Episode 26 - FINAL
I'm surprised we're getting the normal opening for the last episode.
Why the hell does Murmur care about causing a paradox with Yuno's father but not the chaos caused by the battle? Murmur, you really don't get that the battle is causing these changes?! Oh hey, Twelfth stopped Third. The dog butler really just became a killer in the other worlds because he didn't notice his daughter visiting? I get the other changes, but why is the mayor helping the orphanage?
Haha, oh wow, I didn't expect for Deus to realize that this survival game is stupid and to try something else. Oh, I didn't consider that there would be multiple Murmurs.
So Minene and Nishijima got right down to it, huh? Though wait, if killing every participant from the second world was so important, why was Minene allowed to live? Well, the mayor and Eighth are a random pair.
Oh wow, Yuki is the worst god ever. Well that was a depressing ending for the second world. Does this OVA I've been hearing about provide a resolution? I guess I'll check. Oh wait, there's the sequel bait.
Redial OVA
A unique opening for what appears to just be one episode? This opening was pretty bad.
I was about to ask how Yuno is in the same school as the school friends, but I guess what would have been her school was destroyed. Wait, isn't the crazy toddler older than he should be? I'm surprised to see the diary holders appearing on the beach like this, including Tsubaki being in love with Akise and Twelfth being a crazy shop owner.
Deus, Mayor, did you seriously have no good ideas besides the Future Diary survival game? Minene, why are you talking about Yuno's memories like she should have memories of Yuki? Did the first Yuno replace the third Yuno after all?
Oh, so the first Murmur was actually calling to third Yuno with first Yuno's memories. Gaining the memories of an insane person seems like a very bad idea. What, third Yuno's just abandoning her world?
Uh, so, is Yuki doing to do anything with his shithole dimension? Is the third dimension still screwed? That didn't provide much more of a resolution.
Most of the OVA is comedy shenanigans in the third dimension, but during this, Yuno-3 feels like she had forgotten something. She's able to break into Deus's realm somehow, where Murmur-3 is fended off by Minene-2 and Akase-3 gives Yuno-3 a key. Yuno-3 discovers Murmur-1 locked in a cage. Murmur-1 had been calling Yuno-3 with Yuno-1's memories, and Yuno-3 decides to accept those memories. Due to these memories, she realizes that she needs to go see Yuki-2 and, presumably thanks to Deus, is able to go to the second dimension to see Yuki-2. We don't get a resolution to what happens in the second dimension after that, and despite all the talks about how Deus-3 still needs to find a replacement, we don't learn what happens to dimension 3.
Series thoughts
This was a dumb, dumb, series, but there were definitely points where it caught my attention, mainly to see where this ride would go. I wouldn't be opposed to watching this again if it shows up on Toonami, but I probably won't otherwise. The high point was definitely the music.