Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
Surprised he didn't get you porn and cigs.Seiken said:I just turned 18, 18 minutes ago!THank you big brother!
Surprised he didn't get you porn and cigs.Seiken said:I just turned 18, 18 minutes ago!THank you big brother!
Who cares about that when you've got THE BD-documentary.NameGenerated said:Surprised he didn't get you porn and cigs.
S8 RoXoRz said:![]()
Can't wait for the Lazengan Revoltech next month !_!
Gamer @ Heart said:I figuered "What the hell, ill proubably never see these again".
suikodan said:Got separated and had to sell the house and made quite some money so I decided to offer myself some stuff.
Here's the first pickup (some are from the end of May but whatever...). Parts two to four should come during the next weeks.![]()
1- Hellgate London CE: I didn't plan on buying this game at first but when I arrived at the EBGames counter and saw this, it was a no-brainer... even if I end up not playing the game.
2- Wii Remote: Needed a 2nd one
3- The World Ends with you: My surprise pickup of the month. It's really a good game.
4- Cellphone: Since I will live alone, I don't have a need for a wired phone at my place. This cell will do and even connects to a wi-fi router for better reception. It's a Nokia 6301 and I'm happy that I can customize its background image.
5- iPod Touch 16Gb: I originally wanted a iPhone but didn't want to wait until it comes out in Canada so I bought the Touch to be able to type stuff on the go. Really neat machine and hopefully, I'll date the girl in the picture.
Next week will probably bring a car, Ninja Gaiden 2, a red PSP and the HDDVD should arrive with the movies I picked up for almost nothing...
Snidely Whiplash said:Is that Gotham Knight just a novelization of all 6 stories? If so could you post some story impressions after you read it? No spoilers.(sorry for the ot)
HamPster PamPster said:Basically its the 6 stories told as one long continuous story (sort of split into two parts). The best praise I can give it is that it makes sense as a sequel to Begins. You can tell the creators sat down and said given the events in Batman Begins, what is the next logical step in the story? Also judging by what I have seen in the Dark Knight trailers it looks like it will tie in nicely there as well. A certain Gotham villain (not the Joker) is mentioned at the very end and I wonder if he/she/it will pop up in TDK. The 6 stories are told well enough as one 2 part plot that I'm still wondering how they will divided it into 6 parts.
The basic theme is Batman going from the beginner in Batman Begins to the legend in The Dark Knight and he does feel more complete at the end then he does at the beginning. I also liked how only 80% of the story features Batman. Bruce, Gordon, and a few others get their time to shine as well. Gordon is MUCH improved (in my opinion) from his Batman Begins self.
There are a few choices that I did not like but those stem from my opinion of who I want Batman to be. This clearly isnt the DCAU Batman and well.... I like the DCAU Batman!
and I thought Superman was bulletproof!
As a book it is EASILY on par with the other Batman novels I have read, Knightfall and No Mans Land. Be warned however... I have been known to enjoy a ::GASP:: John Grisham book from time to time
Such a fucking awesome game, one of my favorites.fourzerotwo said:![]()
Despite it being left off every "Indiana Jones Video Games Histroy" list that seemed to crop up since the new film, my latest addition complete in box NES version of The Young Indiana Jones chronicles.
Bleh, HG model.Kagari said:
Doc Evils said:![]()
Finally found a decent priced and in a very mint condition MGS2 substance for the PS2. Took me a while, but now my MGS collection is complete. ^_^
Defuser said:Bleh, HG model.
Keen said:Bought this in november and it finally came out <3
Apologies for shitty camera phone pics. =(
Raife said:I didn't know he had worked on anything since Night of Knives. Is this going to be just as expensive to come by or are they doing a wider release as well?
Yes Boss! said:First Pick-ups of June.
And gobs of alkalines (48) for $10 to last me till the end of 2009 for all my gaming needs:
The s**t hits the fan beginning on Wednesday with Gaiden II then MGS4 then Etrian and Tactics Advance. Gonna be a light but great month!
Wonderdog said:Dear god man, haven't you ever heard of RECHARGEABLE BATTERIES???
Nice pickup, have fun with CoD4 it's awesome online.xS1TH L0RDx said:![]()
Ninja Gaiden 2, MGS4, Lego Indy, and a new hdd for my ps3 will be coming soon.
I don't even like soccer but I love that boxart! So much so that it actually made me download the demo, but I got bored after 2 minutes. :lolToy Soldier said:![]()
Just got these today.
Wilsongt said:![]()
My first pick-ups of the month of many more to follow. My wallet am cry.
fourzerotwo said:No games in yet, being that June just started but I have snagged some cool things at the start of June I'll post up in the meantime:
GTAIV sticker pack and the MGS4 Headset and carrying case.
Kadey said:PB has blown up. Someone else has to host the banner. And gah, that means I won't be able to post new stuff for weeks.