No cockpit view and only night racing doesn't help.Always online, no manual transmission and five car garage max? This game really isn't for me I guess.
Always online wouldn't have even been an issue for me in the late 90s, as that's when I got my first cable modem. I really don't see how it's an issue in 2015. If it's a server thing, nobody will be playing the game by the time the servers go down anyway.
No cockpit view and only night racing doesn't help.
Games have been evolving post-launch since patches became a thing in the late 90's. What is this game doing that makes it actually fundamentally not function without a constant internet connection?Q) Do I need to be connected to the internet at all times?
A) You will need a persistent internet connection, as Need for Speed is committed to being a live service so we can deliver an ongoing experience that is constantly changing and evolving. We will include free content updates and challenges as an ever-present ways for you to earn rewards and continually explore the game.
what the hell are you talking about?Q) Do I need to be connected to the internet at all times?
A) We will include free content updates and challenges as an ever-present ways for you to earn rewards and continually explore the game.
Are you serious? I hate racing at night.
Why did we decide to do this?
We listened to the feedback from players, and decided to do away with Online Pass. We hope that eliminating Online Pass will allow more people to play and enjoy EA games for a long time to come.
Oh yeah that's another negative to add to the list. I am fairly sure there's no wheel support otherwise they would have mentioned it by now.Why the FUCK won't they answered a simple question about wheel support !?!?!
Nothing wrong with either of these. While 60fps is ideal, Driveclub has proven that racing games work at 30.
Always online wouldn't have even been an issue for me in the late 90s, as that's when I got my first cable modem. I really don't see how it's an issue in 2015. If it's a server thing, nobody will be playing the game by the time the servers go down anyway.
Lots of positive things in that Q&A but people continue to think negatively when it comes to NFS. As a fan of all types of racers, I'm really looking forward to it. It's a fun series for sure.
Eh, as someone who has dealt with all of these issues in MMOs I can honestly say that they are incredibly minor issues to me. I just can't get that upset over having a few instances of not being able to play a specific game. I think Destiny is proof that a very large number of people have the same feel that I do. I agree that they need to do a better job of explaining why the game is always online, but the fact that it is just doesn't bother me at all.Just because you're always online, it doesn't mean the game, EA's servers or the PSN/XBL servers are.
Servers overloaded at launch?
You can't play the game.
Servers under maintenance?
You can't play the game.
Servers getting attacked by script kiddies during the holidays?
You can't play the game.
Should the servers go down in the middle of your game session?
You most likely will get booted to the title screen.
And you really still don't see the issue?
Eh, as someone who has dealt with all of these issues in MMOs I can honestly say that they are incredibly minor issues to me. I just can't get that upset over having a few instances of not being able to play a specific game. I think Destiny is proof that a very large number of people have the same feel that I do. I agree that they need to do a better job of explaining why the game is always online, but the fact that it is just doesn't bother me at all.
FAQ for EA means something else, Falsely Answered Questions.
Q) Is it Open World?
A) Yes, Need for Speed is set in a rich open world with approximately twice the amount of drivable roads than NFS Rivals.
Q) How big is the world?
A) Ventura Bay has approximately twice the amount of drivable roads than Need for Speed Rivals.
Eh, as someone who has dealt with all of these issues in MMOs I can honestly say that they are incredibly minor issues to me. I just can't get that upset over having a few instances of not being able to play a specific game. I think Destiny is proof that a very large number of people have the same feel that I do. I agree that they need to do a better job of explaining why the game is always online, but the fact that it is just doesn't bother me at all.
When did I compare them? I said that MMOs are where I have experienced the issues that come with always online, and that those issues really don't bother me. Like I said, EA does need a better explanation/reason of why online is required, but I don't have a problem with it either way personally.The game wouldn`t be a massive multiplayer online game without always online. That`s something everyone would expect. When you buy Need for Speed in order to play single player with AI, you don`t expect the game to require this garbage. Stop comparing those.
It's 'twice the' (not 'twice than') which yes, is standard and not uncommon.English isn't my mother tongue but "twice than" sounds awful to me. Is this proper language?
It's 'twice the' (not 'twice than') which yes, is standard and not uncommon.
approximately twice the amount of drivable roads than Need for Speed Rivals
Like I said, EA does need a better explanation/reason of why online is required, but I don't have a problem with it either way personally.
I meant this (bolded):
Way too make baseless assumptions there. Apparently only youngsters are allowed to be okay with always online games. I wouldn't be surprised if I revisit older games more than most of the people in these NFS threads that complain about the servers being shut down.Maybe you will when you get older. Perhaps at some point you'll feel that revisiting the movies, music and games that were created when you were young or perhaps even before, would be something of value to you or perhaps your children. Of course by then it could be too late. The servers were killed years ago and maybe it's impossible to get the game working without them, assuming someone bothered to perserve it at all. Now with MMOs there's often a reason for games being online, but in this instance they haven't explained why it's needed, like you mention..
The game is released on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One November 3rd in North America and November 5th Worldwide. The PC version will be released in Spring 2016.
I wouldn't be surprised if I revisit older games more than most of the people in these NFS threads that complain about the servers being shut down.
Eh, as someone who has dealt with all of these issues in MMOs I can honestly say that they are incredibly minor issues to me. I just can't get that upset over having a few instances of not being able to play a specific game. I think Destiny is proof that a very large number of people have the same feel that I do. I agree that they need to do a better job of explaining why the game is always online, but the fact that it is just doesn't bother me at all.
Fucking Ea bullshit
I don`t like Need for Speed that much, but if they manage to pull of always online this time, there is no stopping them from doing it in future single player games as well. Isn`t this their first attempt to implement always online in a single player game since Sim City?
Welcome to games as a service and say goodbye to ownership. Rent for 18-24 months then never have the ability to play it again once the servers are shut down.
Great deal, where do I sign up?
Persistant online in Rivals was a complete fuckery so EA and this game and can go fuck themselves.
First I've heard of this issue and that's ridiculous. Mostly I just ran into host migration timeouts, until I eventually did offline mode.yep got a lot of corrupted saves just because of "server maintnance", while playing fuc*ing vs AI races
Q) Do I need to be connected to the internet at all times?
A) You will need a persistent internet connection, as Need for Speed is committed to being a live service so we can deliver an ongoing experience that is constantly changing and evolving. We will include free content updates and challenges as an ever-present ways for you to earn rewards and continually explore the game.
Q) Do I have to play with others or can I play on my own?
A) You'll also have the choice of solo mode, with just you exploring Ventura Bay alongside AI drivers.
I still don't understand the reasoning behind this any of this. Just can't wrap my head around it. ''Committed to being a live service''? Umm, okay. Absolutely laughable. Just let me play it without having to worry about your shitty servers.
which sounds quite strange especially when on PC they use DRM combo of Origin and Denuvo - which takes the crackers months to take down. And its online-only on consoles aswell and neither of new consoles is hacked yetMy bet: Always online DRM because they are releasing it on PC as well.