What do people use medium format for? I know I've seen advertising photographers using it, but I would assume with how heavy it is it's a studio thing. I think I've seen some hipsters or something carrying around old style full formats or something once. That's...that's not my thing.
Old me would have said I have zero use for it. I used to love walking around my college campus and doing "street photography - lite." In other words, I wasn't trying to capture moments or cool action sequences; rather, I liked absorbing the atmosphere of what I was doing in that moment. It's why I eventually bought an X-T1, which I just absolutely adore. It's light, powerful, strong - can take a beating, doesn't wear me down on a hike, and has great, beautiful color. And it's fast. Its weakest feature is AF, which doesn't really bother me too much.
But as I travel more and more, and get to experience more unique vantage points, I've definitely noticed that I'm a little held back my the 16MP and small sensor for the sweeping vistas and the dynamic range I have in my head. I could EASILY just upgrade to the X-T2 or a full frame Sony, but if I were a wealthy man, a medium format is ideal for vast, grandiose landscapes with beautiful sunrises, deep, inky skies and clouds, or robust contrast such as on a beach with blue ocean waves and white sand. And having a smaller, cheaper, lighter medium format starts making the possibility, well... possible. Something that it wasn't a few years ago. And that idea definitely interests me; it's just, to be honest, way -
way - more camera than I would ever actually need or utilize.
Or you do studio photography for advertisements. ;p
EDIT: Which, on another note, I've had this beautiful box sitting in my house for a few days now:
... I ordered it in the case I eventually couldn't resist but it was sold out or something. Thing is, I just really can't justify it right now. I really wish I had more AF points, the joystick, and the extra MP. But otherwise, my original model is still working great. Think I'll wait for an eventual sale or for 2nd hand to go down in price.