Gully State
edit: nm you're talking about simmed min..
Truelize said:There was an option to change the length of the simmed games in last years game. I'm sure it's there somewhere.
I don't know why that doesn't get more attention. I hate that everyone slows down when catching the ball.Red Blaster said:I still think its way too tough to run a fastbreak. I hate how if you pass to a running guy they coast for a second and allow their defender to catch up to them.
Missed this. i'lll add you later tonight.mbmonk said:EDIT: Sign me up for the GAF crew please. PSN is same as my GAF.![]()
Well go ahead and change the music.YuriLowell said:This game is fantastic.
Besides the music. The music is so bad my ears bleed.
viakado said:Missed this. i'lll add you later tonight.
i do believe crews have a max limit of 15 players.
you'll be 13 on GAF Barons.
hopefully we get enough interests to have more than just one ps3 gaf crew.
intra gaf battles would be amazing.
yes to first question.YagizY said:Are their any scrubs in this crew? NBA 2K11 is my fist basketball sim game and I'm interested in joining to. The game is still being shipped to me but my PSN name is YagizY. Could you add me too?
Use the passing stick. It really improves the fast break passing.Red Blaster said:I still think its way too tough to run a fastbreak. I hate how if you pass to a running guy they coast for a second and allow their defender to catch up to them.
Red Blaster said:I still think its way too tough to run a fastbreak. I hate how if you pass to a running guy they coast for a second and allow their defender to catch up to them.
charsace said:Use the passing stick. It really improves the fast break passing.
RJNavarrete said:I echo the sentiments of the last two posters; however, I find it a little quirky that Steve Nash is the leading scorer at 29 ppg in my Association. Other than that, this game has been fantastic.
Wow.mbmonk said:Great Video about how to pass, when to pass, and the effect of adjusting "Defensive Settings".!
viakado said:yes to first question.
you're #14
one more spot open.
edit: i forgot i wasn't GM anymore, Rinse82 will have to send out invites.
Its crazy. Now if I have to actually play basketball in my basketball game.dskillzhtown said:This game is DEEP.
mbmonk said:Great Video about how to pass, when to pass, and the effect of adjusting "Defensive Settings".!
Should have been obvious if you've seen Vol 1 of that video series. The attention to detail is impressive.dskillzhtown said:This game is DEEP.
This is something I already figured out. People should go into practice mode and fool around a bit. good moves this year are the eurostep layup, running hook and the up and under on the run across the lane.Smokey said:Noobs and vets should watch this.
charsace said:This is something I already figured out. People should go into practice mode and fool around a bit. good moves this year are the eurostep layup, running hook and the up and under on the run across the lane.
lol don't put words in my mouth. I am just putting out there what I learned. I'm not the only one on here that went to practice mode and messed around with it.ecnal said:im curious sensei, since you've already mastered the game, why didn't you sign up for the tournament?
should be easy money for a player of your skill considering you'll blow everyone's brains out with slick step back jumpers, euro step layups, and runners in the lane.
charsace said:I checked the 2k forums and it seems like the online has been changed from sim back to the regular NBA Jam bullshit. The complainers have won. Don't be surprised if a patch comes and makes everything "easy," like it was in 2k10 and 2k9.
If no one is helping inside, then too many of your defenders are set to play tight OR if you still have it set to auto and the opponent is lighting it up from outside, then they'll probably be playing tight anyways.RDreamer said:I just got reamed by the Pacers of all teams. At the end of the first half they were leading me in every stat on the sheet except bench points. They even somehow managed 70+% shooting. I got it within 4 at the last minute and lost by 10, though. I swear I hit a glitch or something a few times in that game though because they'd pass it inside and literally no one moved towards the guy with the ball. No one at all. Oh well, that was only a few of the points.
rinse82 said:mbmonk: crew invite sent
YagizY, 2ksports isnt accepting your psn name
rinse82 said:mbmonk: crew invite sent
YagizY, 2ksports isnt accepting your psn name
charsace said:Use the passing stick. It really improves the fast break passing.
Ryu1999 said:Doesn't that take away the shot-stick though?
No your PSN. Invites are sent ingame via psnYagizY said:I'm assuming I have to create an account on 2Ksports website first, right?
It is.Truelize said:There was an option to change the length of the simmed games in last years game. I'm sure it's there somewhere.
Are you playing sim? with good defense on sim you can limit the dunks to like 5-10 total the whole game for both teams. A lot of the bullshit dunks where people are weaving through the lane and then dunk out of no where don't happen. And contact in the lane is increased.DY_nasty said:Gerald Wallace can guard anyone.
If no one is helping inside, then too many of your defenders are set to play tight OR if you still have it set to auto and the opponent is lighting it up from outside, then they'll probably be playing tight anyways.
oh wowmbmonk said:No. To right stick pass you have to press the R1 button on the PS3 ( Right Bumper on the 360 I assume) then push the stick the direction you want to pass.
charsace said:I checked the 2k forums and it seems like the online has been changed from sim back to the regular NBA Jam bullshit. The complainers have won. Don't be surprised if a patch comes and makes everything "easy," like it was in 2k10 and 2k9.
RJNavarrete said:WTF is going on...? I'm trying to trade Kevin Durant [I just can't click with him for some reason], yet he's only a one star on the trade meter; therefore, teams won't give anything of value for him. He's up to a 98 overall rating, and his morale is at about 90%, too. :/
Duki said:oh wow
this will get rid of so many bullshit passing errors where the reticule moves away from the player i want to pass to a split second before i click the button
many a qq has been had because of this
mbmonk said:I still have problems with it passing to a different person than I wanted it to. But it does improve your fast breaks and it simplifies the controls because now I only have 1 pass button ( R1 ) instead of two ( R1 & X ). This game has a lot of controls so if I can simplify anything I am going to do it![]()