It's placing "elements" in a pre-set world. The "elements" is what I don't like the sound of. Level design should be whole, natural, a body. Saying there are X many shrines for example, tells me that shrines are a system. That doesn't imply that there is an organically progressive approach from the player with ebb and flow, it implies a field with some check marks to complete.
You could say the same things about dungeons (field, dungeon, field, dungeon, repeat, repeat, end boss). When there are only a few dungeons though, it's a little easier to mask. Really dungeons should be done away with, along with the concept of the player ever thinking "okay, I'm in this phase of the game now, and after this I'll be in that phase of the game."
Again, I'm just projecting my own experience with other games onto this game I haven't played yet. I'm completely open to experiencing the vision the creators have for the game without thinking it has to comply to any rule set of game design, but I'm also wary based on what I've seen.