Xenoblade Chronicles X was robbed lol
#11 overall is pretty good.
Xenoblade Chronicles X was robbed lol
Which defense force their are hundreds?I guess defense force can stop shitting on other games in other goty threads.
Hell yes.
It doesn't even feel vaguely plausible on any level to any synapse in my brain that what is something of an alternate universe followup to Demon's Souls where all the refinements of Dark Souls never happened, that also retains extremely problematic and fundamentally and continually painful unresolved technical issues that all contribute to placing it firmly beneath one if not two other games in its lineage, could ever conceivably beat The Witcher 3 in this list. It's sort of existentially painful to witness. I'll just leave it at that.
Not always, specially with rpgs where content is so important. There's a reason people love New Vegas and are disappointed with Fallout 4.
Design -> Content -> major gameplay -> story design -> story gameplay (Tell me people don't love Souls for those two first points as much as for the combat)
It feels more like a vocal minority which is decrying the combat any chance they get.
Showed by the amount of GOTY awards given to the game where they even mention the combat as something good and how I've heard almost nothing of this critiscism from other places than gaf.
But I guess that's how it is when you're on a dedicated gaming forum with a big part of the userbase seemingly entangled in the idea of applying souls combat to everything.
If you compare the combat to any open world WRPG you'll pretty fast see how the combat is at least above average.
You're setting yourself up for disappointment when the most popular game on GAF in the next years doesn't coincide with your "gameplay should be above all else" perspective.
Great list. I think TW3 is a better experience overall than Bloodborne but whatever, opinions. Also, i'm very glad for Life is Strange, i had no idea so much people loved it. Fallout 4 in 7#? Meh, i don't think it's top 10 material.
Incredible work always, dedicated GAF.
Great games all around!
I was hoping Bloodborne wouldn't take #1 just for the meltdowns on GAF.
Also, I suppose it's time to finally buy Splatoon, considering it scored higher than I expected and all the "DLC" content is finished and released. If they don't have it on sale next week (the last week of their Winter sale), I'll probably pick it up.
The war between Witcher 3 and Bloodborne on these forums will be a great memory
Such an interesting parallel form 2011 with Skyrim/Dark Souls
East Vs West man... Epic
I think it's pathetic.
Instead of being happy that there are great games for every taste, every thread ends up in "but X is better because I say so"...
It's crazy the amount of people who use the terms gameplay and combat interchangeable, if you only played gwent matches in Witcher, you could still have a perfectly valid argument that gameplay was better than Bloodborne.
Precisely. It's never been about combat above all else in RPGs. Looking at nearly any Best RPGs of all time list would you show you that. We judge games holistically.
Dragon's Dogma and Divinity: Original Sin have some of the best combat around yet still pale in comparison to games with considerably worse combat like Planescape: Torment, Baldur's Gate 2, and Fallout: New Vegas by most accounts.
Persona 4 is GAF's #2 pick on the RPG essentials list yet it has incredibly dull combat and dungeons. Historically, that's just not how we view games in this genre or at all really.
I loved Witcher III. I ranked it 3rd for the list I think. However if all combat was removed and replaced with Gwent, it might have been my GOTY!It's crazy the amount of people who use the terms gameplay and combat interchangeable, if you only played gwent matches in Witcher, you could still have a perfectly valid argument that gameplay was better than Bloodborne.
You should get the PC version, if you don't have it already, because there is a mod that replaces all combat with Gwent.I loved Witcher III. I ranked it 3rd for the list I think. However if all combat was removed and replaced with Gwent, it might have been my GOTY!
I loved Witcher III. I ranked it 3rd for the list I think. However if all combat was removed and replaced with Gwent, it might have been my GOTY!
if you only played gwent matches in Witcher, you could still have a perfectly valid argument that gameplay was better than Bloodborne.
You should get the PC version, if you don't have it already, because there is a mod that replaces all combat with Gwent.
You should get the PC version, if you don't have it already, because there is a mod that replaces all combat with Gwent.
Such an interesting takeaway
You think they will double down on the card game someday? Make a standalone version?
Not always, specially with rpgs where content is so important. There's a reason people love New Vegas and are disappointed with Fallout 4.
