Episode 18
Yeah no I don't believe this guy, or Yuki forgiving him so quickly. Good riddance anyway. Yuki suddenly being a knife expert was pretty laughable. The rabbit costume was legit funny and hey we're actually getting a teensy bit of backstory from Yuno (though still not nearly enough).
Episode 19
The story's breezing past so quickly. Anyway, the 11th being the Mayor was an interesting development, though it's completely wasted by this show's awful Villain of the Week format. Yuki using his Diary as a sponge for information is interesting, but still didn't explain anything about how he figured out it was the Mayor.
Yuki and Yuno being excited over how they made their appearance at the Meeting was pretty cute. And of course, the plan was actually to kill Chibi Baker instead of the Mayor all along. I felt pretty bad for all the Apprentice Holders tbqh.
Yawn. I knew the third body had to be something stupid like it being Yuno. I don't know if it's a twin, or some other dumb shenanigan, but I'll know that it'll probably be something that makes Yuno look good or justified because of how the show is inherently biased towards her.
I'm kinda curious, do umbilical cords actually work like that? Also, why the hell did you not just shoot them? Okay so Akise's coming... so what? He has nothing to do with the game. You could still have shot him and the baker and still have time for this new development.
Is going crazy really all it takes?
In this show? Yes. Minene was hyping up Yuno back in Omekata-Kyo arc. Some stupid shit about "she's a psychopath" being the reason why she'd win against Justice Guy, or some other nonsense.
And all throughout this show, Yuno and her crazy ways are always shown as the best option for Yuki (only exception being the Exchange Diary Holders).
It's kinda annoying actually.
Episode 19
Why does Minene have a squirrel?
Minene's always had a squirrel. I definitely remember her having it one of the earlier episodes, it's just she doesn't always bring it with her.