That's fine. We'll be poody and green shinobi of 2k-ageecnal said:ok, let me know. south coast plaza a good spot to meet if you can get a copy?
You're just mad it takes 3-5 business days for a paypal transfer to take affectSmokey said:If ecnal disappears from GAF we know who is responsible.
viakado said:You're just mad it takes 3-5 business days for a paypal transfer to take affect
:lolviakado said:You're just mad it takes 3-5 business days for a paypal transfer to take affect
DiddyBop said:Price aside, is there anyone else interested in the PS3 league? We're currently at 18 players. Trying to see if price is a barrier to entry for anyone
Cloudy said:It's not the price for me. 2K just plays better with the 360 controller IMO. Also, buying 2 copies of the game seems like overkill
What places will have it so that I can go cop it and maybe even catch a movie.ph33nix said:yeah NYC is not getting shit till tomorrow. i know for certain 3 stores will have it in the afternoon
charsace said:What places will have it so that I can go cop it and maybe even catch a movie.
lol wtf!?!ph33nix said:Video games new york
this store by my place which will remain unnamed because i sure as hell don't want any chance of running into you
and fordham game world
:lolph33nix said:Video games new york
this store by my place which will remain unnamed because i sure as hell don't want any chance of running into you
and fordham game world
charsace said:someone one craigslist is selling copies in NYC for 130 a piece wtf man.
This isn't just the best basketball game ever; it's the best sports game of this generation.
I said I wouldn't buy it unless it got 9+ reviews instead of the usual 8 scores. Looks like I'm buying it and retiring my CHoops 2k8.shwimpy said:
I believe so, yes.jhferry said:For the past teams recreated to face Jordan in the challenges, can you play as them? Like can I play as the 95 Knicks?
jhferry said:For the past teams recreated to face Jordan in the challenges, can you play as them? Like can I play as the 95 Knicks?
charsace said:This looks like GOTY and maybe even game of the generation.
anddo0 said:Clearly Hill is an MJ fanboy.. I think this score is inflated because the MJ content.. Also it sounds like PS3 users got the shaft again.. So I'll be waiting for user reviews before I go anywhere near this game.
NHale said:Hilary is the same guy that said GTA IV story was Oscar worthy so forgive me if I don't trust his hyperbole...
What will you say when the 9+ reviews roll in? How can it not be GOTY contender then?SamuraiX- said:Hell. Fucking. No.
Game of the Year is pushing it too.
It's a little bit hard to be trusting of IGN, since they gave NBA 2K10 an 8.5... but a 9.5 is probably the highest I've seen a basketball game (or sports game in general) rated... well, ever. Shit's gonna be crazy.
Sports game of the year maybe.charsace said:What will you say when the 9+ reviews roll in? How can it not be GOTY contender then?
It was hard to secure all 100,000 licenses of the hoes he smashed during his career, therefor making the Jordan thing a no brainer.P90 said:Wilt Chamberlain>Michael Jordan. Game>NBA/Media hype/NBA brass directed referee preferential treatment. This video game is thus irrelevant.
charsace said:This looks like GOTY and maybe even game of the generation.
Czar over at OS seems impressed enough, which is promising.FrenchMovieTheme said::lol
this is why i don't think sports games can be properly reviewed until a month or so after release. everyone is ready for Sports Game to come out. anticipation builds with videos, promises of upgrades all over, great previews/videos. then the game comes out and day one OMFG AWESOME! then day 7 STILL COOL.... then day 30 FUCKING CHEESERS RUINING THIS GAME!
not saying nba 2k won't be awesome but you should probably curb your enthusiasm until real fans get their hands on it and see what's what
I might get this tomorrow if pheeniknicks isn't a fucking liar.FrenchMovieTheme said::lol
this is why i don't think sports games can be properly reviewed until a month or so after release. everyone is ready for Sports Game to come out. anticipation builds with videos, promises of upgrades all over, great previews/videos. then the game comes out and day one OMFG AWESOME! then day 7 STILL COOL.... then day 30 FUCKING CHEESERS RUINING THIS GAME!
not saying nba 2k won't be awesome but you should probably curb your enthusiasm until real fans get their hands on it and see what's what
Purexed said:Los Angeles area is bone dry, there isn't anywhere that got their shipment today. Anyone saying otherwise is an attention whore, looks like the East Coast is the only area where vendors are dropping early.
Monday it is, got the new Castlevania game as a consolation prize.![]()
shwimpy said:
They don't have it. But I don't give Game Hut my business anymore, unless there isn't another option.FrenchMovieTheme said:did you try game hut in gardena?
Purexed said:They don't have it. But I don't give Game Hut my business anymore, unless there isn't another option.
I had a buddy I referred there once -- white kid, lanky, wore glasses, etc.-- where the owner charged him an extra $20 after I got it for normal price just two hours earlier. The owner is notorious about jacking up prices during the pre-release period. My two other spots are more professional, and aren't in the middle of the hood.
ToyMachine228 said:9.5? Wow. I want to get a basketball game this year and that score may sell my on 2K11. I could care less about the Jordan stuff though. It pains me to even buy a product with his face on it. Hate that prick.
ToyMachine228 said:9.5? Wow. I want to get a basketball game this year and that score may sell my on 2K11.
zero margin said:Pretty sure 2K11 is the only game this year anyway.
Net_Wrecker said:Like there were ever any other basketball games since 2K started.
Except maybe Live 04/05.