shows USA is one of the only countries that reduced CO2 emissions from fossil fuels form 2000 to 2014
In the second graph, it shows USA is one of the only countries that reduced CO2 emissions from fossil fuels form 2000 to 2014
But wasnt Al Gore very hopeful? Does this news invalidade anything he said in his ted speech?
It may reduce the number of cars on the parking lot, but could actually increase the number on the road.
I swear... Everyone in this thread, stop right now!
You're helping cause the problem!
Turn off your computers.
Turn off your phones.
Turn off your laptops and tablets.
If you're playing a videogame on a console, turn that shit off too.
Smash all your electronics...
Now smash your cars.
Do you have lights on in your house?
Turn all those off too then smash them.
Done? Alright, now you've stopped most of your carbon emitting activities...
Only one thing left to do.
Try to control your breathing so you exhale less, because remember, every time you breath, you're making the planet hot. And that's not cool.
If we all in this thread do that... Maybe, just maybe we can save the planet.
In seriousness: all this talk is great, but I sincerely doubt many if any of you would give up all the benefits the modern world has given you which have lead to the emissions creating global warming... Do you really think it takes no emissions to create all the technology you hold so dear?
And to think there's a decades long delay between emissions and their impact in the atmosphere... yeah, the next couple of decades are going to be insane.
It's not about stopping and regressing. It's about evolving our current system into a sustainable one, which will ease the burden on the environment. Well, it's probably too late now.
He was hopeful in reducing the output of carbon dioxide, but he's still worried about how fast we get to it.But wasnt Al Gore very hopeful? Does this news invalidade anything he said in his ted speech?
No. First it drops the number of cars produced massively, that also applies to transportation. You also get extra space to use. Then the cars themselves can be used for a variety of needs since they aren't individually owned anymore, so the same vehicle can transport kids to school, deliver pizza, whatever.
You get a much higher utility rate. Compared to the current scenario it's simply going to massively reduce the carbon footprint coming from cars/trucks, period.
Nothing will happen because the rich fucks in charge know that they'll be dead before the repercussions from this really hit.
You need to look at the bigger picture:
Quit simply passing the blame to rich people. You made and are continuing to make decisions and live a lifestyle that is counterproductive towards dealing with climate change. Accept that first before you pass the blame. There's a lot of things we can be doing already in our personal lives to reduce our carbon footprint.
But the general reaction is...
Nah brah... I need my AC.
Nah brah, I gotta drive a big truck.
Nah brah... I can't use the public transit system even just once or twice a week.
Nah brah, I gotta go on a long road trip once or twice a year so I can't be bothered with replacing my second car with an EV.
And the list goes on and on.l
Someone should really do something about the Sun.
They are caused by people, Reps just dont acknowledge thatIt seems like all of our major problems are caused by Republicans/conservatives.
So what can we the common folk do in the immediate future? Send letters to our representatives? Is that it?
That "mini-ice age" isn't going to happen. The rate of global warming vs. the rate of natural variability of a solar cycle/orbital variation is like dropping a grain of sand in a bucket.
This will be one of those situations where we first need to crash the ship into the iceberg to realise that it was not a good idea. The people living with the consequence will not be same people who steered the ship though.
I'd like to see the breakdown of agriculture, Forestry, and other land use. I'm pretty sure agriculture is only a small portion compared to Forestry.
Before I was worried about death. Now I'm worried about the suffering and total collapse of civilisation that will probably occur before death.
That would be a dictatorship.
Part of the problem right now is that the executive branch has to rely on executive orders to get things done because of legislative paralysis. But this is only a temporary solution, considering that the leadership has a chance of changing every 4 or 8 years. Things that require money will have to go through Congress. Supreme Court can flip out in executive orders/actions that go too far.
It's not ideal, but it's also a necessary check on power.
ugh looking at Canada
Then we will all die.People will not change and neither will governments so add this to the pile of "science news no one cares enough about".
Like war, poverty, and abuse, I don't see the issue ever being solved.
This will be one of those situations where we first need to crash the ship into the iceberg to realise that it was not a good idea. The people living with the consequences will not be same people who steered the ship though.
Quit simply passing the blame to rich people. You made and are continuing to make decisions and live a lifestyle that is counterproductive towards dealing with climate change. Accept that first before you pass the blame. There's a lot of things we can be doing already in our personal lives to reduce our carbon footprint.
Millennials get to live through the last days of mankind.
So, the same story as always. The Baby Boomers cause human extinction but they'll all be dead anyways so who cares.
Millennials get to live through the last days of mankind.
I'd like to see the breakdown of agriculture, Forestry, and other land use. I'm pretty sure agriculture is only a small portion compared to Forestry.
Nothing is gonna happen until at least one major Western coastal city gets swept by the ocean. And by then it will probably be too late.