Just let people vote for what they want to vote for.
I hope Megatron's idea never becomes reality. I voted for 8 titles, not because I only played 8 titles but because I don't think the other 20 titles deserved to be on my list.
Padding my list just to satisfy people that don't think I have the proper frame of reference for my own personal list and my vote counts less is very exclusionary.
Thanks. Very generous of you.Your number one would be worth 3 points instead of 4. Not much of a big deal in the grand scheme of things.
Yes. Of course that opinion is worth less. How can you argue otherwise? If the only game you played all year is Tony Hawk 5, that's the best game you played in 2015. If you played 29 other games in addition to that, it's likely the 30th best game. I think if you don't put in a full ballot, your votes should drop a little. if you put in 8 it should look like:
3.Game 1
4. Game 2
5. Game 3
etc down the list. So your 1 would get the points of game 3 in a ten game list.
If you only vote for 5 games it should be
6. Game 1
7. Game 2
Just my opinion, but ultimately it doesn't matter all that much. It's just a fun exercise for forum posters.
Yes. Of course that opinion is worth less. How can you argue otherwise? If the only game you played all year is Tony Hawk 5, that's the best game you played in 2015. If you played 29 other games in addition to that, it's likely the 30th best game. I think if you don't put in a full ballot, your votes should drop a little. if you put in 8 it should look like:
Just for fun, let's imagine a situation where I've only played 10 games all year with Tony Hawk 5 being one of them. If I want to construct my list without acknowledging Tony Hawk 5, I devalue the other 9 games on my list. If I want those games to retain their value, I have to acknowledge Tony Hawk 5 and give it value it doesn't deserve. And just because you only vote for 5 games (or 1 game) doesn't automatically mean you've only played that number of games. Those same people could have easily played 30 or 40 games and that fewer than 10 were worth voting for.
You're comparing DD and Divinity to very old games (that still somewhat hold up mind you), we should expect combat to evolve (I'm not gonna defend New Vegas as I was never in the group that adored that game). Persona 4's combat might not be to your liking but it achieved what it set out to do (making a turn based game) Witcher 3 rarely feels great to control, a lot of the time I felt like I was enjoying the game despite the controls. You can have a great RPG with great combat, you mention four of them in your comment and Gaf's GOTY is another, let's stop making excuses for The Witcher.Precisely. It's never been about combat above all else in RPGs. Looking at nearly any Best RPGs of all time list would you show you that. We judge games holistically.
Dragon's Dogma and Divinity: Original Sin have some of the best combat around yet still pale in comparison to games with considerably worse combat like Planescape: Torment, Baldur's Gate 2, and Fallout: New Vegas by most accounts.
Persona 4 is GAF's #2 pick on the RPG essentials list yet it has incredibly dull combat and dungeons. Historically, that's just not how we view games in this genre or at all really.
I'm kind of disappointed Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon didn't make it in the top 20 and that Etrian Odyssey Untold 2 didn't get more love.
Also, it just occurred to me, but why wasn't there a "Best Soundtrack of 2015" section?
If you only played 10 games your opinion isn't as informed as someone who played 30 or 40 games, so that seems like a fair reflection.
If you want to walk down that path, has Megatron even played the top 20 games of the year as per GAF? Anything but would mean his ballot wasn't well informed.You have no idea how many games someone has played based on how they voted. Saying someone who has played less games than another voter has less value is also problematic.
If you want to walk down that path, has Megatron even played the top 20 games of the year as per GAF? Anything but would mean his ballot wasn't well informed.
(Yes, all this bullshit adding on rules making other people feel like their opinion matters less just because is a fucked thing to advocate. But it only matters a little less, so it's alright.)
That would solve all the problems in the discussion. Now let's talk about sales and 1080pees.You've just created a paradox. There's no top 20 if none of us are allowed to vote unless we've all played the top 20.![]()
That would solve all the problems in the discussion. Now let's talk about sales and 1080pees.
If you've only played 10 games and want to leave Tony Hawk off, that only barely changes your score. Your # 1, 3 and 6 would lose one point each. Your 2, 4, 5, 7, 8 and 9 wouldn't lose any points. If you only played 10 games your opinion isn't as informed as someone who played 30 or 40 games, so that seems like a fair reflection.
This also works in reverse. If I feel a game is amazing and deserves top spot on my list I'll put it there. If a game is good enough then there's no reason to omit it just because you listed less games. I didn't fulfill the full 10 game quota either because several games like MGSV, FF Type-0 and more were games I felt didn't deserve points from myself. I shouldn't have to add them.Your number one would be worth 3 points instead of 4. Not much of a big deal in the grand scheme of things.