Design -> Content -> major gameplay -> story design -> story gameplay (Tell me people don't love Souls for those two first points as much as for the combat)
If you're going the story route, The Witcher 3 wouldn't exactly win that one either. Sure the side stories were great, but the main story was rather mediocre. I honestly preferred the Dragon age Inquisition main story. Hey, at least Corypheus had more than 12 lines.
I disagree, but it doesn't even matter. TW3 isn't just about one story. There are many stories told in the game as you've stated. Hearts of Stone alone is better story-wise than anything else this year (to me). It's not about story vs combat either. I just found TW3 to be the most satisfying experience of the year holistically as did many others. You even voted for it yourself.
I'm not even going to start on Inquisition because I can't even fathom how someone could have that opinion. I'll just say that I found Eredin as well as many of the minor antagonists to be more satisfying than Corypheus. The Crones, Imlerith, Gaunter O'Dimm, and Olgierd just to name a few.
I think it's very suspect that many people came in and voted for only 1 game, which was Bloodborne. This is like ballot stuffing, where they only vote for one game so they can be sure that no other game gets points which could potentially raise their placement
In the future if someone just lists 1 game it should only be worth 1 point IMO
I think it's very suspect that many people came in and voted for only 1 game, which was Bloodborne. This is like ballot stuffing, where they only vote for one game so they can be sure that no other game gets points which could potentially raise their placement
In the future if someone just lists 1 game it should only be worth 1 point IMO
I think it's very suspect that many people came in and voted for only 1 game, which was Bloodborne. This is like ballot stuffing, where they only vote for one game so they can be sure that no other game gets points which could potentially raise their placement
In the future if someone just lists 1 game it should only be worth 1 point IMO
Yeah those 2 more people that did that for Bloodborne vs. The Witcher 3 are really the devil.I think it's very suspect that many people came in and voted for only 1 game, which was Bloodborne.
Are people really this upset bloodborne won. Did you really just make up a conspiracy theory??I think it's very suspect that many people came in and voted for only 1 game, which was Bloodborne. This is like ballot stuffing, where they only vote for one game so they can be sure that no other game gets points which could potentially raise their placement
In the future if someone just lists 1 game it should only be worth 1 point IMO
I think it's very suspect that many people came in and voted for only 1 game, which was Bloodborne. This is like ballot stuffing, where they only vote for one game so they can be sure that no other game gets points which could potentially raise their placement
In the future if someone just lists 1 game it should only be worth 1 point IMO
I think it's very suspect that many people came in and voted for only 1 game, which was Bloodborne. This is like ballot stuffing, where they only vote for one game so they can be sure that no other game gets points which could potentially raise their placement
In the future if someone just lists 1 game it should only be worth 1 point IMO
Single Issue Voters WINNERS (Only voted for one game)
1. Bloodborne (19)
2. The Witcher III: Wild Hunt (17)
3. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (4)
4. Splatoon (4)
5. Life Is Strange (3)
6. Super Mario Maker (3)
7. Until Dawn (3)
8. Rocket League (2)
9. Downwell (1)
10. Dying Light (1)
11. Grim Fandango Remastered (1)
12. Wolfenstein: The Old Blood (1)
13. Xenoblade Chronicles X (1)
Are people really this upset bloodborne won. Did you really just make up a conspiracy theory??
I think it's very suspect that many people came in and voted for only 1 game, which was Bloodborne. This is like ballot stuffing, where they only vote for one game so they can be sure that no other game gets points which could potentially raise their placement
In the future if someone just lists 1 game it should only be worth 1 point IMO
My peeps....
Congratulations to Bloodborne! It ended up becoming one of my favorite games of all time, so it was an easy #1 for me.
Anyways, here's my Affinity List.
Kudos to my new best friends on GAF.
my affinity listPeople who likes until dawn, tearaway unfolded, grown home and putting nathan drake on their GOTY list
Great year overall
Clearly, this is evidence of the the secret cyber war between CDPR and From Soft.
I think it's very suspect that many people came in and voted for only 1 game, which was Bloodborne. This is like ballot stuffing, where they only vote for one game so they can be sure that no other game gets points which could potentially raise their placement
In the future if someone just lists 1 game it should only be worth 1 point IMO