the new EA
Cmoooooon Netflix or HBO
If HBO picked up Hannibal.. lol
Wait, this is on NBC?
Unfortunately, Fuller is signed on for American Gods with Neil Gaiman, so if this show somehow got picked up it would be damn hard for him to be involved. And Hannibal without Fuller---I don't want.
Season 3 still has ten more episodes left to air, but from what I understand based on vague spoilers about the way the season is structured they'll have run through nearly all of the book material they have the rights to cover by the end of it. The first half being sort of awhile the second half isHannibal/Hannibal Rising hybrid. If/when a fourth season gets made it'll need to be original material unless or until they get the rights to Silence of the adaptation of Red Dragon
For the past two seasons they've expected cancellation, and so previous finales have been constructed to function as potential series finales as well from my understanding. I imagine the same will be the case here.
I wouldn't really call anything about season 2's finale a potential series ender![]()
I guess you're right that Green is involved as well, but both Green and Fuller are co-showrunners. Even if Fuller planned on staying involved with Hannibal, it raises the question if the quality would've stayed as high. It also raises the question if Fuller was smart enough to realize they weren't getting a season 4 when he said yes to American Gods.Fuller isn't the day to day showrunner on American Gods (Michael Green is) and he was already going to be very involved in Hannibal season 4 if it got picked up, so no.
I wouldn't really call anything about season 2's finale a potential series ender![]()
I'm a demented person, but that's actually what I thought when I saw it. "Wow, this would make a great series finale. Everyone dies and the antagonist wins, orchestrated like ticking clockwork! The end."
*slow applause*
Fuller isn't the day to day showrunner on American Gods (Michael Green is) and he was already going to be very involved in Hannibal season 4 if it got picked up, so no.
I guess you're right that Green is involved as well, but both Green and Fuller are co-showrunners. Even if Fuller planned on staying involved with Hannibal, it raises the question if the quality would've stayed as high.
It also raises the question if Fuller was smart enough to realize they weren't getting a season 4 when he said yes to American Gods.
I'm a demented person, but that's actually what I thought when I saw it. "Wow, this would make a great series finale. Everyone dies and the antagonist wins, orchestrated like ticking clockwork! The end."
*slow applause*
NBC deserves credit for supporting this show for as long as they have. The ratings have never been good. They kept it on for the passionate fanbase.
It's not a Firefly situation where it was murdered without a chance.
It's better this way.
First, the network can't just sit idly by while the ratings continue to plummet - it has shareholders to answer to.
Second, it gives the crew time to make a concerted effort to shop around so that next season doesn't start production six months late due to NBC's procrastination.
Of course it has. These last three episodes have been enough to turn lots of people off, even a rabid Fannibal like me.
The finale to series 2 was phenomenal. The first 3 episodes of series 3 have been mind numbingly boring. Fancy shot, long drawn out mumbled speech, fancy shot, time going backwards, fancy shot, COOKING TIME, fancy shot, long drawn out mumbled speech. And all this in near darkness so you're constantly squinting trying to make out what the fuck is going on.
At its best it was really good, but I can't say I'm too upset about this announcement. I was very close to packing it all in anyway.
I haven't watched any episode of the current season, but I wonder if production problems are to blame. Fuller was very candid about how he had to beg for more production time even when things were already wrapping up because the powers that be were hellbent on making a cheaper show (as if Hannibal were not already cheap enough).
So are there any petitions or anything? Seems like the shows with angry fans get a chance of renewal (like The Killing and Longmire). Hannibal fans seem to be saying "it was a good run."