Yes. Of course that opinion is worth less. How can you argue otherwise? If the only game you played all year is Tony Hawk 5, that's the best game you played in 2015. If you played 29 other games in addition to that, it's likely the 30th best game. I think if you don't put in a full ballot, your votes should drop a little. if you put in 8 it should look like:
3.Game 1
4. Game 2
5. Game 3
etc down the list. So your 1 would get the points of game 3 in a ten game list.
If you only vote for 5 games it should be
6. Game 1
7. Game 2
Just my opinion, but ultimately it doesn't matter all that much. It's just a fun exercise for forum posters.
As to your second point, it's possible, but seems like it would be pretty rare given what most people say when they vote. There's no perfect system, we don't need to try to find every rare instance where a system isn't ideal.
I'd argue your system is overbearing for what is a small % of votes. 59 votes had one title. I'd be hard pressed to say an 8 title vote is less worthy than a 10 title vote, yet you penalize their most valued game by 25%.
The most interesting thing for me was Bloodborne still taking the GOTY despite Witcher being multi-platform. I think that's what EvilLore was alluding to. I don't think the technical problems was the main point of the post there. It doesn't mean much, it just indicates what sort of audience or demographic was most prominent in the creation of such a list. Especially considering there is such a wide PC audience here on GAF. Saying that, TLoU and Uncharted 2 also took titles in their respective years.
Anyway, Bloodborne wins and the world keeps still turning. It was an excellent game for many reasons. From design, to visuals to encounters. A few niggles here and there. I still think the camera work is shite for big bosses and I think the story/optional areas could be less obtuse (if I didn't use the progress route, I would definitely have missed Hypogean gaol and Cainhurst for example). I wasn't over sensitive to the frame pacing. The 'frenzy' mechanic soured me a couple of areas but I can see how it gets the acclaim. Had a little too much frustration for me in the end which knocked it down a couple of pegs personally.
I must say though, I don't get the hate for the Witcher's combat. I tried alternate controls and they felt skatey. I put it back to normal and everything just has this wonderful fluidity and weight to the combat. Sharpening your weapons, buffing them with oils and using bombs is fantastic. Then you're in the action part of the battle, perfectly timing weaves to get position in between two enemies while laying down signs to get an edge. It sounds like people are actually trying to play it like a Souls game in some regards and it won't work. That's not to say there aren't faults. The lock on mechanism could be smarter, not being able to execute someone downed by 'Aard' because you've locked onto an archer ten yards away is daft. Also it seems that you only get the weaknesses of some enemies after a successful encounter which is a bit random. I'm a Witcher, I should know them already right? Mainly seems to be on enemies you meet in the wild. Like for example, an Endrega Warrior for the first time.
Strangely enough I think both games suffer with having multiple enemies on screen. Witcher less so, but still they exhibit that AI behaviour where they group then attack with the same timing. Then it becomes difficult to seperate them, or manouevre them as you'd like.
Also, if the combat was such a big deal then how did Skyrim outplace Dark Souls? Bloodborne winning the GAF GOTY doesn't take anythign away from how excellent the Witcher is, it just means that more people from this demographic would prefer to play Bloodborne than The Witcher. There's no need to trample on either games. There could be loads of contributing factors - open world fatigue is setting in, there's nothing quite like Bloodborne out there and a myriad of others. If you look at the last five years, the more linear games seem to have done well at the top as well.
So now 1 game voters have only played 1 game?
I have played tons of games this year and only incorporated 3 games in my voting. should have been 2 actually, 3rd vote got the same points as the 2nd vote, but I think one game is vastly superior to the other.
Well, we don't really have to play every game, since we all have different preferences, so if someone has RPG's as their favourite genre it's kind of pointless for such a person to play a genre he dislikes or have no feelings at all(like sports or racing games in my case) just for getting more info about his possible GOTY, and that's simply because no matter how someone tries, a GOTY choice will always be subjective. So I think the GOTY choice should be made from a mix of games that share a preference with the player(favourite genres, developers, ips, whatever you want) and bigger games(and with bigger i don't mean necessarily hype, AAA games, just games that people are talking about a lot) just to see what's their deal.How many games would you require person to have played? IMO if you know your gaming tastes by having played multiple games in the past you should know if the game is something you would consider GOTY or no. Yes you might like some game more but then you would have to play every single release for you to know if there is something better than what you currently think is your GOTY and I would assume none of here has the time to play every release of the year within that year.
You should get the PC version, if you don't have it already, because there is a mod that replaces all combat with Gwent.
Do another poll right now, I dare you it will not win against Dark Souls
Less than 50% of ballots had the full ten though.
He is too ashamed of Gaf to post.Still waiting for Majestad's thoughts on the results.
He is too ashamed of Gaf to post.
You're comparing DD and Divinity to very old games (that still somewhat hold up mind you), we should expect combat to evolve (I'm not gonna defend New Vegas as I was never in the group that adored that game). Persona 4's combat might not be to your liking but it achieved what it set out to do (making a turn based game) Witcher 3 rarely feels great to control, a lot of the time I felt like I was enjoying the game despite the controls. You can have a great RPG with great combat, you mention four of them in your comment and Gaf's GOTY is another, let's stop making excuses for The Witcher.
I would also take dull combat over sluggish combat any day of the week.
1. Chrono Trigger
2. Persona 4
3. Dark Souls
4. Final Fantasy VII
5. Fallout New Vegas
6. Final Fantasy VI
7. Xenoblade Chronicles
8. The Witcher III: Wild Hunt
9. Planescape: Torment
10. Baldur's Gate II
11. Persona 3
12. Earthbound
13. Mass Effect
14. Final Fantasy X
15. Final Fantasy IX
16. Undertale
17. Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
18. Divinity Original Sin
19. Nier
20. Mass Effect 2
21. Valkyria Chronicles
22(t). Demon's Souls
22(t). Fire Emblem: Awakening
24(t). Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne
24(t). Final Fantasy Tactics
26. Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal/Heart Gold/Soul Silver
27(t). Bloodborne
27(t). Suikoden II
27(t). Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
30. Deus Ex: Human Revolution
31. Dragon's Dogma
32(t). The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings
32(t). Dragon Age: Origins
34. Final Fantasy XII
35(t). Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines
35(t). Fallout 2
35(t). Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride
38. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
39. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
40. Deus Ex
41. Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King
42(t). Pokemon Red/Green/Blue/Yellow/Fire Red/Leaf Green
42(t). Mother 3
44(t). Diablo II
44(t). The World Ends With You
46. Fallout
47. Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
48. The Witcher
49. Xenogears
50. Shin Megami Tensei IV
The most common complaint I see about Bloodborne is the lack of build variety.Interesting that there are comments regarding BB being a step back from Dark Souls. Admittedly I haven't followed the discussion on BB, and I'm lttp so I haven't finished the game yet, but most everything seems better than Dark Souls...
The thing is we don't even have to compare them to old games. Let's take a look at the current list. I'd say most, if not all of the games above DD and Divinity have worse combat to varying degrees obviously. Combat is not the only factor that can make make an RPG great. Nier, New Vegas, Persona 3/4, Undertale, Mass Effect, Earthbound, Planescape, etc. are generally not well regarded because of their combat even if you personally enjoy them.
I'd say The Witcher 3 easily gets more praise for it's combat than any of those titles do. In what world does Persona 3/4 have better combat than something like SMT: Nocturne? It is hilarious how some of you are trying to rewrite history to make it seem like combat is the only thing that matters and that just because you personally don't like a combat system its the "worst" or we're making excuses. Give the hyperbole a break. Many people enjoyed the combat.
The most common complaint I see about Bloodborne is the lack of build variety.
Still waiting for Majestad's thoughts on the results.
Interesting that there are comments regarding BB being a step back from Dark Souls. Admittedly I haven't followed the discussion on BB, and I'm lttp so I haven't finished the game yet, but most everything seems better than Dark Souls...
I think it's very suspect that many people came in and voted for only 1 game, which was Bloodborne. This is like ballot stuffing, where they only vote for one game so they can be sure that no other game gets points which could potentially raise their placement
In the future if someone just lists 1 game it should only be worth 1 point IMO
I made a post in another thread that highlights the problems I have with Bloodborne. Keep in mind the tone and structure of the comment was geared towards the topic.
I don't believe everyone will agree with me on each count there, but that's how I felt anyways.
Still waiting for Majestad's thoughts on the results.
Lol he said GAF would look funny if we didn't follow the majority, Whatever that majority is. Honestly looking at TW3 GOTY list, its hard to pick reputable sites from the list.
There's multiple ways you could pad your ballot with other crap if you put arbitrary rules in.
I voted for a few and left the witcher3 out although I played it. Just didn't enjoy it enough to put in a top ten list. I enjoyed rocket league more. I guess that's very suspect lol.
Still waiting for Majestad's thoughts on the results.
That being said, Bloodborne was still my GOTY.
What does "reputable" mean in your opinion?